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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. Yeah you can. Some people just aren’t gonna listen, and 19 year old kids who’ve been whispered they’re great all their lives, and who are just biding time to move on don’t always listen no matter who’s talking. Part of the reason coach k, and other long time coaches are leaving the game is for that very reason.
  2. Oh yes he is for the kids that want to listen. The 4 and 5 star recruits they don't wanna listen to anybody typically. I watched what he did with the kids at VCU. They bought into his style.
  3. Sneks be sneaky.....
  4. His success was he had assistant coaches who knew X's, and O's very well. Both of his top assistant coaches are doing well with theIr own teams, Will Wade at LSU, and Mike Rhoades at VCU. Those are the two guys who made HAVOC run correctly. He also had some talented non blue chip kids with a chip on their shoulder who wanted to prove themselves. He is a great motivator, but a poor, one trick pony, sideline coach. He probably does not connect with 4, and 5 star kids who view college as a 1 and done scenario.
  5. Well, not sure I'd agree. We didn't do much more than send some additional troops to the region. We didn't mobilize our forces in an attempt to gear up for a response. I'd also say the military knows they're watching what we do so they didn't do much to tip our hand about what we'd do in a serious situation where we intended to counter their invasion. I can't speak much to the behind the scene spy thing, but those assets are always hiding what they do regardless of how things are going I bet.
  6. The son always said he wanted a Husky. I'd say kid you live I Va. why do you wanna make an animal suffer like that ?
  7. Damn, those are some majestic critters.
  8. Well.......... yeah...........
  9. Not sure it's an apples to apples comparison. The drug companies knew before they even marketed their product what the issues were. They knew the depenceny rate would be substantial, and hid that info. Not sure you can say the gun companies thought people would go on killing sprees with their weapons, but they for damn sure had to know that in the wrong hands they'd be trouble.
  10. Yeah all good points. The internet is the game changer at least as far as getting info out there. I think it's what would make the difference in a consolidated stance. I've just always been of the opinion they don't have it in them to buck the system much. Putins goons are a ruthless bunch and they all know they're tied together with him. They aren't gonna side with the peasants ........errrrr citizens.
  11. Yep, forgot about that. Those were the Boris Yeltsin days right ?
  12. The Russian people have been tolerating autocratic, dictators since the formation of Rus. It's literally in their DNA I think. The only successful uprising in their history was pretty much the Bolshevik revolution.
  13. Digging the concave Indices surface. Sinn has so many well executed watches.
  14. I think Putin being ousted from power is about as likely as me getting laid by at least 1 if not 2 super models this weekend. I can fantasize about both, but neither will happen, and one isn't nearly as fun as the other.
  15. Anything that expensive better go zero to 60 in 5.0 seconds.
  16. Sinn, Hamilton, Omega, Ball, Seiko. Sinn (pronounced Zinn) would be my first choice. Great quality, lots of different designs.
  17. Have you seen what some of those Russian babushkas, and dudes look like ?
  18. Hell... of course not. Look at the name.. The Waaaaaaagner group. Not veeeeeery mencaing....
  19. Oooh those are bad memories. They start kid pitch a year or two early in my opinion.
  20. W&L is like $65k or more in state based on what I’ve heard from folks. As it’s private I don’t know what out of state tuition would be. VMI is about $25k + or - in state I guess, and out of state would be around $45k probably. All Va. state schools are about the same tuition rates. W&L is gonna be a good bit more regardless of in or out of state tuition rates.
  21. I smoked a lot of weed before those games. I took deep, deep breaths, just sat back, and felt bad for the coaches.
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