Schaefer concerning Gaston yesterday:
"She saw a specialist yesterday and obviously not near as bad as the last time, I mean, she’s already walking on it. The first time she was on crutches the first two or three weeks, before she could even start walking. She feels like it’s not near as bad as the first time, I think the doctor is cautiously optimistic, but being a good doctor, he’s being careful with her but, she’s chomping at the bit, to try and get back, and you love that about her, you love that about any athlete. So, I think we’ll get through the week and give that thing a chance to calm down, and kind of see where we are next week, and kind of go from there. I think it’s fair to say she’s out this weekend, it’ll be a constant thing of reevaluating. I don’t think it’s fair to give you a time frame, because I think the kid’s got her own time frame in her head. I think if she can do it, I think the doctor’s open to whatever she feels comfortable with."
Sounds like good news to me.