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Passive Aggressive Coach

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Everything posted by Passive Aggressive Coach

  1. Looks like the standard people yelling nazi a lot so I am going with everyday CR nonsense.
  2. So the pic is fake?
  3. That doesn't make sense?
  4. Nazi! Did I do it right? Can I be part of the club now?
  5. How about these bas boys today? Chargriller 980 smoke em grill em.
  6. Although it still earned a an obligatory @PenelopeWitherspoon flip off for some reason. I think the "unstable" person is amongst you. The call is coming from inside the HOUSE!
  7. I am still holding unless 53K breaks then all in tether again. 53 is the key. I thought we bottomed out. NOPE.
  8. I also watch this crypto fear greed index as a macro indicator. We were for a few mos way into greed. We needed to get to fear although I would like this even lower. This is normally a good sign of when to get into the market. https://alternative.me/crypto/fear-and-greed-index/
  9. I'm back! I know y'all missed me. lul. OK, I went into full tether in my trading acct (not my ledger hidden in a top secret location) at 65K when BTC couldn't keep previous ATH. Then I went 75% back in 48 hrs ago. Portfolio on Kucoin up 15% in 2 days. We broke the downtrend as you can see and if we can break 63K WATCH OUT! Coins I bought in last 2 days and BTC chart with key level we must break before takeoff.
  10. B&B is the best I've ever cooked with. Burns super clean and lasts the longest. Good choice. I assume at 9.99/bag that's just some cheap OEM charcoal. Not like Aaron bought a charcoal business. I would've tried it too.
  11. Well, it wasn't. Cell phone pic did it no justice. JAF. Thanks for the commentary though.
  12. He seems totally stable and not scary at all.
  13. I have had it a few weeks now. What a game changer. Installed CO Detector. It has never registered anything. Stays at 0. Heats up a 3 car garage in 5 mins. LOVE it.
  14. Don't bother. I've made life changing wealth in crypto. They'll never understand it so they fear it. BTW name checks out.
  15. What did I blame on illegal immigration other than taking jobs away from citizens and legal residents? It's real thing my friend. Why are you OK with illegal aliens taking jobs and deflating wages? A simple understanding of basic economics and the LAW would have you understanding this at a higher level.
  16. I just told you illegal aliens are not really a thing YET where I live so who would I turn in?
  17. Such a ridiculous comment. I live in an area country where there is almost no illegal aliens working in the local workforce. Citizens/green card holders are doing all the jobs. I always laugh when I hear the "illegal immigrants are only doing the jobs Americans won't do" argument. That is what you're referring too. That is definitely not the case where I live and it would be that way everywhere if there wasn't cheap illegal labor for employers to take advantage of. I will agree with a post above mentioning more needs to be done to crack down on business owners who employ undocumented workers. Illegal immigration policy needs to be 2 pronged. Much tighter border enforcement and strong enforcement on employers for violations.
  18. Crushed it. Best brisket I've ever cooked. I love this smoker. I'd seriously would throw this up against any of the best brisket out there. I've had it all. Not so humble brag.
  19. I don't need it really yet but it came today. Fired it up during my brisket smoke and football on. Toasty.
  20. I do what Meat Church does and has always worked out.
  21. Wrapped up with butcher paper and foil boat method. Best of both worlds just like my gravity feed charcoal/wood chunk smoker.
  22. Brisket for dinner on Thursday? Why not? Put it on a hour ago. Trimmed it last night. Fired up the gravity fed char-griller 980 with B&B and oak chunks this morning and set to 240. Then rubbed with Meat Church Holy Cow which I'm excited to try since I've always been just salt/pepper. I'll check on it every couple hrs to spritz. Should be done by dinner.
  23. He shot a white guy yelling the N bomb over and over. That sounds like a bad white-nationalist.
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