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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. The prince of darkness is everywhere.........
  2. Or her sisters conversion away from Judaism before her own tragic demise.
  3. Yeah I mean seriously it’s a gun store why the hell do they have so many guns ?
  4. I have no problem with the anthem for the reasons stated above. Remembering the sacrifice others have made more than 2x a year is not unreasonable.
  5. Beyond all the political BS, NASCAR has got to be about the most boring shit on TV. And I've been to several races. The only real excitement is in the pit, and the repair shed during races as they try to bang out, or cut away damaged body panels, and get a driver back on the track. That will probably get more back lash than any LBGQTkrazywkittykattangofoxtrot message they allow on race day.
  6. That and they don't want to offend potential new customers/fans.
  7. Shut up and eat the haggis, and bitters....
  8. You can't be serious, and stop calling me Surly........... wait (I took a shot)
  9. Ooooh, yeaaaaah... .....nooooo.............not in that color.... How'd I do ?
  10. A modern take on Lysatrata ? Of course in Mayberry the women cut off the house work...
  11. Were NASCAR smart they wouldn't allow any political content on cars: that goes for people, causes, or whatever. I want sports to be an escape from the daily BS.
  12. Yeah can't argue with that, poor taste, and they're a private enterprise so fuck cries of censorship.
  13. I'm sorry, now you're culturally appropriating bear appendage identity ? Man this place is toxic...
  14. Oh..... fuuuuuck you sir........ That's hitting way below the belt.
  15. Oh that's for damn sure. To be honest though it's a great load off my conscience to admit my dislike of bacon cheeseburgers, sort of freeing.
  16. Full disclosure, I love bacon, but hate it on hamburgers. Something just tastes off to me when there's bacon on a burger.
  17. Not in my office it won't !!! Vegan bacon ??!! Are you serious man !!?? Haven't we already met them 2/3 of the way with the lettuce, and tomato ??!!
  18. Can't we get a ban on people serving vegan bacon ? Isn't there some kind of re education camp we could send them to ?
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