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Everything posted by LonghornedD

  1. 2,1,4,3,5 All CS 10's
  2. Who doesn't carry $2k in folding money?
  3. I see what you did there.. Underappreciated reply
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong.. Shouldn't this be the 2024 CFP..
  5. Typical.. No place I'd rather be. Put it on the wall!
  6. Residing in San Antonio, I had the pleasure of roaming the sidelines for this one. For a game featuring OU and a PAC12/Future B12 opponent, there was an oddly excessive amount of "Horns Down" gestures throughout the evening.
  7. Seven days a week, and twice on Sunday
  8. Odds the Undertaker shows up?
  9. https://www.espn.com/wwe/story/_/id/38997541/wrestler-cm-punk-return-helps-wwe-crush-social-media-record As if the Mickey Mouse championship belt for the MVP wasn't enough, the conference is going to sell WWE Merch and have signage all over JerryWorld to put the cherry on top of this Banana Republic title game. Screw this conference.
  10. My first trip to JerryWorld. Checking in from section 343. Excited is an understatement. Is it Saturday?? TEXAS!!
  11. 5,-,1,4,9,7,6,2,8,3,-
  12. Here for this.. Research Purposes
  13. Shit, Case McCoy owns A&M
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