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Doctor of Neighborhood

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Everything posted by Doctor of Neighborhood

  1. I am much more troubled by two guys in full pads in the surf … in Rhode Island. Coolest color combo in the world and they’d still be standing in full pads in the surf … in Rhode Island.
  2. aggy got errbody beat on parking. The whole campus qualifies technically, aesthetically, and I believe legally as a parking lot.
  3. Could it be bizarro world? Don’t play games at all, and you get the best ‘croots? Just sayin’.
  4. Um, hello, what about the world’s least-exciting, windowless train? Incomplete list is incomplete. #never forget
  5. How did seemingly healthy college kids settle on denim overalls and puffy paint as cool? Culture is weird and skews to unforeseen ends, I get it. But this … this is ridiculous. Taken out of context it makes as much sense as putting hooks in your flesh or a skewer through your cheeks. But these hindus at least believe they are serving the gods. aggy? Dunno. Maybe aggy serves the minor prophet known as Insular Delusion?
  6. Thank God we have the 2015 enrollment numbers. Couldn’t sleep last night due to the burning knowledge gap.
  7. Maybe we can all calm down. Maybe they were just “soaking.” In which case, nothing happened and it doesn’t count. No harm, no foul. He’s a coach and they’re just sorta practicing. Thursday afternoon walk-through. I’m sure the lingerie was for something else. Comfort, if I had to guess.
  8. Probably Doctor of Neighborhood. But goes by Doc Hood.
  9. What you worryin’ about? Jumbo oozes masterful orchestration of potentially difficult personalities. Not sure what you see. I see a confident maestro.
  10. Show some respect. I have it on good authority that aggy is about to change the world with a revolutionary transport scheme that could not have come from just anywhere. I mean, otherwise, there might have been commercially viable railroads since the early 1800s, right? This thing will move one whole trailer … somewhere.
  11. Silly, that’s not the SEC Championship trophy. That’s 4th Place in the SEC West trophy. Strong enough track record there that aggy just prints it on the schedule now.
  12. Should’ve slept with a coin under their pillow and practiced those tosses with more intensity.
  13. Yes, please. Would love to see 18 cycles of going for 2.
  14. This photo … tell me it’s real. It’s fantastic but has a sort of Sgt Pepper’s feel to it, where all the heads are inserted collage-style. I mean, none of the aggy fans appear to be connected to or interacting with each other. What are the chances these three people with these three expressions (all variations on the theme of, “Oh, my gerrd”) all line up next to each other? The math on this is complex. The woman with the gum … perfect. One thing is clear, whatever they’re looking at, it ain’t right.
  15. Haven’t stopped laughing about this post. It’s like somewhere at some costume shop on the Atlantic Seaboard years ago, an anonymous seamstress had a premonition and sewed the “really, aggy?” expression right onto Wake’s mascot knowing what was coming. #neverforgettheabsent12thman
  16. The post on Page 2 from WildTchoupitoulas providing the history on this episode and the immediate butt hurt engendered by a loss to the mighty Rajun’ Cajuns is, in short, glorious. Needs to find its way to aggypedia.
  17. Sure they did. Check your facts: Utah State finished #24.
  18. I don’t know about you, but for me Alesso was key - KEY - in the number.
  19. The fine print on badge reads: “If you see this girl, please feed her to me.”
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