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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. The 3 worst, scariest words in the English language ..... (1st season) kid pitch baseball.
  2. Helluva an experience those kids go through on the rat line. Know several guys who graduated from there over the years.
  3. David Mc Culloughs 1776 . The story of the war for independence as followed thru Washington’s army, and men. He writes about the last dinner, a celebration between Washington, and his key officers after winning the war, and before heading off to their own lives post war. In many cases these men never saw one another again. I had the same lump in my throat feeling about that final chapter, and the band of brothers baseball scene. Men who shared a desperate life, and death struggle together over several years, and come out the other end victorious, and alive.
  4. You need an engineer. I’ve never seen anyone modify trusses. Not that it can’t be done but…. They’re designed for specific locations, and if you modify load paths you have to account for the new load path down thru your house to the foundation.
  5. It’s meese’s
  6. Dig the pattern, and contrasting stitching (always a favorite detail of mine). How do they hold up ? Can you clean them ?
  7. This all seems to be playing out like a Tom Clancy novel.
  8. The NATO charter states potential members can't be added if there is an ongoing conflict within its borders. Russia can keep tensions running high with all kinds off little border incursions to keep that from happening. I'd imagine a lot of Euros don't want Ukraine as much as the US would like it probably.
  9. Ukraine is a pathway to Russia for invasion, it gives him a buffer, and Ukraine has always been a target of Russian imperialism because of its agriculture. It's been considered the bread basket of the Russian empire throughout its history.
  10. Is Taiwan the same as the Ukraine situation ? Seems like we value them a shit load more than Ukraine.
  11. iiiinterdasting...........
  12. Sailcloth ?
  13. Have a military acquaintance I'm supposed to be going on vacation with next month. They told me more than likely they won't be able to make it.....
  14. Those fuckers are huuuuge.
  15. Yeah, that's blood money. She makes plenty of money thru other revenue streams without having to sell her soul. I think a lot less of her than I did, not that she or anyone else cares.
  16. What happens when she gets sexually assaulted by a gov't official ? She gonna say nope, nothing happened ? I'm not onboard with what she did, considering the country.
  17. Never liked the NATO straps. Rubber is a good choice because it's sweat impervious.
  18. Oh yeah, I got that. I'm embarrassed I haven't hit A Basin yet, going back in March so I want to hit it for a day then
  19. Yeah the highest peak at Breck is above that (with a boot pack above that if you want), and is often wind swept, and closed because of that a lot.
  20. Nope, crack is a by product of coca leaves (think super high octane coke), and meth is a manmade, synthesized drug. He's trying to play games, they're both equal opportunity drugs regardless of race.
  21. Not if she gets you first ….
  22. She won’t have it long. Death ends the pain .
  23. Speed curling …..
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