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Texas Native

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  1. Oh no. I used the pull for the pirates. After the BS in baseball I hope they lose by 100.
  2. The Big 12 was the best conference in football for awhile. A few things blew it it: NU’s baby dick The Big 8 corrupt culture never purged Longhorn Network Bought officials. and T.Boone’s obsession with Texas Corrupt connected selection committees (see Corrupt Big 8 culture) Unfortunately for Texas not so much for the rapist, purple hate of TCU, and a legend who became the highest paid college football coach to burn down a program and get paid to suck up another 50 mil Chicken Shit Mack Brown. I know we left out Switzer, Big Red Sport, Hundiberg over night purchase and loss of all files. Dusty the Deviorpunk almost killing his best friend. and last and not least the permanent stain and influence of the Gaylord media mafia baking our shit sandwich and telling the world it’s a filet!!! I know we left our aggie, but that’s just their place in life. So long to Bowlsby So long Castiglion (sp) President and ex congress alleged page diddler, and the staff he hired at OU. No the Big 12 got or will get what it deserves! from CaddyShack you'll get nothing and like it!
  3. Fuck Houston…. Andre Ware. Crying bitches for 20/30 ah screw it since forever. strange to say but Holgerson
  4. Bama The Fighting Mike Leachs Georgia The shittiest fans in America Ohio State
  5. So after a TTL point game of less than 85 Texas will move on while Va Tech will be disbanded due to like of interest. No worries it will just
  6. The Big 12 needed Texas, but never as a league wanted to need Texas. So you get the Brando/Tillman shit show. Officiating, Big Red Sport, Hundiberg Group over night sale, and Baylor murder rape culture. Please. Let’s not let Gary slip by he had a crime culture that OU would be proud of at TCU. He’s cheat now. Kansas and the league both bitch about revenue sharing, but neither mention Kansas 3rd tier revenue, but the Longhorn Network should have been group funds to the league. Shit… So the lil 8 and all the other corrupt orphans can complete their slow death.
  7. The News: Dallas Morning News Kiss anybodies ass: Chuckie suck OU dick Carlton lil cheat fuckstick wagon: Sooner Schooner Magic Underwear: BYU Morman That should clear things up and educate you on a few football facts and shit… You’re welcome!
  8. Pieces of shit! If the Big 12 wants to know why Texas thinks the wanted the brand, but hated they needed it look no further that Big 12 officiating and these fucktards calling Texas games after the 100th shit show covering one of our games. If I saw Brandi in public I’d kick him in the balls and then a “Rousing”. YOU KNOW WHY!
  9. The news has sucked ass for decades. Kiss anybodies ass Chuck Fuckhead sports writer he as much as tiny dick kurt bowles should be tied and drug behind the lil cheat fucksticks wagon while waiting to writing the next hit piece on Texas. Good news these fucktards from the shitting 8 conference as stuck “who’s in our league the weeks version of pulp fiction.” So lube up the lil 12/10/16 get your magic underwear everyone in the gay lord family ass salute lincoln fuck norman riley for a gang bang at the athletic dorm! YOU’RE WELCOME…
  10. Ah bullshit. This shitty lil conference seeded by a crooked bunch of Big8 thief’s and the mob has had it hand in more questionable BS than FIFA. So glad to be anywhere else in college football conferences. Now if someone had the nuts to kick the shit out of local and National media we might be on to something. You wanna win like Saban treat all your program like Saban!
  11. How is it possible this guy has held a job and shit on the athletic dept for more than 30 years. Frank Erwin would have ran him out of town. Here is a clue to Mr. AD. If you can’t figure it out look to Alabama for AD advice. If you don’t see hard change 3 games into next year then do the Saban. Ask Kiffen what’s it’s like on the wrong side of the scoreboard much less embarrassing the State and University. Saban kicked his ass before the playoff. That lets the world know no one is bigger than the University, and in sports nothing is more important that football! the fact the Bowles and Chip still employed show we are still feel god nation. BTW where are all our NIL deep pockets if Red ain’t telling folks to no participate WTF.
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