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UT Lawnghorn

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Everything posted by UT Lawnghorn

  1. I’m not a huge fan from what I’ve seen of him, but his film is very limited, so it’s a very incomplete eval. I remember reading some 9.95ers who said he was great flipping his hips in coverage. the staff has prioritized him over other highly rated guys for a while and with out 2018 DB class, we likely won’t need him right away, so he’ll have time to develop.
  2. Vahe and Shack haven’t improved much from their freshman years. Idk why everyone assumes they’ll get way better all of a sudden. Hand is good OL coach; not a miracle worker. and you’re also assuming that’s hudson and Okafor become quality Guards. I’m hopeful one of them will bhecome that, but we have no evidence that will happen and expecting both of them will is just desperate hope. Our starting 5 could be average, but as soon as an injury hits, we get in trouble real quick.
  3. I would be elated if I never saw another sprint out the entire season. Beck’s offense in general has way too much lateral movement and not enough stressing the defense vertically. Hopefully Duvernay and Burt coming on will change that. Herman did a great job stretching the field vertically at tOSU. Beck has always sucked at that. I really hoped Herman would alter that last year, but he didn’t. We have to attack deep this year.
  4. This is an unbelievably dumb take. Most pass plays they had guys in their face or had to scramble and throw it away., so the 50% is very misleading. When they had time, they both made some good throws, although beuchele has to hit those deep balls. I’m not optimistic about OL, or offense as a whole in any sense, but we were playing guys like Urquidez and Imade. Guys who will almost definitely never see the field in a real game. Urquidez killed a lot of drives by himself, he was called for holding and gave up multiple sacks and got killed by hager almost every play. There’s not much you can take from a spring game where the staff is letting Hager go up against Urquidez. When our line blocked half-decent, our offense looked passable. The QBs and skill positions aren’t keeping us from becoming a decent O, it’s the OL. The hope now is that plugging in Anderson, and then hoping that Okafor or Hudson can take over the RG spot will do a lot to solidify things. Personally, I’m extremely high on Okafor as a G. He flat out can’t play tackle, but he’s always gotten great movement in the run game and can pass block if he doesn’t have to worry about getting beat on the edge.
  5. While true and Urquidez, who will likely never see a meaningful snap, was a huge part of there OL looking shitty, I don’t think we’ll find a solid OL this year. Neither Vahe or Shack are the type of players that make up a solid OL. They showed way too many errors for 3rd and 4th year OL. I think we should hope for average this year if most of our guys can stay healthy. Plain and simple, we don’t have a whole lot of talent on our OL and most of our best talent is very young.
  6. Hand’s only gotten the spring semester, Anderson’s not here, Grandy’s hurt, hudson’s out. There was never going to be much of a difference between last year’s O and this Spring. Didn’t really make watching our shitty OL any better, but still.
  7. He’s an aggy troll. Don’t pay attention to him.
  8. Nonsense. The great Hudson Card will be on our roster in 2020.
  9. Not really. He missed a ton of blocks in 2016. He definitely looks improved since then.
  10. Cosmi gets pretty good drive in the run game and handles inside moves well, but he’s stiff in the hips and leans instead of moving his feet so he can be beat on speed rushes
  11. Beck’s looked pretty solid blocking.
  12. Who knew you could beat this OL with a delayed blitz?
  13. Cosmi’s actually done a pretty decent job in run and pass
  14. I agree but it would help if we didn’t have an entire year of actual games that looked just like this.
  15. Moreso on pass plays, Orlando’s slanting does kill zone runs
  16. More like JP Urquidez, D3 Right Tackle
  17. We’re asking guys to reach blocks they never have a chance f making
  18. Urquidez got blown up by Hager. Dude might weigh 280
  19. Looks like we grabbed another good punter. How long til we become Punter U?
  20. JFC these blocking schemes are moronic
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