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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. Rent a car. It's the best way to maximize your time so you're not waiting around on a platform waiting for a train. I'd try to do the ring of Kerry if possible, take one of the bus tours because the guides know their shit, and you get a great look into 19th c. Ireland, and the potato famine.
  2. Onboard 2.0


    Thanks, Good 'ol Gazprom....
  3. Onboard 2.0


    So does that mean they want to roll over for Putin or tell him to fuck off ?
  4. But which one is the bigger cheater ? videogate or deflategate ?
  5. I wouldn't say the Cure is spectacular, but I've always dug 'em. Their musical range was nowhere near what TP's/Mike Cambells was.
  6. Why not both comes to mind, but I'd just give him a push off a ledge, but that's just me.
  7. Ya might consider a TAG Heuer Carerra
  8. No service out on the ledge ?
  9. Ohh... ya gotta get the true coat..... yer just throwing money away if ya don't don'tcha know ..
  10. Onboard 2.0


    I'd wholeheartedly agree. Being a NATO member confers a great deal of security. Russia probably knows it can't defeat an allied NATO front as the US is a central figure in that organization, and wears the big poo bah hat.
  11. Hell....... Ronnie Lott would have just said cut the fucker off, I'm going in.... players today, soft I tell ya.... sheesh.....
  12. I wear a suit for weddings, funerals, and court appearances. I wear jeans, and a t shirt or casual collared shirt most days.
  13. I could create diamonds with my clenched ass when the doc goes in for the cheap feel. No gases are escaping.
  14. He’s a wide receiver it just seems to come with the territory
  15. Of course it is, he's got to fuck up a potential Super Bowl run somehow. Bad chemistry is a sure fire way.
  16. I've seen a lot of rock and roll acts over the years, I saw Tom 4x. I'd say 3 of the 4 were the best shows I ever saw. The man was a consummate showman who could put the crowd in the palm of his hand. Damn the Torpedoes got flat out worn out on my turntable.
  17. Cali......... calipigi...... calipigian ? can't we just say "man dat ass" ??
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