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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. A pox on Nixons soul for ever going there, and "opening" them to the west. Nixon just gave them the international fanfare to wave their friendly little flag to the rest of the world, laughing all the time.
  2. Dude's from Ohio, a veeeeeeery sensitive state apparently. They only burn the best couches, and sofas. Actually scratch that, they only burn Fooooo-tons....
  3. There are some companies making radios that look just like an old 65 mustang radio, but have all the bluetooth capabilities built in. The head unit and knobs are separate and connected with jacks so you can fit it in the dash slot and have the knobs in the correct locations or it's a vehicle specific model with fixed knobs on the radio body.
  4. I've been designing a center console for about 2 years now. It will for damn sure have a cup holder somehow. There are these very cool hidden cup holder rings. They pop out of a hidden slot and are a stainless steel ring that will go away when you want the old school no cup holder look. Makes sense. Gives you the old school look with new school functionality with ear drum splitting sound !!
  5. Yeah, if you're not doing concourse do what you like. I get where he's coming from, but that's frankly just old school mentality, and it's just not happening today. Just look what's rolling across the auction blocks at Mecums, Barret Jackson, etc.
  6. The green looks better than the white IMO. Has a more vintage look for my money.
  7. This is how it's done, and it only took 127 posts to put it on display... Surly is all about bad and tasteless humor not meant to be taken seriously. You;d think someone with as many posts and the WTB would realize that.
  8. Zeppelin, and the Stones made disco-esque type tunes IMO. I think most groups had some type of disco tune in their songs during that era.
  9. It was about 6 years ago. I bought em thru CJ's pony parts. They WERE a great parts supply place, but have been very spotty since COVID. Did you check out the thread on the Mustang site I mentioned ?
  10. That, and the turkey episode, 2 best bits in a series filled with good shit. It was the trooper who was getting smashed as Johnny kept getting faster.
  11. Yep, a staple of my viewing routine as a kid.
  12. Sucks all around. I can’t imagine the rage I’d have if my daughter said those words to me. Passion can’t be a substitute for the law however. Stupid, passion is only worse.
  13. I bought the LED light bulb replacement and went with the coke bottle green. It's a nice upgrade, not game changing, but not difficult to do. Those old bulbs are not bright. Vintage-mustang.com and allfordmustangs.com are 2 I've gone to from time to time. There's a thread about LED instrument panel bulbs on the front page at vintage-mustang now.
  14. You need a witch, a big scale, and a duck man.... don't you know your witch law ??!!
  15. Wait… he was trying to do a reach around ?
  16. God damn have people just given up trying to park a car in an actual Parking spot…… Straight, between the lines, not half way into the spot in front of their space !
  17. Some yeah, but a shitload of really really bad music for a genre overall.
  18. Everyone that’s a girl yeah…..dragging their BFs or husbands onto the dance floor.
  19. Has Brady carried his team thru his feet, and won games on his play thru incredible passes or simply played damned smart thru a system at NE, and has been surrounded by strong squads ? I think he’s about the greatest over a career, but I think back on QB’s who won multiple games thru their amazing Athletic abilities. I still think I’d pick a healthy Montana over Brady in a 2 minute drill. Call me crazy.
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