You can be both.
I love the trilogy and the Star Wars universe. Sometimes SW stuff is really done well and it's enjoyable. The entire KOTOR game franchise, the Clone Wars, Timothy Zahn's books, and I really enjoyed Solo and Rogue One. Sometimes it's not done well, and it's nothing but frustrating. I compare it to reading Stephen King novels from the late 90s and early 00s. You recognize the universe and the style, but the genius isn't in it. There's a few gems but it's mostly fluff.
The main saga movies 1-3 and 7-8 have gone from bad to worse. I'm not a film nerd so roll with me if my terminology isn't on point.
It started with George Lucas jimmying with the OT and adding terrible CG to every scene (Han walking on Jabba's tail, Greedo shooting first, random animals everywhere) was the first sign things were going off the rails. It was an indicator that Lucas was getting away from story and characters and focusing on all the movie elements that only matter when the story is good. There are lots of great movies that hold up because of a compelling story or character even when the details aren't great. Vanishing Point. Clerks. Repo Man. Anything by the Coens.
The prequels had a decent plot but the execution was awful. The acting was poor. The characters weren't compelling. It dragged on. It was difficult to follow at times. The CG and green screen and single camera setup limited the impact of the action scenes and kind of neutered the whole movie.
One of my favorite scenes in all of Star Wars is the escape from Echo Base. Han is trying to get Leia out while the base is falling down around them and Imperial troopers are on their tail, and the entire time they are having a sharp, witty dialogue that shows their strong personalities and underlying affection for each other. You instantly like them and want them to be together. And you care what happens to them! Then the Falcon won't start. It's one of the greatest scenes in any movie. It's frantic, funny, and well executed.
Is there anything like that in any recent SW movie? (no)
The most recent films suffer from the same problems.
Disney analyzed the prequels and surmised that the biggest problems were the over-reliance on CG and the long-winded discussions about politics. Which was true.
But they overlooked the need for compelling story and characters. TFA wasn't bad. It was the movie equivalent of a meatball pitch right down the middle, mediocre in almost every way. I don't believe Rey/Finn/Poe are as likable as Luke/Leia/Han, but that's me. TLJ, however, is an abomination of a movie. The story is bad. The characters aren't compelling - except for Kylo Ren who is so misused by this franchise that it's criminal. It doesn't matter how well done the rest of the details are. Story and characters are what people love, and TLJ laid an egg.