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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. There's gotta be a really bad joke in there about crispy duck, and Dachau, but not in front of the Deutsche folks, that's for damned sure...
  2. Leaving aside all the other Trump baggage, how much of the bounce could also be related to Trump early on telling the EU, and Germany it/they needed to shoulder a fair shape of NATO monetary support ?
  3. They do produce lots of talent, and still have a generally apathetic football fan base. The Southeast is still the epicenter of CFB talent. That there are so many things to do in Ca. as opposed to the (blue-collar) Southeast also factors in to why.
  4. Yeah you can get a good paint job for less than $10K on a 60's Mustang, especially a convertible. The Blazer looks good BTW !
  5. At least you're responding to the actual content of my OP.
  6. Yep, They have a severe hard on for nuc-u-ler energy. It's going to have to be part of a worldwide plan to wean off fossil fuels.
  7. Time to cross the Rhine again ?? (sarcasm of course) but they've definitely benefitted, and have reaped those rewards thru the economic strength they wield in Euroland. Now they're crossing swords with France, and the EU over nuclear energy as a source of greenhouse gas reduction the next 20 years.
  8. Get the fuck outta here with that mess....
  9. Jesus always go to the BS insult when the truth starts turning in your face. You have a nice day now.
  10. No I'm simply responding to your general comment that one party claims the vote wasn't correct/ lying. There were for sure lots of loud shouts about W not really beating Gore (Hanging chads). So saying one party is guilty of claiming election fraud is simply not factually accurate.
  11. When did I say that ? If they've been doing it, and sending every voter a ballot for years they've probably worked out many bugs that were not worked out in the states that just implemented the practice.
  12. And when W beat algore the democrats were hollering. It's an equal opportunity gripe depending on who is declared the winner.
  13. Have they been using mail in voting the way it was expended in the last election ? Unless I'm mistaken there are incidences of people not being able to vote in person because they were told a mail in ballot was sent to their place of residence, and they did not request one. Having half the population not trusting the way we vote is not good whether they're correct or not. Our voting should be transparent, and simple. I don't have a problem with mail in voting in theory, but as a mass way of voting I think it has a greater possibility of a small group of people affecting a ballot box total much easier than in person voting. I want voting to be easy for every registered voter, but also easily verifiable that the person casting that ballot is who they say they are. I am definitely in the camp of a national voter ID card that has the same veracity as our SS#'S.
  14. Yep, and with all of those transactions they require a proper identification, SS #, address, account #, etc. Get the identification issue worked out, and many of the issues with mail in voting could go away.
  15. It's probably rick, but he spells it with a silent "P".
  16. Floyds character, timing, and physical humor was just a one of a kind treasure.
  17. Dude she was everybodies girl back in the day.
  18. Jimmy would have had the 3peat I bet Whether he was fired or not Jerry was the reason he left earlier than he would have.
  19. No it was time I know, and knew that then. jimmy was the best thing Jerry did and firing Jimmy was the worst thing he did.
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