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UT Lawnghorn

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Everything posted by UT Lawnghorn

  1. Agree with everything above. IMO, the first base side, lower section is the best spot. You have a great view of the field but can also see the bay and get that bay breeze coming in during the game. Definitely bring a coat because it will get very cold if it's a night game. Also agree that you should get to the stadium very early and walk around during BP. If you're lucky, MadBum will decide to take BP that day. I remember a few years back, I went on a day where he wasnt pitching and he decided to take BP. He was bombing the ball to all parts of the field and even hit one in the water. That dude is an absolute freak. Would also recommend grabbing some garlic fries while you're at the game.
  2. This is what makes the draft so fun. I would have Allen ranked as the lowest of the five available QBs. Lulz. Dude has no accuracy and wasn’t all that great at Wyoming. Accuracy doesn’t improve usually and if he can’t perform at a high level for Wyoming, why will he be expected to do well at the NFL Level? If I’m taking a small school QB, I want him to dominat at a lower level, like Wentz. To me, he’s the classic overrated QB prospect, he’s tall with a huge arm and decent mobility, but he’s not accurate and has shown no acumen for reading a defense. It seems like a huge stretch to assume those two factors, high are the most important for an NFL QB, will improve drastically once he gets to the NFL.
  3. The Giants bats have woken up some. They're 3-1 in their last 4 game with a +10 run differential over that span. Mac Williamson has been great since he was called up. Hopefully, this isn't a two-week mirage and he can keep up good hitting and solid defense. It would be huge if he could lock down a corner OF spot for this team for the rest of the year. Chris Stratton has been incredible to start the year and his success looks pretty sustainable. His WHIP is .94. Cueto's been pitching great. If we combine that with MadBum and Shark coming back, we could have a pretty formidable starting rotation. The bullpen is still a bit of a weakness, but Tony Watson has been great and Will Smith should be returning soon. Who knows what's giong on with Melancon.
  4. It's really not though. utfan87 and punctuation are more like mortal enemies than friends. At a bare minimum, they're certainly not on speaking writing terms.
  5. This thread is about get Duke’d so hard.
  6. Lulz. I hope you mean as Sam and Shane their FR years. Rising and Thompson were playing with the same OL as Sam and Shane except they were going up against third string defense with a bunch of walk ons. They would have looked much, much worse if they faced the same defenses as the top two guys. Rising was more raw coming out of HS than Sam or Shane. He’s not going to be ready to play this year, nor should he.
  7. He tore his ACL in the second game last year so, assuming it was just an ACL and not worse, that should be plenty of time for him to come back 100%. Nowadays most RBs can get back to 100% by the next season. Regarding his skill, I doubt he starts over Young, but I think he could absolutely be the first RB off the bench, whether he becomes more of a thrid down back specialist or a general backup. He seems a little less explosive than Carter but probably provides more reliability vis a vis blocking and not fumbling.
  8. Just wait til Hudson the Great throws for 10,000 yards, 4,000 of which will go to Wilson next year. Then, Wilson will care where Card commits.
  9. Lulz. C'mon man. E-Rod is a JAG at best. He got killed against Mizzou and he would not have held up much better against Maryland. Losing Beck was somewhat of a blow alhtough h'es not on the OL but regardless, Herman's comments about best OL besides tOSU 2014 were clearly either complete bullshit or he truly has no idea how to evaluate the skill of his own teams.
  10. I could not disagree more.Texas' offense only scored 20 points and 7 of those were in garbage time. The OL played like shit. Our offense gave up 5 sacks and 8 TFLs. Plus they had 2 turnovers. It was a horrible offensive performance, especially considering Maryland finished 85th in defensive S&P+ for the season.
  11. Uhhh we saw them for the first two and a half games and they looked god awful against the P5 teams they played.
  12. From watching Stripling's tape, he's really freaking good and might be underrated at #110. Regardless, if you're going on Rankings, Leal is 79 natinoally and Stripling is 110; that's not much of a difference. My point is if you're saying Leal is hard to replace, then Stripling should be in that same category. I'm not sure what your expectations are, but if you think the staff can just go OOS and find a DL in the top 100, then you're likely in for disappointment unless we win a ton this year. We'll likely get Nana in the class this year, which is big, but the other DL we take are not likely to be in the same tier as Stripling.
  13. Vahe has never been above average. He blocks extremely well when he pulls, he's generally a pretty good run blocker, but he's horrible in pass pro. He gets killed when asked to block a DL 1 on 1, and he also has never reliably picked up stunt blitzes. That clip that Ian showed on the stunt was a horribly executed attempt by WVU where Vahe didn't even have to move. It's nice that Vahe can do certain things in the run game very well, but his deficiencies in iso run blocking and pass blocking in general kill drives. The good doesn't make up for the bad with him. If he's your worst OL, then your OL's probably not terrible, but if he's an unquestioned starter and possibly your second best OL, then your OL probably sucks. Also, you keep saying he's one of our best OL this decade, but I"m not sure you mean OL, as you've failed to mention Connor Williams once...
  14. I’m assuming you haven’t actually watched any film and are just saying stuff based on what you’ve heard from UT sources, but Stripling is really freaking good. Not as good as Leal, but he’s a nationally elite DL.
  15. This whole recruiting thing might not be for you.
  16. I’m not sure what a lot of people were expecting but Jimbo can recruit and it’s the #1 trait he looks for in an assistant. the reality is, he’s one of like 4 active coaches that has won a national title, that pitch alone is going to work on some recruits. He was always going to be able to recruit well, especially his first year before any of the on-field warts become apparent.
  17. They’re saying this unsarcastically? Do they not realize they’ve lost 5 in a row by a combined total of 111? Like seriously, they average losing by 22.2 poInts per game over that span. That’s the definition of a cupcake. aggy truly never ceases to amaze.
  18. Not necessarily. This O asks a lot out of the RB from a blocking standpoint. He likely won’t play much until he proves he can block well, which is a tough task, especially for a lighter TR FR running back.
  19. You have no idea if Hudson/Grandy are serviceable because you’ve never seen them play and they haven’t done anything even this offseason . anderson is good. Kerstetter did well for a TR FR but there’s a big difference between that and actually playing well for a P5 OT. He needs to take some steps forward, including getting some movement in the run game. He’s still seems a little light in the pants at this point. So basically, we have one good OL some guys with experience that we know aren’t all that good and some guys with promise who are very low on experience and it would take a fairly big jump for them to be good this year. also, our OL was not serviceable with Williams. It sucked ass against USC while he was healthy and against Maryland. serviceable would be a huge improvement this year and I see almost no scenario in which our OL is actually good.
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