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Longboard Horn

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Longboard Horn last won the day on December 29 2023

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  1. Yes on home game days we would be in the locker room and they would take attendance. However, they never did that for away games which I never understood. It was the most ridiculous shit ever.
  2. Good play stickers were for varsity only. The coaches at my school were shitheads freshman year who only played the same 15 kids both ways having just them rotate while me and 30 other guys never(or rarely) got to play. Since they didn't take attendance for away games, we would all go home instead since we knew weren't gonna get to play. I gave the middle finger to the football program and joined the wrestling team instead. Best decision I ever made.
  3. Remember it's the PRO football HOF. Tell that 0 SBs to the guys who got in from the CFL
  4. Don't give a shit about either team, but hoping Philly wins. Tired of Mahomes and Kelce and especially Taylor Swift....
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