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  1. So fucking tired of this bullshit. Reminds me of…. History will repeat itself. Horns win! 🤘🏻
  2. Had never heard of the Rudder Association. Checks all the boxes of everything aggy - the medication comment is priceless 🤣🤣🤡🤡🤘🏻 To sum up their rating 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  3. This call says “hi”, “hold my beer”, and “f you and the horse you rode in on”. It is that bad! Literally tried to hand the game to aggy and weren’t even subtle about it.
  4. Ha! aggy network is pure fan fiction. And I’m very sure the recent aggy engineering grads I know who can’t get a job to save their f-ing life and are now trying to get certifications from UT just so someone will hire them - would disagree with the above. Glorified clown college/diploma mill. Oh and then there were the job fairs at aggy that were so overrun with aggys desperately seeking a job that they had to call fire marshalls to kick people out - true story.
  5. Ha! Had a HS friend in the corp and walked with a tuba but could not play, too! Dipshits called it the bass horn b/c they could not say tuba b/c it had t and u in the name 🤡🤣🤪 He would even play a CD of the aggy band from one of their bowl games and was so proud! He really liked listening to himself not play. Bunch of freaks!
  6. If we can hack the speakers, requests are: It’s Raining Men Man I Feel Like a Woman Beers, Steers, and Queers (Revolting Cocks from back in the day - great song!) Touch My Tra-la-la Dancing Queen Material Girl I’m Every Woman I’m Coming Out FYI that list above and the milkmen’s Spotify playlist are one and the same 🤣🤪🤘🏻 NCAA rules: Artificial crowd noise, by conference policy or mutual consent of the institutions, is allowed. The noise level must be consistent throughout the game for both teams. However, all current rules remain in effect dealing with bands, music and other sounds. When the snap is imminent, the band/music must stop playing. As with all administrative rules, the referee may stop the game and direct game management to adjust.
  7. 0U (The Harvard of the Mobile Home Parks) can still qualify under the Academic Progress Rate Rule that lets 5 win teams in. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Kidding! Even I can’t say that with a straight face. One of our neighbor’s kids went to 0U for a hot minute and left because “it was easier than high school”. 🤣🤣🤘🏻
  8. We were on a flight to Cancun shortly after all of that broke. Major on the flight with his family. 1. I have never seen a group of people look so miserably unhappy. Looked like they were heading to a funeral. 2. Why is a guy making $500,000+ have his family in coach at the back of the plane? At least put yourself, and maybe the Chola, up in first while the wife gets stuck with the kids in coach.
  9. JFKFC! Jumping around like a bunch of Kansas City fa……well, you know the rest.
  10. Torchy’s not listed. List is bogus. 🤘🏻
  11. No dumbass but I expect someone who has been playing football over half his life to understand a concept like “pocket” and when to step up and when to step sideways. Guess that is too complex a concept.
  12. Watching how Mahomes handles pocket pressure and how Ewers handles it is like watching Michael Jordan vs. toddlers. Mahomes knows exactly when to step up and when to step to the side. Ewers just panics and basically trips over his own feet. It’s like he doesn’t understand the concept of the pocket and how it works.
  13. Quinn is fucking ass!
  14. Sideshow Bert be like
  15. Hire a Briles. Leave SMU for TCU because you want to be in a “better” conference. Karma be like
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