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Passive Aggressive Coach

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Everything posted by Passive Aggressive Coach

  1. I actually expected a dump into the 50s before back up but it is bullish.
  2. Was that the tech that allowed mobile device mining? If so, I remember that and always thought it is interesting.
  3. I'm in it hit my retracement target. Wish me luck! Also, SHIB, FTM, SOL are going to make me some BTC. Those damn coins have all at least 1x'd for me in a few weeks. Get on the train. Choo Choo! 🚂
  4. Fib extension is great. Primed for breakout above 55. Normally, I would wait for a correction off that retest of levels but these alts have been so bullish they have been ripping past them.
  5. I think it's safe to say it may have had a slightly opposite effect. I woke up this morning check my portfolio. Biggest gainer ahead of my FTM at 25%. 🚀
  6. Yes, right now I am not necessarily buying off of TA and at good levels. I am looking at trend at hot newer projects. It's a gamble but I believe the newer ones will pump much more especially if they are in price discovery beyond ATH's.
  7. I am reading all sorts of rumors about this right now on Twitter. Could be bullshit.
  8. It is a competitor and I think the upside potential is more to pump. $469B market cap vs $65B market cap. Hopefully, this can help you understand. https://blog.accubits.com/solana-vs-ethereum-which-is-better/
  9. naw. it is fine. wait until it gets listed onto Robinhood.
  10. Except for my BTC ledger wallet I won't touch. It's my lockbox account I started back in 2017. I only add to it my 2nd largest holding is also SOL. Dumped 80% of my ETH 1.5 weeks ago and switched to SOL. I had probably 10% SOL in my shitcoin portfolio but now it's fucking 50%. It's a high risk move but I think it has more upside potential short and medium term than ETH. Other holdings in no order. CRV, FTM, SHIB, UNI, ETH. I have been already taking some profits off on a few of these and convert to BTC. I'm hoping for a huge alt run but won't be caught with my pants down.
  11. Nailed it. Juicy as hell and great smoke. The Cadillac of BBQ.
  12. 6 hours in... At 180. Bark getting there.
  13. OK, and off we go. Put these on 2.5 hrs ago. Meat Church Holy Cow rub. I wanted to see the temp difference between 2 different sides of the grill. Only 10 degree difference. Oak chunks and B&B briquettes is the smoke today.
  14. I agree. I have a buddy with one. He was like this thing would be awesome if it was connected to a traditional smoker and didnt have all these issues with the charcoal trap. he described huge chucks of charcoal falling into the trap because the grates werent designed right. Plus, the MB doesnt look like a traditional smoker., This Char-Griller does. doubled walled and keeps temps smooth across the entire grate, The exhaust manifold is the they key, Char Griller took a guy like me with an EE and designed this manifold almost perfect. Since I am an engineer i made another mod but almost perfect. LOL
  15. it still cuts. now i gotta blow out the dust because i dont have a bench.
  16. Soon. 8am tomorrow it goes on the 980. Had all this oak splits from my offset I sold for this. Circular saw into chunks for the 980. Can't wait for my 1st beef rib smoke on this. B&B oak briquettes mixed in. Set for 250.
  17. Maybe we should start a Celebrity murder pool? Alec probably would've been a favorite and someone could've really made some $.
  18. I think that's exactly right. It's not like the dealer they bought from even knows. That happens way up the chain but it does make it much more addictive. I don't think they want to kill them but to the cartels it's a net gain. Can you imagine how many die just making it?
  19. thats funny but may just work.
  20. You're right that could be anything. Step 2 though is most difficult.
  21. Make sure to take pics today. We are all counting on you.
  22. that wont get the big donors from the club into those seats.
  23. No big deal. I do know the difference. I'm posting on a whim on a message board and not proof reading.
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