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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. Yeah, I've seen lots of these articles. I wonder if economic sanctions keeps him from invading. It would be great if that stopped him.
  2. Putin is going to load the border up with troops to the point of no return. He’s moving a damned tank division from Moscow apparently. The west isn’t matching his forces at all, and at some point he’s going make a move, and there won’t be shit we can do but lie back, and take it. Unless there’s some political angle he has or something he wants that the west finally caves in to that causes him to pull back. Ukraine is looking like it’s going to be a battlefield.
  3. Well the bad guys cry if yer doing it right.
  4. I assume you also do video doctor visits ?
  5. Yep, ya gotta sit back on your tails more so you can ride up in the snow, and surf it a bit.
  6. I use a brand of fine tip felt tip markers. They're unavailable everywhere. I've had to go to a different brand, and the tips just don't hold up as well, and the lines get too fat.
  7. You serious ? CB, Citizens Band radio ?
  8. It’s a social statement Not a CR statement
  9. Truly innovative cities would have composting sidewalks, tied to vegetable gardens along the edges.
  10. Shitting in the streets is CR ?
  11. I'd hope innovative cities could deal with mass amounts of people shitting on their sidewalks. This ain't a case of a random dump here, and there. And I don't argue they can't be innovative.
  12. San Fran ? I wasn't aware that being able to freely shit on the streets of a city would count towards being as innovative...
  13. Common courtesy, along with a wave to the driver for slowing up allowing me to cross, even when I have the right of way.
  14. Musically Pet sounds is unique, and brilliant, and before it's time a bit. As a popular market product it's more difficult to access. Sgt. Pepper is certainly a more straight forward rock, and roll album for the most part.
  15. It is the best cover though.
  16. That's the aroma of my youth right there.
  17. Passive aggressive people suck shit.
  18. They try to sap our precious bodily fluids thru ice cream.... Rocky Road as well as Appease Mint if I'm not mistaken....
  19. What are you ? A grammar cop ?
  20. God damn Annette Bening was hot as fuck in that flick. She oozed come, and fuck me attitude.
  21. Who knows, it's just a movie, and a great line lots of folks know.
  22. Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life..... Hey fuck you to hornonthebayou... you have a nice day now.
  23. Prime example of those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it
  24. I'm a huge fan of geothermal, but it doesn't seem to be used up there much, based on a google search.
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