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Onboard 2.0

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Posts posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. 1 minute ago, slorch said:

    Bow at the altar? 

    How dare we acknowledge the sacrifice and commitment required to preserve our very special way of life.  Like I said earlier, it’s unfathomable that some people perceive this as a threat. It is such an imposition upon them… SMDH.

    I have no problem with the anthem for the reasons stated above. Remembering the sacrifice others have made more than 2x a year is not unreasonable.

  2. Beyond all the political BS, NASCAR has got to be about the most boring shit on TV.  And I've been to several races. The only real excitement is in the pit, and the repair shed during races as they try to bang out, or cut away damaged body panels, and get a driver back on the track.  That will probably get more back lash than any LBGQTkrazywkittykattangofoxtrot message they allow on race day.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Just now, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    And if NASCAR allows LGB, it puts pressure on other sponsors. Pepsi or whatever brand will hear from their customers that they’re unhappy that Pepsi is sharing a stage with LGB. Then Pepsi tells their driver and nascar to put an end to it. Major sponsors will have already told nascar that they don’t want controversy since their customer base is 50/50 right and left.

    Yeah of course.  Money talks......  

  4. Just now, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Meh. NASCAR isn’t making a political statement, they’re just trying to stand above obscenity. They also wouldn’t want a “Fuck Trump” or “Hang Obama” logo on a car. And make no mistake about it, that’s exactly what LGB is.

    of course, given NASCAR fans’ politics, this will only encourage the fan to chant LGB that much more now.

    That and they don't want to offend potential new customers/fans.

  5. 1 hour ago, ROFL BOX said:

    You think trying to understand how to PLAY is a hassle...

    I'm guessing they don't even sell nachos & the beer isn't cold.
    Fuckers.  No wonder we kicked their asses.

    Shut up and eat the haggis, and bitters....

  6. 2 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

    Necro-bump here. 

    My kid transitioned from being an Infantryman with two combat tours, to Drill Sergeant, to fucking PILOT!.

    He's now a Warrant Officer, and has completed "common core" at Ft. Rucker, which means he has completed flight school, flying Airbus Lakota Helos. 

    He's awaiting (in the next few days) his assignment to his final airframe (Blackhawk, Apache, etc) and then will have another 3 or 4 months training on that airframe, and will move on to his next posting. 

    He's come a long way from E-1 to Warrant Officer.  I'm more proud of him than I am capable of articulating. 


  7. 6 minutes ago, UTGrad98 said:

    So she gets to answer yes to the question 'have you ever been convicted of a felony' for the rest of her life just for cooking up some foofoo bacon? Although when she explains why on the application, that alone will get her some interviews.

    Not in my office it won't !!!  Vegan bacon ??!!  Are you serious man !!??  Haven't we already met them 2/3 of the way with the lettuce, and tomato ??!!

    • Hook 'Em 1
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