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Onboard 2.0

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Posts posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. 23 minutes ago, huge said:

    My grandmother was the worst to servers.  I was mortified by her countless times.  One time my dad had to tell his MIL to STFU in front of the extended family.

    Mom and her sister and brother were all conditioned to stare off into space but something had to be done.

    Bad times.

    Nothing worse than sitting at a table while one of your party fucks with or humiliates a server in front of you.  Total Dick move .  I’ve approached servers after incidents and apologized for boorish behavior .  Not getting my food spit on.  

  2. 16 minutes ago, deadshank said:

    Never once did service work but I did don a Santa hat, ring the bell and stand by the red can outside of malls and grocery stores  for the Salvation Army at Christmas time for several Christmas collection seasons. 

    Some people are aholes and others are angels.  A few people I knew and hadn’t seen in a while thought I fell on hard times. 

    Got paired up with Rob Mosbacher one time.  He definitely had better things to do but he like ringing the bell for the SA. He was a cool guy.  

    I put all my crap back on the tray, don’t blow my nose in the restaurant’s cloth napkins, treat the servers with respect and I leave a good propina (sometimes I shouldn’t).

    that’s all I got.  


    In some states you can get arrested for leaving propina……. Pervert !!!!!

  3. 4 hours ago, BearSchlong said:

    Ive got strong feelings about this. My daughter is finishing her last semester at Mizzou, she has worked in bars her whole 4 years there, mainly to cover food and partying as I had tuition and housing covered. Her whole sorority worked there (Kappa) so it was also a place for them to bond and politic with other houses and frats.

    When her mother found out she was going to be working at campus bar and grill (formerly and colloquially known as Big12) she was mortified and ashamed, how dare her daughter go from being Miss Tennessee to working in a bar like some. . .barfly!

    I told her I was over the moon extatic, because it was going to give her the best education about human nature in quick order. She's graduating from the honors program in the J school Magna Cum Laude in May, and will be highly sought after in strategic communications circles like creative agencies, but her real education is knowing how to connect with people and stay away from train wrecks.

    A new place she works at had whole fraternities come in for brunch and drink specials and under tip while staying all day watching football.

    2 weekends ago when they arrived she met them on the sidewalk outside and told them to scram, that they were costing her and the staff money and weren't welcome anymore unless they started acting like adults and tipped 25% and everybody had to order an entre. She really bitched them up and down and her fellow waitresses actually clapped for her at closing.

    They formally apologized for their shitty behavior, begged to be allowed their usual corner of the place, and tipped her $400 and have subsequently been better about tips. They've thanked her for being assertive. She's told them they're lucky that they didn't get blacklisted all over Greek town as cheapskates and fucktards.

    Because her current bar is more adult oriented she's gotten to know loyal clientele in Mizzou administration, the football head coaching staff, and even SEC commissioners and executives. Shes interning with Fox Sports this year and mixes that work into conversations with AD staff and picks their brains about sports.

    When I toast her on graduation night I'm going to thank Mizzou Journalism for the cutting edge strat comm education and thank Big12/The Quarry for helping her spot trouble and for giving her a finely tuned bullshit detector.

    I've taken calls from her about how to deal with coworkers strung out on blow, ODing on Xanax, projectile vomiting drunks, all kinds of unsavory situations, and I'm happy as hell she learned a lot of street psychology and human behavior. Her rationale is "My dad is a clean and sober drunk, he's seen this before and will give no shit judgment free realistic advice."

    She had an internship at HLK in St Louis last summer and was working with a creative team on a F100 company campaign (Kitchmaid? Bayer?) and when she saw the client wasn't being forthright she called her out on it, telling her "maybe you shouldn't waste your money on this engagement if you're not going to share accurate datasets which will maximize our work product" and the firm associate, whole account team, even the managing partner were shocked that she would challenge a client so directly. The client agreed with her and shared the data and complimented her for her directness. She could had easily been fired instead but told her team that the corporate world is nothing compared to managing a bar.

    Other academically strong kids that has never had real world interactions were resigning from the internship, saying they couldn't take the pressure.

    My mother is a wannabe stepford wife who always tells my daughter that she is too brash and outspoken and needs to temper her personality. I tell her no, don't change a thing, the world doesn't remember wallflowers, you get in there and make noise and ignore your grandmother, who spent most of her life in risk avoidance and fear.

    Tl;dr service industry work gave my daughter big dick energy, shes going places.


    Good for her to stand up to the cheap tippers , but 25% tips ?  Yeah no unless you’re going way the fuck above the call of duty.

     I tip. 20% and cut waitstsfaff some slack even if the service isnt great especially during the COVID days  but 25%  ain’t  gonna happen at a local sports bar.

  4. 5 hours ago, naija said:

    the only thing you can claim that college has better is "the experience," whatever that means to you. even the regular NFL season games are better than the college football product.

    You couldn’t give me a free ticket to sit in the stands  of an NFL games anymore with the assholes that get in fights, and sport NFL jerseys covering their fat asses.

    The college experience blows the NFL away simply become you can go to a game and not be caught in the middle of 2 or more losers getting in drunken brawls in the stands every game, and that’s just the women’s fights .

    You can’t take a kid to an NFL game because of the self entitled, assholes fighting  in the stands in far too many instances.

    The NFL doesn’t even have an agreement on what a catch is anymore. 

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  5. Just now, naija said:

    if people were being honest, that's most seasons.

    I’d disagree. I followed the NFL for decades and just got bored with it as college just seemed more exciting. It’s a personal preference thing. My interest started to go when free agency got into full swing.

    College was kind of boring this season as it’s been the last couple seasons.

    when You can’t tell if a catch is a catch  that’s BS, and causes interest to wane.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  6. 1 minute ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    Two things per your post...

    1.  The ONLY time I'd ever be pissed at a waiter is if I just see them yapping or playing on their phone.  Couple of years ago, we went to our local Mexican joint.  New waitress spent most of our meal on her phone.  I still tipped her 20% because, in my mind, she could have been dealing with something important.  Keep in mind - when you were 16-20, a lot of stupid shit seemed pretty important.

    2. Your point about everyone working service at some time...  I have an engineering friend from TN that is the nicest, most generous guy.  That being said, his current job as an engineer is his first.  He's very cringe when we go out... snapping his fingers, waving across the restaurant, hitting on the waitresses in a very awkward manner, etc... He would def benefit from your call.

    That shit in no. 2 is cringeworthy to say the least. It's really bad when you take someone to a place you frequent, and have gotten to know the staff, and they do any of that shit. The hitting on part is what really pisses me off. No that 20 something chick does not have a bit of fucking interest in your 50 year old, fat ass bud.

    • Like 2
  7. On 1/21/2022 at 6:14 PM, Ag with kids said:

    I live on N Padre Island.

    When you get on the fucking island, the speed limit DOES NOT FUCKING DROP!  It is 55 mph all the way to PINS.

    All you fucking tourons need to stop slowing down to 35 fucking mph and get the fuck out of my way - I want to get home.

    JFC - every place else on earth people want to drive over the speed limit...why the fuck do they slow down on my island????

    Sounds like they’re doing gods work annoying you

  8. 11 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    I understand how y'all think that's freaky but it's just the latest trends in optimal cuddly toy placement for 14-year-old girls, and he prides himself on being a considerate paedophile. 

    What a prince of a guy....

  9. 3 minutes ago, Shady Ray said:

    This is slowly turning into a huge diplomatic shit show with everyone going their own way.


    First, in the biggest story of the weekend in national German papers, the head of the German Navy, which I assume is a made up of a few rusty boats on the North Sea, had to step down yesterday after being caught on camera in India essentially saying what most believe the German Government is actually thinking...specifically that the ministries do not fear that Russia is going to invade (he calls it "nonsense") and that "Crimea is gone...it will never come back. This is a fact". 


    He then goes on to discuss the importance of showing more respect to Putin due to Russia's status as a great and historical power and says over and over "we need Russia, we need Russia". Plus some weird religious stuff regarding his own Catholicism.


    Here is the Deutsche Welle article on it in English, along with the video of some of his more significant statements:






    And now the Austrian Foreign Ministry is publicly insisting that Russian oil and gas, as well as NS2, are explicitly excluded from any sanctions, which of course will make the Germans (and likely the French) happy.



    Has Germany just started putting estrogen in all it's municipal water systems ?

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  10. 35 minutes ago, Blotto said:



    Wait.....are you telling me you arrange your own teddies?

    Prince Andrew sketched out a plan for how his five teddies and cuddly toys should be positioned on his bed every night, it has been claimed.

    The Duke of York, 61, would “scream and shout” if his servants failed to place them exactly how he wanted at Buckingham Palace, ex protection officer Paul Page tells ITV ’s Ghislaine, Prince Andrew and the Paedophile.

    A handwritten guide is said to have included two hippos, a black panther and bears, as well as three cushions called 'Daddy', 'Ducks' and 'Prince'.

    It showed exactly where to place blankets, as well as five toys and a fur, which had ribbons that had to hang off the side of the bed.

    The instructions were laminated and titled “DOY bed: Points for turn down & making the bed”, with Andrew keeping the accompanying sketch close to his bed while staying at the Palace.

    Staff wrote: “When the DOY is staying overnight, place one small teddy & cushion in the turn down.

    “When making the bed, place the teddy & cushion next to the teddy on the left- hand side with the necklaces on.”

    Underneath in capital letters, it stressed: “Do not loose (sic) the teddy & cushion!!”

    The sketch showed a teddy holding a heart had to be put on the left of the headboard and a grey hippo on the right, while the panther was halfway down.

    A second hippo was to be put on a green throw at the end of the bed.

    A source told The Sun: “It’s hilarious a Prince of England would want his teddies on his bed. You can imagine him crying, ‘Mummy, they haven’t put the hippos on my bed!’ to the Queen if anyone got it wrong.

    "Maybe they were presents from his daughters or Fergie, but it’s still strange.”

    Page worked in Royalty and Specialist Protection Command between 1998 and 2004 and had access to the prince's private quarters.

    In this apartment, the Duke had a bed piled high with stuffed animals and toys, Page claims.

    He said: “It had about 50 or 60 stuffed toys positioned on the bed and basically there was a card the inspector showed us in a drawer and it was a picture of these bears all in situ.

    “The reason for the laminated picture was if those bears weren’t put back in the right order by the maids, he would shout and scream.”



    That's just upper management type shit right there, that man is going places.

    • Haha 1
  11. 44 minutes ago, Hate said:

    I always loved “2 out of 3 Ain’t Bad”. Damn it sucks getting old and seeing the actors and singers of your youth pass away.

    Oh, and 11 or 12 year old me always popped a boner during the “Dashboard Light” video. That was all we had pre-internet porn.

    She was hot.

  12. On 3/30/2018 at 5:18 PM, BrazilHorn said:

    People who put “MBA” after their name in their LinkedIn profile. 

    90% of the time they went to Univ. of Phoenix or some other for profit school. 

    They’re all for profit schools my man.

    • Like 3
  13. 4 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    Lol, the beard tax was progressive.  Peter the Great got sick of seeing all these bearded boyars and kulaks that looked embarrassing when his Dutch and German friends came to visit. And in typical Russian manner, he decided to enforce progress from the top down by taxing beards.

    Believe it or not, things got pretty fucking Woke under Lenin for a time. Early Bolsheviks were all about crushing the patriarchy, free love, smashing the bourgeoisie family structure, nude beaches on the Moskva River, and the equality of races. Oh yeah, and mass “decarceration.”  The party said “fuck all that” in the mid-1920s and the Revolution then switched to downright prudishness and a lot of gay hate. 

    Alexander II was probably the chillest tsar, with liberating the peasants, a sort of jury trial, and other reforms. 

    The beard tax was to fund his navy I think, and the clergy hated his ass for it.  Yeah there was a really brief capitalist vibe for a couple years there, you good buy all kinds of western, capitalist, consumer goods, then it got clamped shut.

  14. 1 hour ago, pantone159 said:

    This is also relevant for understanding the thinking of Russia. Although the Soviet Union eventually won the war, the effects were overwhelming and catastrophic to the nation. Somewhere around 20-30 million died, something like 100x the number of US people who died in the war. And though the war ended in Germany, it was primarily fought in the USSR, with no shortage of horrible acts by the German occupiers, and the nation was in ruins afterward. These memories lived (and still live) and affect decisions and thoughts still, and are not always appreciated in this country.

    E.g. During the Cold War the Russian army was built for offense, with emphasis on armored vehicles to take the fight elsewhere. From the USA, it may have seemed like the Russians were looking to attack and were a threat, but from the Russian point of view, it was mainly that, given the memories of the leaders at the time, the Russians were EXTREMELY determined that, if there were another war, it would NOT be fought in Russia, and was not based in a threatening attitude. Russian concerns about NATO moving into Ukraine hit the same nerves.

    The history of the average Russian citizen has been one long, horrible, emotional, and physical scarring. There never was a middle class, they never had a say in their lives or their choice of leaders.

    They dealt with  invasion from east, and west, and the consistent famines in Russia were the best way to lose weight, but that would be bad cause then your skinny ass would freeze to death.

    Their most progressive ruler ever was Catherine, and that was back in the 18th c. 

    Those poor fuckers had to pay a beard tax !!!  A fucking beard tax for sportin' a beard !!

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