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Everything posted by Spudnuts

  1. It's like watching Jeopardy.
  2. Is Dabo letting that finger dry?
  3. Awhh.....isn't that precious. Expect this kinda butthurt BS from goons for several years to come.
  4. I'll allow it.
  5. Don't mind Vic, His gooner world is collapsing all around him and this is all he knows. That and cornholing the old fashion way before plywood. But do ask him about his fire sale of Lincoln Riley porn mags.
  6. You sucked his dick, didn't you?
  7. Well, Stoops is obviously pussy whipped.
  8. Bob Stoops doesn't put onions in his compost.
  9. OU going down was the cake. Riley duping ou and LSU was the icing.
  10. Didn't your mother teach you NOT to CHEW ON DICKS?! No wonder your father left. Too cruel?!
  11. That's what I was thinking, so I've got a bet with my entire carpool for a box of day old donuts and glow in the dark condoms (not in the same box) that the Horns will prove everyone wrong and lose it's 7th in a row just to be apart of the record books.
  12. It's just like the one on the Thames River in London. But different.
  13. You haven't even sniffed a hump in years. The UT recruiting is always in the Top 15 yet you can't seem to coach them up. Gundy scores around the 30s for recruiting, but he gets kids that are hungry, are coachable and aren't assholes for the most part. We get them in better condition physically and mentally. Still, we have to contend with ou's incredibly more talented players year after year and our record (like most in the Big 12) sucks against them. The UT problem is it's like that hot girl in high school that is in her 30s, has had 5 kids and still thinks she's HS hot and doesn't need to work out.
  14. I'm no expert, but I think holding an open bar at halftime is probably not in the best interest of the players or coaches.
  15. Perhaps they're not getting a good 8 hours of sleep.
  16. I'm not dealing with this right now. UT has great recruiting, facilities, academics, hot chicks and brisket. How does this shit happen? How does this happen with hot chicks and brisket? It's that fucking Biden fucking things up again.
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