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Passive Aggressive Coach

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Everything posted by Passive Aggressive Coach

  1. Seems normal. I mean who doesnt like a longer random period? You're protected after all. No reason for concern. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/06/health/covid-vaccine-menstrual-cycles.html
  2. I have the cron. 75% of my daughter's class this week is out. the last 2 days headache, sneezed for a half a day. Did not get tested. Head is kinda hurting like the 1st round which was brutal. So mild. Can we wrap up this disease? I am dirty unvaxxed but natural immunity. I got banned by a psycho lady for saying natural immunity is as a good as vax. then she got the covid with 3 shots. I was right all along.
  3. LOL OK. Now enforce that? @PenelopeWitherspoon wouldn't even be here then. She spent 2 days negging 100s of my posts from CR to Football to get me banned. Nothing from you.
  4. Sorry, I smoked a tri tip as an experiment and then did a reverse sear which was too juicy after resting for some. Y'all suck. Why would I ever post anything again about my smokes or cooks? Surly wins. I won't and y'all will say good riddance. I have had some great posts here on my smokes and cooks too. Off to post my brisket enchiladas on a real food site.
  5. He is an OG CR. He isn't Penelope level but anything I post he hates. It's a great food board infected by parasites.
  6. Now I'm going to brag more because still on topic.This kid beat covid. He was vaxed. And his best sport is baseball. Look at this wood bat bomb he hit this summer over the scoreboard as a 15 YO at PG WWBA National Championships as 2024. Fences were 330 and 400 to center. His recruit vid. He made this on his cell phone. Despite covid and bad vax experience. No mask worn. 🤣
  7. I'll say my experience with my 16 YO. I said this before but I got banned for saying this. My 16 yo son didn't want to have to spend time out if his soph yr as a starter DE (brag) as a player on his HS team in case covid happened. History: he had covid in the fall before the vax in 2020. I fact, he still doesn't smell skunks. Weird covid things a yr later. My gut was you don't need this vax you had it. He begged me. So last late Aug I took him to get his 1st vax on a Sunday. 1 day later. I get a call from the school from the nurse. Your son is complaining he doesn't feel well and I took his HR and it is 120. I went and picked him up. I just thought it was from the vax and not feeling well. That entire night he was like dad I'm light headed and my heart is going crazy. So we miss the next day of school because I'm freaked out. Go to urgent care. My super athlete goes from 65 to 140 to 100 to 90 to 80 over and over. Doc said I wouldn't recommend another vax for him his body probably thinks it is infected again and is having a robust response. So we are done with the vax. We all had it and my oldest had the vax and had a horrible reaction. I know this is not the reason not to get the vax but if you've had it already especially if young I don't see the point.
  8. No it's not. That shit I cooked was rested right and cooked perfect. You think I smoke a 3lbs tri tip. Take it off at 120 on the dot and then turn the grill up to 650 to reverse sear then to only cut it open right after I get it out? Do I sound like a guy that would do that with all that detail? Or did I let it sit for 20 mins? How would you take it? Fuck that troll. I'm one of the best cooks on this board. Let me see that troll's work...
  9. Really? Rested for 20 mins. It was that juicy. Fuck off troll. Deal with me being a good smoker, griller and cook. Sorry for the small dick.
  10. Hey asshole, I did it 220 smoke for 1.5 hrs tonight with oak until 120 then reversed seared. Meat Church Holy Cow rub and Wagyu tallow binder. You good with this? BTW I've already posted pics of me doing the same thing before. This shit could've been served at Eddie V's if they had Tri-tip.
  11. I will confirm this unfortunate trend. If my son didn't go to private school that bastard would have one. I'd say 50% of his summer ball team sported a mullet last summer. I had a mullet back in the day and it was maybe the worst look ever. How it came back is beyond me.
  12. I'm a 5th generation Texan.
  13. delete moron non smoker.
  14. Because I've done it 3 ways like your wife. Also, because experiment and it was awesome. Did you see my other reverse sears on a tri tip?
  15. OK, so I love Tri-tip. Reverse sear is the way to do it. Today I treated it like a brisket. 3lbs Tri-tip smoke until roughly 178 and wrapped. I was worried about it drying out so spritzed every 45 mins with apple cidar vinegar mix. Let rest for 1 hr. Fucking awesome. Tasted just like brisket. So great. Took me 8 hrs. Like smoking just the flat. 🤘
  16. That's weird. How about this? Biological males and biological females only compete vs their biology. You know the way it has always been.
  17. Panhandle 4 was fun. After a TX W. Funny part was her trying to get back home. I bet that Hastings parking lot is still there but exotic with Chipotle and Starbucks. She told me she was married too. I wouldnt of done it but she told me after. Panhandle 4's when you're hammered and she is aggressive af almost anyone would do it. I was 26 and she was I guess 35-40. Great times in Lubbock.
  18. I fucked I panhandle 4 once after a Horns W in a RV in a Hastings parking lot.
  19. We still have issues returning serves and setting. Why did it take so long to adjust? Nebraska is GOOD. But Let's Go!
  20. Suicide averted! Hook Em!
  21. My daughter is about to kill herself.
  22. They're better.
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