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  1. Lead me and I’ll follow.
  2. My only regret is @bad_teammate never took the cue to come on stage left and dominate all you morons. Except mchookem, she’s smart and cool. Well, that and the boneitis.
  3. This has been a spicy 24 hours.
  4. I’m gnashing my teeth. Burst at the seems. Doing everything I can to draw back in @bad_teammatefrom talking about stupid football things and getting back to being the amazing poster in CR. I’m crying out for attention. This is me posting like someone who said they’ve eaten a whole bottle of aspirins but really didn’t.
  5. Wow never thought Jimmy would say it, but nice “make America great again” statement. Good for you, little man.
  6. Unlike y’all, and even me, this formermav guy is the best among us. He’s a pure heart and leave him alone!
  7. I think NOT thinking that was hilarious was not showing a hint of awareness. So, I guess we will have to disagree to agree that you are a humorless loser.
  8. Wait you think he was a refugee at the time of birth? Do you know what the word “refugee” means? That’s a serious question.
  9. Haha you could legitimately compete in a woman’s heat and cause zero controversy because you are such a big vagina. Everyone would just nod our heads in unison with a, “yea, naturally!”
  10. Um….okay. Winning this metaphor obviously means a lot to you so I’ll concede that yours is more accurate. See what I did there? Humility.
  11. @cactusflinthead welcome to the party you pathetic loser. Would you like to pair negging everything in sight with a very stupid opinion as well tonight or just gonna stick with your usual, comfortable preternatural state of cowardice?
  12. Actually the Catholics are more like modern day Sadducees Evangelicals are more like the Zealots (Sikarim).
  13. The Catholic leaders. The pope. The bishops, etc.
  14. Sure Jan, George Glass you say. The only cult I would want to belong to is above the fray of mewling bitter liberals like you and stupid mouthbreathing MAGAs, but Lobo keeps rejecting my application with a form letter.
  15. Thanks for inquiring about my statuses, I love mentioning them! I’m Executive Platinum with AA and a Lifetime Titanium status with Bonvoy by way of SPG. I’ve been to Western Europe many, many times, the Middle East a couple of times (Oman once and every other time Dubai), and Asia once. I was also in Canada once a month for a year pre-Covid. Everywhere I’ve ever gone people have loved me and respected America. Because we are exceptional. You can be anything you want in America. You can even be a billionaire in America and have it not matter that people on the internet don’t like it and spend hours of their time creating fiscal and tax and social policies that are outlandish for the amusement or like-minded internet friends. You can even have opinions like goofy and bull neck that we would be second-hand embarrassed for if we heard the mentally ill drunk at the bar railing about. America!
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