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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. You can't say confederate.
  2. They got the best uniforms since Hugo boss asked Heydrich which way he dressed. You leave them alone.
  3. Is this like there is no MAFIA ?
  4. Just saw Death on the Nile last night. Great soundtrack that they actually let songs get played out, the music wasn’t just the same old background noise. Beautiful visuals, and great scene settings. As usual it’s a group of characters who are exaggerated characters. The story dragged a bit at times, but all in all good fun to watch.
  5. Hey, the puppet was the bread winner in the family.
  6. If that would end it, I'd say sure, but there would need to be assurances of no more Russian aggression towards Ukraine (laughing as I type that Putin riding unicorns, filled fantasy). It would sorta be the DMZ of Euroland.
  7. Uhhh. Vodka......stumbles up, and says privet.....
  8. Ya could have just said Ohio, and left it at that.
  9. Good 'ol Dung................ errrrrrr Deng....
  10. Have no fear little buddy, they'll whip up anther little military soiree' somewhere.
  11. I'm always puzzled by Chinas inability to really innovate. I imagine there's a theory they have on that. I think some of it comes from if you stick your neck out and fail it's usually death or long term stays in a re-education camp. They are such a nation of easily cowed people, so similar to the Russians in many ways. I definitely agree with the bolded part. Short sighted ignorance would be one explanation. We should be making our neighbors to the south strong, reliable allies, and not just a potential, cheap vacation destination.
  12. That's good advice.....
  13. The son has said just about that exact thing, minus the living in Texas part.
  14. Counterpoint: True, but not until Mao was dead, and his virulent anti capitalism dogma was erased (sort of) were they gonna embark on that of course. They finally figured out they had to join the 20th c. and create wealth to project power. We sped up that time line. We embraced the flow of manufacturing to their corner of the planet. They're now a bit of a genie out of the bottle.
  15. Both my brother, and son have lived or currently live there. There are lots of non gambling things to do in Vegas, and lots of off strip things, and places that are great, and the natives know them all. Lots of great hiking out in the hills around Vegas. They know about the great deals they get from the hotels during mid week down times, they know the bouncers at the clubs so they get to the head of the lines, never pay covers, and never wait for drinks inside.
  16. NYC (How can it not be on that list ?) Charleston New Orleans Key West Chicago Lots, and lots of cool as shit small towns I could add to that list.
  17. All you had to say was China sucks. They're the worst thing to hit the civilized world since the USSR. A little thread drift, but I listened to part of "The Great Wager" on NPR yesterday. It's a multi part podcast about Nixon, and his plans to open up China to the west. China, and the Russians hated each other in the 70's, and all kinds of behind the scenes, cloak and dagger, fuckery was going on. Mao's China was a third world country when Nixon made his historic trip, and created the path we're now treading. From a Chinese woman who grew up in Beijing: she, and her sister would count cars in Beijing for fun (early 70's). If they saw more than about 10 cars in a single day that would be a huge deal. China was an impoverished nation, no universities, no middle class, no progress, factories, if they were even open produced almost nothing. No capitalism per Maos blood stained orders. Before Nixons grand plan had really been developed, a Russian spy set a "chit chat" lunch date with one of Nixons ambassadors. In one of those power broker, Washington haunts, the Russian asked the American, what would America think of Russia removing all of Chinas nuclear capabilities ? The American froze in mid bite, and made an immediate bee line for the Oval Office with the news that Russia was signaling they were cool with a nuclear war with China. That apparently caused an immediate defcon alert, and the US made ready for a possible war. From the little bit of the teaser they presented, they seem to be positing Nixons plan was then to cozy up to the Chinese to keep the Russians from carrying out that plan. I'd never read anything about that encounter or the results, but it seems it had the effect of pushing our diplomatic advances to China into overdrive. Thanks Brezhnev. It's always been hailed as a hugely successful, diplomatic event, but in reality may have just been the opening of Pandas box or Pandoras box... whichever... Who that success benefitted seems to be on Chinas' side based on what they've now become.
  18. Stop me if you've heard this one.....2 Pollacks walk into a EU exit meeting
  19. Sucks losing those close to you..
  20. You can always have other children……. Just sayin’.
  21. What are you doing to me man ??!!
  22. That is about the most dangerous thing you can do underwater apparently... sharks aside that is.
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