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Everything posted by StrippersAndNobelPrizes

  1. Correct. Because the initial call shockingly seems to always go against Texas. See that clown trying to shut down our player yelling no, no, no on the fumble recovery vs K-State that was initially called….not a fumble, since he was obviously so sure it was not. When it was.
  2. 42-14 315 yds Chance of bitchslapping Yormark on the way out of the Rig 12 - 100%. Going out in style with eternal scoreboard!
  3. ESPN saying it is done. 👀🤔😱🤔🤣🙈 https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/39000680/bobby-petrino-arkansas-offensive-coordinator Bobby Petrino has agreed to become the next offensive coordinator at Arkansas, and the two sides are finalizing the deal, sources told ESPN on Tuesday.
  4. May be a little rusty on my stats but given that penalties called against opponents SHOULD be a normal distribution (but may not be based on the best teams always being at the bottom) , isn’t the chance we end up in the bottom 20% (that is being nice - we’re in the bottom 3% twice) four times something like .16%? If so, one hell of a statistical anomaly- we’re just lucky as hell I guess - our opponent always plays such a clean game! No bias here!
  5. Soooo, basically life imitates the Simpsons again….Elko the dancing monkey
  6. Ha! Leaving in the middle of the night and then a Zoom call back to the team. At least he has someone on staff who can help him with that🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Probably using Mayflower for the move. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤔
  7. Yep. Pretty much this
  8. This is how it is going down, and we all know how this turns out.
  9. Please post link to Don’t Care Got Stoops merch. Christmas coming up and such. This was all I could find so far.
  10. Fuckface Yormark having to hand Sark and CDC the Big 12 trophy and someone on Texas the stupid WWE belt should be all the motivation we need. End of story. Bye.
  11. Not so bad tonight ? We still had more than DOUBLE the penalty yards. These fucktards will always total frauds. Glad Yormark got karmically bitchslapped on the Jumbotron tonight. Let’s see who the crew is next week.
  12. Last three years (5 games Mar has officiated not counting 58-0 vs Rice in 2021): Opponent Penalties: 12 for 96 yards Texas Penalties: 37 for 260 yards 208% more penalties called on Texas. 178% more penalty yards for Texas. Move along. Nothing to see here.
  13. Never was this more appropriate 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  14. Waiting until we win the conference championship game. Then…..
  15. 52-0 Texas. 696.9 yds passing Because….
  16. Rock (or rap) on!!! 🤘🏻
  17. That’s my kicker!!!!!! 🤘🏻
  18. NM State 24 - Auburn 10. Hugh Freeze likes to keep it under 18 if you know what I’m saying.👀🤔😂🤣
  19. This guy gets it 🤣🤣🤣 Permaban from looch in 3.2.1…. Addazio - how can this guy be an actual coach 2,205 Views | 19 Replies | Last: 4 min ago by outlaw46 Pilot Ag 11:49a AG It could be raining titties and this stupid ******* would still end up sucking a dick
  20. LULZ at Michigan Lawyers. They demanded a temporary restraining order and Jim bowing all up in public that you are innocent until proven guilty and that he can’t wait to testify …… and THEN realized that is a court action that would make all testimony under oath (lying = perjury now 😳🤯😱) and make all testimony public. 🤣 They accepted that 3 game suspension as quickly as they could to keep from doing that. They got played by the NCAA attorneys like a friggin violin, or as Big Daddy Kane so elegantly stated (and later to be sampled in the epic Beastie Boys song Hey Fuck You)….
  21. Nephew who is friends with several current aggy players says they all hated Jimbo and that they are ecstatic he is gone. Color me shocked 🤣🤘🏻.
  22. Interesting - JFF picking the coach. So they’re replacing Jimbo with an 8 ball and half a bottle of Jack. Did not have that on my bingo card.
  23. So in other words, 84 years of running out of game clock. Brilliant 84 years of the BQ’s winning halftime baby! The ones that can play their instruments, that is. 🤣🤘🏻
  24. ^ This. What moron (since coaches NEVER have egos) is going to want to come to the college equivalent of the Guyana People’s Temple, surrounded by delusional nut jobs, reports to a fucktard, tries to convince himself this is a “top 5 job”, and gets to cash checks knowing he gets paid less to deal with this shit than Bilbo gets to sit on his ass and do absolutely fuck all? And then there’s this
  25. Look at the lower right 🤣🤣 👀
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