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Everything posted by JohnnyLamJones

  1. Worse RoseBowl ever two crappy teams, does that greaseball Ute qb only not get hurt vs USC.
  2. Snark and rat shit Kiffin really helped F that program over. Their fans warned us about Snark, they didn’t lie. He is an incompetent lazy fraud.
  3. Lmao ... Suck is special, certainly on the spectrum. How does this F stick make millions.
  4. Indeed, Snark is a fat mentally messed up lame duck. He should go get a job he is more qualified for ... like selling used computers like he used to
  5. Snark couldn’t careless about this LOS stuff, he wants qb stats and prove he is what he tells everyone he is ‘the qb whisperer’ or whatever BS, this fraud is in his ugly thick head. Fire this clown!
  6. Ya Suckisian the genius lol. Huskies are awful on D and Suck made them look like the 85 Bears. Way to have your team prepared loser. Just fire the fraud now.
  7. Crappy Suck and an overrated Manning has train wreck written all over it. Despite the crap Suck says, he is a terrible OC and a worthless qb coach.
  8. He isn’t even a football coach ... just a fraud, that Norm Chow pulled out of the gutter at USC, when he was selling used computers. Now Chow doesn’t even talk to the back stabbing creep.
  9. OMG is this team even coached Fire this bum already
  10. Watch Lincoln Riley turn Worthy into a Heisman winner after he dogged it for soft Suck
  11. It would be 40-10 if Huskies just ran the ball ... this 6 year qb isn’t real good
  12. Terrible clock management by Huskies ... keep dumb Suck alive
  13. Honestly is there something wrong with this guy ... not even his disgusting past but now, his looks, him picking his nose on camera over and over. The awful football. How does this fraud get these jobs after failing over and over again.
  14. It’s all about the genius Snark ... look at all those great qbs he said he made 😂😂😂😂 who’s idea was it to hire this clown
  15. Snark is as dumb .... Fire this bum already
  16. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  17. LOL ... the Snark, is just a lazy butt kissing mentally messed up blow hard with good connections. He shouldn't be anywhere around a college HC gig with his past (and lack of talent).
  18. It's the head coach. This guy is a loser. End of story.
  19. Herbiestreet making more excuses for his booze ( former ) and tail chasing little buddy .... again. Nothing to do with a history of getting fired from every job.
  20. That's what they said after USC canned him .... then Saban (and Saban's agent) put him through the Lane Kiffin (same agent) Bama rehab center. Snark has no shame. He will rob and cheat anyone and thing he can. After all he was once a failing used computer salesman that Norm Chow pulled out of the gutter. And then backstabbed Chow at USC. Classless loser.
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