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Onboard 2.0

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Posts posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. 3 minutes ago, BERT said:


    The guy on the football board that wants to go down on Holly Rowe, he for sure would hit that. 

    Well, you sure as shit don't want her going down on you. You'd never get out form under her.


    Hell, the Surly motto should simply be......  "would".

  2. 54 minutes ago, dad said:

    Just standard shingled roof. Yes all trusses are made with 2x4's. Most people I talk to are surprised because they all have 2x6's and a much more open design. Makes sense that you can have a more open design since the stiffness of a 6" inch wide board is going to be much higher.

    Thanks for explaining the load path for the existing design that makes sense. If I was just replacing the middle trusses like this, wouldn't this combat the roof rafters from sagging in a similar manner? I understand its not geometrically symmetrical BUT that doesn't mean it can't somewhat similarly distribute the loads and not flex too much in any location.

    I can solve the systems of equations to obtain the loads at each point but then what? I feel like what one would need to be looking for is max deflections at key points and them having to be smaller than some threshold per some code.


    Yeah, not sure how much capacity you're gonna get with members that close to a corner.

  3. 1 hour ago, Ghost of LL said:

    No--I get it.  

    The UK may be a political shitshow.  But it has the capability to project power, particularly in Europe.  From bases in Poland and Romania and from its carriers in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy could deny the Russian Air Force theater air supremacy and make it very dangerous for those Russian SU-25s and MIL-28s to operate.  So the British could declare a "no-fly zone" over eastern Ukraine and go a long way toward enforcing it.

    Poland is also a political shitshow--it's kind of part of their national identity.  But you're right that their intelligence services are very capable.  And beyond that, Poland is probably our closest intelligence relationship outside of the Five Eyes (as detailed in John Pomfret's really excellent book, "From Warsaw with Love.").

    My concern isn't that the combination of the UK and Poland isn't capable.  It's that it is.  And their involvement could easily lead to an escalatory cycle that cannot be controlled.

    Rule Britannia !!

  4. I had a Zoom call meeting with a client this morning.  Turns out he's in Ukraine now. We had a long talk about what he thinks is happening, and will happen going forward.

    He's not that worried about what's going on, says the bars, and restaurants are all full.  People are going about their daily business. His biggest concern is he's got to go to Budapest for business, and is concerned he may not be able to get back in country.

    He's of the opinion it won't be a full scale invasion, but more of a land grab to solidify his Crimean holdings. He doesn't think Russia will be happy with the outcome because Ukraine is stronger than it was 8 years ago. No idea how much of what he says is good intel, but talking to him this am he just wasn't that concerned.

  5. 10 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    I heard this from my parents when they went to see jaws. This past weekend jaws 2 was on BBC so I flipped it on and secretly video taped my kids’ (6&3 YO) reactions to a couple deaths- the helicopter one and the one where the girl falls off boat, saves kid and “can’t get up”.

    All i got was laughs

    Talk about bad sequels...yeah, that's about what I'd expect you'd get from kids today.   The sound track alone to JAWS is scarier than that badly made sequel.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

    There are much worse ways.  From a pain standpoint, you would go into shock so fast you likely wouldn't feel much, and in this case, bleed out almost immediately.

    If yer lucky. There may be worse ways, but death by a savage shark attack just freaks me out a bit. Leave me my nightmares intact.

  7. Just now, Incredulity said:



    Michael Raper, 26, reportedly endured two hours of unimaginable agony Tuesday while co-workers mounted a frantic effort to extract him from the machine.

    Gotta love Surly... people spending time on the internet finding more and more horrid ways to die .. just for the laughs........ 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, Bevo said:

    I know you are in Virginia so I have to assume it is near Amity Island.

    Shark week mentioned an increase in seals along the eastern seaboard as well as an increase in great white sightings. When I lived in Capitola near Santa Cruz California, the fiance of a girl who I worked with was in physical therapy for over a year after being bitten by a 15 footer. I know attacks are very rare, but with one hitting close to home, I just didn't have a big desire to surf in the cold waters.

     It's all Amityville in waiting during the Summer.........  isn't it ??


    Standing on the beach, and looking just 8' off shore, knowing a 12 footer was there 3 months before was creepy.

  9. Just now, ztejas said:

    I'm not sure sharks freak you out that much if you willingly swim somewhere with multiple recent shark incidents and a known great white lurking in the surf. 

    Again, not freaked out to the point of phobia. I just have vivid images of shark attacks (first release of JAWS generation as well), and they are savage as fuck looking.  Bears are just as bad, but I'm not not going in the woods.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    I think seeing Jaws when it came out traumatized me as a little kid to the point where I have never felt comfortable in ocean water, especially if it's as ugly as the Gulf of Mexico. Always creeps me out thinking about the beasts that live under the water, along with the dumb invertebrates that just exist to sting the shit out of you. 

    But I still rate bear attack as a worse way to die than a shark attack because an encounter with an angry bear is not gonna end well and they usually go for the kill and you're likely to have your head in its mouth as the bear crunches down on you. 

    Also, being burned alive would have to be my #1 worst way to die.

    Yep seeing  JAWS when it was first released as a kid ?  Nobo0dy wanted to go in the water that Summer, kids and adults.


    You have a great list of horrific ways to die. So with death by bear add Lion, and Tigers...  (oh my).  Being burned alive is going to be the worst......... that is until you pass out from the pain of course.

  11. 22 minutes ago, Deej said:

    You could just not swim in the ocean. 

    I don’t have that kind of abject fear, but I can tell you the beach we swim at, two Thanksgivings ago there was a 12-15 foot great white shark named Mary pinging 8’ offshore where we swim in the Summer. There’s shark tagging research group that’s tags them and has an FB page.  I think it’s OSearch or something similar.

    There are a lot of bull sharks in those waters, and there have been more than a couple incidents along that beach the last 5-10 years.

    It doesn’t keep me out of the surf, but I do pick and choose times of the day to stay out.


    sharks freak me out a bit, yeah.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 12 minutes ago, retread said:

    Always enjoy your takes and the long view of history that you provide. Sorry if already beaten to death, but what is your view of why Germany has allowed itself to be hemmed in by their reliance on Russian raw materials? I mean, the Germans are often regarded as pretty savvy in technical areas, so it's perplexing to the casual observer why they are where they are. I'm sure there are geographic and long-simmering political realities of which I'm just not aware.

    Not to butt in, but they got their shit pushed in badly by the Russians in WWII and there’s still a collective angst.  At least that’s what I’ve read in a couple sources.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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