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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. Hard for him to do that IMO, as there were about a half dozen to a dozen guys around him. I think we'd have already heard that.
  2. Saw the trailer last night. Gott damn it looks good, and dark.
  3. Of what, his tongue ?
  4. Why does slap vs. punch matter ?
  5. I think they do if they wanna look like a responsible university. He's the cause of a bench clearing brawl. It wasn't a player, it was the head coach. It's not his first incident. I don't wanna see the guy get fired, because emotions do run high, and shit happens between the lines, but that was beyond just a couple coaches bumping chests or pointing fingers at each other.
  6. That is what this all comes down, to even more than the punch.
  7. Seriously man ? THAT was a lame ass attempt at a punch best case for Juwan. He swung his hand at an opposing coach in uncontrolled, anger, and rage. Either way he caused a melee. HE'S THE COACH. It's his job to be the adult, and keep that kind of shit from not happening. So to ask you the same question, what's your excuse for being a moron here?
  8. Then we'd have him dammit !!!
  9. Does Ukraine have the cajones' to just pull all their military back a bit from defensive positions, and dare the Russians to come across the border ? Don't give em any way to say they were attacked. Of course they won't, but it would sure as hell mess with Putins little replay of 1939, and Poland.
  10. No video though !!!
  11. I doubt there was much thought beyond just the mounting frustration, which is common, but as a coach he's the head of the program, and sets the example, and tone.
  12. Well fucking played.
  13. The joke's on you, apparently Juwan isn't very professional.
  14. No need to get rude...... : )
  15. No, I was just quoting you saying he deserves punishment. Does that mean firing ? Fines ? Suspensions ?
  16. So punishment for striking another coach is OK ? This isn't his first incident I believe, how many punishments does he get ?
  17. I mean seriously.... there is just not enough neg rep one can hand out for such a statement.
  18. That bench is the #54, 60" version in just about any garden center.
  19. Yeah could be. I've always thought he had a pretty firm grip on his power. I saw something a couple years ago about Putin, pretty critical piece which stated the day he leaves power, he's a marked man, so he can't leave office. That is pretty typical for most despots.
  20. He follows the dollars/rubles/gold/power. I don't think he cares which way he goes (based on his current aggression). I do think he thinks he's a Bond villain.
  21. Russia has always had an identity crisis. They're at the cross roads of east, and west. Peter, and Catherine drug them kicking, and screaming to the west.
  22. Oh noes you pulled out a Shaka reference. I was here long before Shaka was your coach Pan-cho.
  23. He disrespected his human decency...
  24. Punished ? You misspelled fired.
  25. Apparently this is the only place Juwan Howard, and his weak jab can be discussed, per Pancho......... odd. He should be fired, if the other coach took a swing first so should he.
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