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Longboard Horn

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Everything posted by Longboard Horn

  1. Harold Phillip scoring on a 2 yard run in the third quarter of the ‘64 Cotton Bowl, securing the 1963 natty.
  2. Is anyone else going to do the death penalty challenge? Basically you keep your punter and kicker and set everybody else on your team as a kicker or punter and cut them from the team because it will auto fill with freshman walk ons. Then be prepared for the most frustrating rebuild of all time. a lot of people I know used to do that on the old game.
  3. Tom is gone dude. He went to Fox a few years ago to Big Noon Kickoff, the better program.
  4. If you're in the Houston area, Galena Park North Shore is fun to follow. They're a powerhouse!
  5. RBs are auto subbed. Like if Baxter has a lot of wear and tear and has run a lot, Blue comes into the game for a few plays.
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