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Doctor of Neighborhood

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  1. And who judged that meat safe for in-oven consumption? That’s right …
  2. This thread seems to be going in the wrong direction, somehow focusing on special teams coaching and play. Let us not forget domesticated simians, semi-domesticated “entertainers,” stray and unattended children, and a certain Doctor of Neighborhood.
  3. This … Plus this … = priceless
  4. Are we entirely sure that this guy isn’t just this guy with a different hat?
  5. This guy says you’re sort of right.
  6. Can we get back to marveling at the fact that somewhere, at some time, somebody thought adding puffy paint to overalls was going to increase the cool factor? And that said person introduced it into a culture so skewed that the practice not only survived but also flourished? This, ladies and gentlemen, is indicative of the reason we cannot look away.
  7. It might be time to consider Operation Deacon Escape II
  8. The real question: Which is more aggy? Hiring a black, liberal journalist to run your school’s journalism program and then unhiring her (after you pay her a million bucks) before she starts because she’s black and liberal? or … Sort of almost hiring Mike Stoops as your “splash” Jimbo replacement? Both are stunningly impressive.
  9. This may look like a technology that debuted in the first half of the 17th century. Think again! This is a freight shuttle system that’s truly new and unique and special. We spent big money on this fantastic innovation that moves goods on a fixed rail! We’re not afraid to spend big money to upgrade. Just watch. Gonna change how business is done, and we thought it all up ourselves.
  10. Very dumb? No way. When they demolished their old stadium, they stood far enough away to not get killed. That’s the opposite of dumb. Sure, they got covered in demolition dust while on live tv, but that was completely unpredictable.
  11. Of course I do. I took an oath. To medicine. And to the neighborhood.
  12. From a characteristic standpoint, “stand a candle” doesn’t mean a thing. Beyond that, I celebrate the writer’s bold use of semi-coherent phrases as stand-alone sentences. You, sir, have represented your mechanical college well.
  13. Didn’t forget. “We hold these truths to be self-evident …” Doesn’t need to be said because it’s baked in.
  14. Was this one of those “Hey, ChatGPT, generate an AI nightmare image” situations?
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