I think of those days every time I hear that song playing. Uncle Louie was full-blood Choctaw standing about 6' 8" and rarely adorned with a shirt. My ma died when I was around 2 years old. The old man got remarried and took his new wife, my brother and 6 year old me up to Lake Texhoma to stay for the weekend and turn her new in-laws aloose on her.
Upon arrival, Uncle Louie staggered out of the front door and off the front stoop to greet us. He was so friggin' huge his presence blotted out the sun and it went dark outside. He mussed my brother's hair up and drew a static charge off my buzz haircut. He then turned to my dad and bellowed "Jim, good to see you have the sense to find you a new squaw to take care of the little Injuns!" while he slapped my new mom on the back and thoroughly knocking the air out of her lungs.
She had no clue what she was in for as my dad never showed her the fine print prior to their wedding.