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UT Lawnghorn

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Everything posted by UT Lawnghorn

  1. Yeah, the Moore comparison was a terrible pick. They’re in no way similar.
  2. Lulz. Omenihu and Hager each had 4. That’s nothing to write home about. Hager actually had 6 the year before when he got 2nd team all big 12 under strong. Giles seems to do a good job coaching DL but he’s not some miracle worker with unparalleled development acumen.
  3. None of those guys have yet been massive producers. I’m high on their chances to have good years, but you’re getting pretty ahead of yourself at this point.
  4. Probably twice as much as you would otherwise.
  5. Lulz. Thanks for responding to the non-existent Fire Giles crowd. We’ve been saying Tom needs to be quicker to realize his staff’s weaknesses and address them. In this case, it’s have good recruiters help giles out and probaby can one or both of Mehrhime to get a co-DL coach that can recruit lights out. I haven’t seen a single person calling to fire Giles. Dude can coach DL, which is critical but you have to recruit at a high level on the DL.
  6. All he has to do is land some targets...
  7. Lulz. Do you really want to be making this argument when a guy who was our top DL target for the entire class is committed to A&M? Herman shouldn’t wait until the guy is already committed elsewhere to get another coach involved, and Carrington, while great, can only do so much without being able to visit.
  8. https://media.giphy.com/media/rVVFWyTINqG7C/source.gif
  9. First off, I wasn't a fan of the Beck before last season, and I liked the Orlando hire before last season, so you can throw out your whole "last year" spiel. I never said Orlando is on an upward trajectory. I think he's shown himself to be a good DC over the last 3 years (that's really all I've watched of him, so I can't comment on Utah State and prior). I thought Orlando was a good DC based on watching UH play. Yeah, he has bad games but so does just about every DC. I do expect our defense to regress this year due to loss of experienced talent. I thought Beck was a bad OC based on watching Nebraska and tOSU. Sure, Beck had great numbers at tOSU but those offenses were stacked, they blew out shitty teams and then struggled against good teams, in part due to poor coaching and play calling. Beck did the same shit at UT last year that he's done at other stops. There was no evolution in him last year and there are no signs that he will magically evolve into a good OC this year. His use of personnel and play calling don't indicate that he does a good job running an offense. I never expected Herman to fire Beck in the offseason, but that doesn't mean the Beck hire wasn't a mistake and isn't still a mistake. I get why Herman wouldn't want to fire his OC after one year, but we'll likely still pay for a bad OC hire out the gate two years in a row. If that sounds better to you, then fire the OC after Year 1, then that's fine. I get it. You're a coach and you think fans are too quick to call for firing the coach. I'm not usually leading the mob to fire coaches, but Beck, Warehime, and Mehringer have shown themselves to be poor coaches. The latter two had no business getting this type of job in teh first place and while Beck had experience at big schools, his job there wasn't impressive. Anyways, I'm done with this conversation. Have a good Friday folks.
  10. WTF are you talking about? This has nothing to do with my predispositions. At the start of the recruiting cycle, the staff prioritized Brown, Wright, Coburn and Ossai as in-state targets. All the evidence shows this. The staff's visits, tweets, offers, etc. Not to mention it was corroborated by 9.95ers, including reliable ones like TFB, CTJ and others. This has nothing to do with my predispositions. I don't even know what you are assuming my predisposition is in your comment. Saying the truth is in the middle is a weak cop out by someone who has no idea about the situation. There's no truth in the middle. Those were the staff's priority targets for in-state DL. The staff was going to miss out on 3 out of 4 of those until Sumlin was clearly going to be fired. Fast forward to this year and we are very likely to miss out on 3 out of 4 of the best DL in state this year.
  11. Perkins, Brown, and Wright. I'm fine with not landing the last two, but they were absolutely priority targets at the start of the cycle. I'd also add that Ossai was a top target we missed on until Sumlin's incompetence saved the day. Coburn is the only guy you could say was a top target from the start that we landed, and the Meekins-Westfield connection did most of the leg work there.
  12. That's exactly what I said. Also, the most obvious option is to use the 10th assistant spot on a second DL coach who can recruit, rather htan wasting 3 spots to coach TEs and WRs. Keeping the dead weight of Mehringer and Warehime is absolutely affecting this team and the "consistency" argument is a joke. They both had their jobs changed over the offseason.
  13. Great is taking it pretty far. The reality is we missed out on a lot of our top targets and were able to salvage a good class late. A guy like Ojomo won't pop up with two months to go every year. Carson and Williams are projects. We don't get Ossai if there's no coaching change, and we were fortunate Coburn went to Westfield. We scraped together a DL class but that kind of thing isn't sustainable. We've missed out on our top target already this year. Stripling is likely not coming here. I expect us to get Nana, but it's hard to say the reason we get him is because of Giles. A better recruiting effort probably means Nana is already a sure thing. Mowry is already committed to aggy. That's the top 4 DL in the state. 3 are close to guarantees not to come here and the fourth is still up in the air. Now, I see us offering OOS 3 stars. This is not the optimal way to handle DL recruiting every year. Herman needs to recognize this and address it. So far, he has not.
  14. 1. I haven't seen a single person say they think he should be fired or that he's a bad coach. 2. Pellini's not a good coach, but he did go 9-4, 10-4, 10-4 in his first three years. I doubt Herman will have 29 wins by the end of his first three years. Again, I didn't say Giles should be fired. He can absolutely coach and that has value, but he needs help recruiting and Herman's not doing enough at this point to help him. IT's been covered endlessly in shaggy recruiting threads that Giles wasn't the main reason we recruited well on the DL last year. Giles's weakness is that he's not a good recruiter, and Herman needs to identify that weakness and shore up the problem.
  15. It's true. I'm sure he's never seen this before (no idea where the munchkins came from lulz)
  16. Of course we'll see improvement due to better personnel, but this offense could improve a decent bit and still be really bad. No one doubts there were personnel issues last year, but the staff did nothing to help with that. They ran 11 personnel without a decent TE all year. Beck called plays that everyone knows we couldn't execute over and over, and while there were limited plays we could execute, there were some. But instead of sticking to stuff our offense could run, Beck called for plays over and over everyone know we couldn't, like expecting Garret Grey to block a TE or Tristan Nickelson to be able to block outside zone. The reality is Beck has underperformed everywhere he's been as an OC and he did the same last year. There's not reason to expect he quits doing that now. There's no reason this year has to be make or break for him. It's been break for Beck for many years now. Beck will always hold this team back, regardless of whether our personnel improves. There's plenty of evidence to make that conclusion. One more year isn't necessary. It's cool that he's recruited well, but when you're talking about a coordinator, coaching trumps recruiting every time.
  17. Yup. Changing those coaches would have had 0 effect on our recruiting.
  18. What are you talking about? Were' saying Herman should have hired new coaches after last seaso, after last year's early signing period. Do you honestly think getting rid of Mehringer, Warehime, or Beck would have resulted in us losing a single recruit? Hell, I doubt a single recruit even would've been all that upset. Herman demoted Warehime and not a single OL recruit complained.They were excited that they now get a better OL coach to coach them. This idea that the players we signed would've been up in arms about losing their position coach is counter to the evidence we actually have, which is that none of the OL recruits we signed have complained at all.
  19. None of the OL cared that they got a new OL coach. I can promise you the WRs wouldn't give a shit. Mehringer/Beck's god awful rotation of WRs is more harmful than changing position coaches. Beck was a terrible hire when it happened, and he's still a bad OC. He's likely going to get let go at hte end of the year, so why leave a bad coach in place? I don't usually advocate for change, but when the coach has been poor everywhere he's gone and he was poor for your team last year, what evidence do you have to expect a better result this year?
  20. lulz. Our problems with offense weren't just OL coaching. Those problems will still persist. There wouldn't be that much harm. Herman's style of O would still be here and many of the core coaching concepts would remain, they would just be taught better. Changing an OC is harmful when you have a coach without an offensive system, like Mack and Charlie. When the HC dictates the offensive system, an OC change isn't that harmful. The WRs, TEs, and OL all are getting a different position coach this year, so the "change" in coaching that you keep referring to is already happening.
  21. If y'all can't realize that more than half our offensive staff is bad at coaching football, then I can't help you.
  22. Giles’ recruiting deficiencies are about to hurt us two years in row at one of the. Most important positions on the team. Herman should know Giles can’t recruit and he’s done nothing to mitigate that. I'm not saying we should fire Giles, but you have to plan for how to make up for his recruiting deficiencies. Herman has not. having consistently bad coaching does nothing for a team. Go watch the spring game. This offense is poorly coached. No two ways about it. The OL sucked but our entire offensive staff did nothing to mitigate weaknesses, but instead ran the scheme they wanted even though we couldn’t execute it. They lined up Garrett fuvking Grey at in line TE the entire game against Maryland, and he kille at least 4 Rice’s by himself. Leaving that kind of coaching on the team doesn’t help anyone. Hiring Hand was good but it's not going to fix the rest of the shit on offense. Our offense will still suffer this year due to poor coaching.
  23. The lethargy (read: arrogance) that Herman has approached staff deficiencies with is certainly disturbing and makes me think that his narcissism/stubbornness are going to cause him to be way too slow to fix mistakes. Beck hire sucked when it was made, it still sucks one year after, and it's going to suck two years after, as well. We'll likely win 2-3 less games this year than we otherwise could with an above average OC. Herman can't afford that kind of setback, yet he's walking right into it with confidence.
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