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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. Before, and in progress after. Beach house bathroom renovation. I used the existing vanity, and extended it w/ an oak frame, trestle table for a 6' long makeup, and sink basin (oak actually has a great texture when painted, and it's hard as hell for durability) and carved out a linen closet cubby. Had a local stone fabricator cut up a remnant, leathered surface slab, and installed waterproof, luxury, vinyl plank flooring. Last step will be hanging 2 mirrors w/ weathered wood frames, and install 3 new light fixtures.
  2. Variable speed should save dollars over time. so you need to do a cost analysis.
  3. And they have most of their nukes pointed as us because ? And their military doctrine since 1946 has changed to defeat what country that's not the US ultimately ?
  4. You, and Dahobbs should have lunch, and discuss how great, and misunderstood Russia is....
  5. Really ? The OP was my stated end goal of a Putin type, and the follow up was the description of one of the tactics he would use to move toward that goal. You seriously don't think I meant he was going to take us on directly right now or any time in the near future for that matter.
  6. You think invading Ukraine isn't an attempt to consolidate power against the US, and NATO ? It does a couple things, it gives him an invasion route buffer, and secures valuable warm water ports. Putins invasion of Ukraine is a lynch pin of potential future moves against the US and the west.
  7. I'm responding to posts made about that event. I'll discuss Trumps dumb ass comments as well, if that makes you feel better.
  8. From an economic domination thing yeah, from a military we wanna kill you thing no, it's Russia still. China wants us as a valuable economic vassal state. Russia wants to crush us, and take over our country physically.
  9. Whatever you say.
  10. No, you can stop right there my friend. Russia is the same threat now as it was then. Even if their military isn't what people thought it was, they still have the most nukes in the world pointed at us, and their doctrine has not changed at all (it's just now been re revealed). To even say they they weren't a threat wasn't wise as if Putin was watching he would have said sing it sister, yeah we aren't a threat to you at all just go on thinking that. He probably cast his absentee ballot for Mr. Obama the next day. Russia is, and was trying to defeat us thru any means available, behind the scenes or thru overt, oblique, military action the day Putin came on the scene . His comment did in fact show extreme naivete'. Both of those mafia run states have plans to take over the world. Russia is just more blunt force to the knee cap, and China's more subtle about it. The posts from Dahobbs about Russia joining NATO while Pollyanna, and all nice, and I'd love for the Russian people to wake up from over 1,000 years of total non democratic rule (it ain't happening g right now at least). His wish is not much different in ignorance than Mr. Obamas statement back then. Russia has been, and continues to be an authoritative, oppressive state since before the US was even a colony. Their goal since Lenin came to power was world domination, and it's still a fantasy of theirs, and hadn't ceased to be (the Yeltsin years not withstanding) when Mr. Obama made that comment.
  11. Let’s be honest here Mr Obama ridiculed Me. Romney onstage for making such a stoopid statement his Comment was the 1980s called they want their foreign-policy back a single ignorant thing for him to say and showed that he had no idea what he was talking about when it came to Geo political politics
  12. Yeah China is sitting back, and laughing at Russia, and taking notes. Will they go into Taiwan ? No way IMO, Taiwan is a strategic interest to the US, and the rest of the world. I think the economics sanctions on Russia should be pushed to the limits. Money talks, and BS walks here. Drive them back to the backward ass country they've always really been.
  13. Night time hunting capabilities almost ensures that.
  14. They don't seem to have night vision capabilities beyond Spetznaz forces, and don't seem to have a sophisticated, coordinated GPS fire fight system for night time maneuvers. Their re-supply is potentially non existent much beyond initial maneuvers. I think we'd push their shit in very badly in a NY minute.
  15. Had this very conversation with a lifelong friend. He said it was gonna be just like 1939, and Poland. I said no it would take longer than that to take Ukraine, mostly because they do have an actual modernish army, the world was watching, we would supply them with common border supply routes. That, and I have been suspect of actual Russian prowess for a long time. Their 800 lb gorilla is a nuclear arsenal. I thought they’d take Ukraine thru attrition then it would be like the US in Iraq.
  16. California has a bigger GDP than Russia that points to a huge factor in their military readiness, the depth of the military, the Sophistication, Training, and technology In my opinion.
  17. I can tell you a phone call I got the other night kind of refutes this a bit. Our military has been scrambling to figure out exactly what the failed invasion is the result of. They were completely caught off guard by how inept this has been, and what it means going forward. That's from somebody that works on this type of issue.
  18. If NO isn't on your list because it's kind of run down, and dirty, that's your choice, but the food, and the music there is world class like no other city in America. I remember going there for the first time, and seeing HS kids roaming Bourbon street, and thinking to myself, I wouldn't raise a family within a 1,000 miles of this place, but damned if I don't love going there when the opportunity presents itself.
  19. ooooh.....Owwie......
  20. How transparent can you be about trying to say this was nothing at all but a...... how did you put it ? a nigga slap for someone having the audacity to..... gasp.... touch the hem of Juwans special robes.... Nah I'll hang around, and be your buddy.
  21. You seriously gonna try to defend a physical attack by Juwan because another coach touched his arm or put his hand on it ? You think that's OK ? What bizarro world do you live in. This should be good.....
  22. No shock here, but Desmond Howard apparently got into it with Dick Vitale yesterday regarding the incident. Per Desmond, Juwan was not at fault because Gard grabbed Juwans arm. Oh the horror, oh the humanity.............. There you have it folks. You touch another man on the arm, and it's ok to get slapped, punched, attacked. Basically whatever it takes to get you to not touch my arm.
  23. A little too sweetly, pretty for my taste, but well executed.
  24. That's just what they want him to think.....
  25. Jesus christ who the hell are you ? Twitter has moved on ? You mean like the 5 people who care what twitter has to say ? You've clearly moved on from rational thought. Yeah twitter has moved on, let's just forget all about this unfortunate event that only caused several players to receive potential suspensions because of the direct, beyond stupid actions of their head coach. Nigga slap ? Interesting you make this comment about a coach who caused a bench clearing melee of kids, and coaches. Yeah nothing to see here move along.... You as a moderator is the bizarre thing here. Hey it was just a nigga slap no harm no foul ? Is that how it is ? You picking, and choosing what's deemed acceptable to start a thread about is strange (when it's not inappropriate material to begin with). "We have a basketball thread, this is where It should go". This wasn't about basketball. This was about a college head coach losing his shit because he's apparently basically a petulant child, who was pissed his team lost, and physically assaulted another coach on camera in front of his team, television audience, and fans in the stands. This topic actually disrupted the discussion of basketball games in the basketball thread.
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