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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. Rent a car. It's the best way to maximize your time so you're not waiting around on a platform waiting for a train. I'd try to do the ring of Kerry if possible, take one of the bus tours because the guides know their shit, and you get a great look into 19th c. Ireland, and the potato famine.
  2. So does that mean they want to roll over for Putin or tell him to fuck off ?
  3. But which one is the bigger cheater ? videogate or deflategate ?
  4. I wouldn't say the Cure is spectacular, but I've always dug 'em. Their musical range was nowhere near what TP's/Mike Cambells was.
  5. Why not both comes to mind, but I'd just give him a push off a ledge, but that's just me.
  6. Ya might consider a TAG Heuer Carerra
  7. No service out on the ledge ?
  8. Ohh... ya gotta get the true coat..... yer just throwing money away if ya don't don'tcha know ..
  9. I'd wholeheartedly agree. Being a NATO member confers a great deal of security. Russia probably knows it can't defeat an allied NATO front as the US is a central figure in that organization, and wears the big poo bah hat.
  10. Hell....... Ronnie Lott would have just said cut the fucker off, I'm going in.... players today, soft I tell ya.... sheesh.....
  11. I wear a suit for weddings, funerals, and court appearances. I wear jeans, and a t shirt or casual collared shirt most days.
  12. I could create diamonds with my clenched ass when the doc goes in for the cheap feel. No gases are escaping.
  13. He’s a wide receiver it just seems to come with the territory
  14. Of course it is, he's got to fuck up a potential Super Bowl run somehow. Bad chemistry is a sure fire way.
  15. I've seen a lot of rock and roll acts over the years, I saw Tom 4x. I'd say 3 of the 4 were the best shows I ever saw. The man was a consummate showman who could put the crowd in the palm of his hand. Damn the Torpedoes got flat out worn out on my turntable.
  16. Cali......... calipigi...... calipigian ? can't we just say "man dat ass" ??
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