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Onboard 2.0

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Posts posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. 8 hours ago, Pokoloco said:

    My brother and our wives are going in May, we already booked a trip over to the Cliffs of Moher and that area.  My dad's family is from Limerick, mom's is from Waterford.  I'd like to see both, but haven't seen anyone mention them.  Is the train system a good way to get around the country? 

    Rent a car.  It's the best way to maximize your time so you're not waiting around on a platform waiting for a train.  

    I'd try to do the ring of Kerry if possible, take one of the bus tours because the guides know their shit, and you get a great look into 19th c. Ireland, and the potato famine.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  2. 20 minutes ago, Shady Ray said:

    Roll Over Golden Retriever GIF


    The last SPD Chancellor, Gerhardt Schroeder is currently the Chairman of the Board of BOTH Nord Stream AG AND Rosneft (Russian State Oil) , Russia's second largest state-company. Second only, of course, to Gazprom (Russian State Gas).


    In Germany, you have two choices to lead your government: The CDU (Merkel's party), which will roll over for Gazprom. Or you can reject them and go with the SPD, which will roll over for Gazprom.


    Edit: And just to clarify for context, the Greens are hardliners on Putin. They want to kill NS2 and they even mentioned providing arms to Ukraine, which they eventually walked back due to them taking a pounding in the polls for making the statement. But nevertheless, they are very anti-Putin and very Pro-US/NATO.

    Thanks,       Good 'ol Gazprom....

  3. 23 minutes ago, Shady Ray said:

    Relatively significant news just now coming out re the German position on Russia policy. Sorry for the goofy translation, but Bild is Germany’s largest publication by circulation and it is very typical that the biggest governing partner leaks to it, but it is not the most “high brow” German..."speed over form" with the Bild.

    Anyway, Scholz going full "Merkel-vellian" and formally taking the Russia portfolio away from Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, as well as the core portfolio of Energy Policy from her Green Co-Leader, Energy and Commerce Minister, Robert Habeck. They fought like hell for these spots for those exact reasons in the coalition negotiations a few weeks back, so Big Kraut Industry must be really stepping up the pressure on Scholz. Other outlets saying direct talks between Scholz and Putin set for later this month, as Putin has said he will not talk directly to the EU, but only with the US, with an exception for Germany on the basis of it being a huge gas customer. 

    Greens are gonna absolutely flip, as even by Merkel's standards, this is brutally hostile to a coaltion partner...particularly in a coalition less than a month old. Their left flank is going to be apoplectic over this, as this is exactly what they predicted would happen.



    So does that mean they want to roll over for Putin or tell him to fuck off ?

  4. 11 hours ago, Make em eat Taco Bell said:

    Just moments ago, Tampa Bay General Manager Jason Licht “after discussion with Antonio Brown and representatives both sides agreed upon a return to the team after the misunderstanding. The organization will honor the contractual bonus as it plays out on the field.  We also wish heartfelt gratitude to Coach Arians for his dedication and service to the team. God Bless”

    Is this The Onion story ?

  5. 15 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    My long time partner-in-crime, with whom I've been in many bands and written probably a hundred or more songs over the decades, is not a Petty fan.  But, he's kind of a moody arty dude (indeed, he's a well-known visual artist), and his musical tastes lean towards dark British pop and punk like The Damned, Bauhaus and The Cure.  So, I don't push it.

     Why not both comes to mind, but I'd just give him a push off a ledge, but that's just me.

  6. 3 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    I can't watch a movie like this.  It would just utterly depress me.

    Same reason I can't watch a movie where a parent loses a child.  Just too emotionally raw.  The fact that this film might as well be a fucking documentary makes it that much worse.

    No service out on the ledge ?

  7. 24 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    Could not disagree more.  First of all, fighting over that strip of land has led to millions of deaths and endless instability. Wars on the periphery of Europe have a nasty way of spiraling out of control and into all of Europe and further.  A declining superpower lashing out and trying to recapture its glory is not stable.

    Here are two incontrovertible facts about NATO. First, no NATO member state has ever had an armed conflict with another member state. And keep in mind, NATO members spent CENTURIES going to war with each other for sport.  You could set a watch to intraeuropean wars.  That is gone and has been since 1948.

    Second, no state actor has ever gone to war with a NATO member.  Hard to believe, but it turns out that being a member of the most powerful military alliance in history is a deterrent to aggression and has a powerful effect on the baddies. And again, keep in mind that for most of recorded history since the Jagellonian Empire, the technical term for these nations was “road apple,” in the immortal words of Cosmo Kramer.

    Judged by the standard of “preventing major war in the Euroatlantic zone and keeping brush fires (Balkans) contained,” NATO is easily the most successful European peace project ever imagined. 

    Which really boils down to the roots of Russia’s neurosis. Is Russia really concerned that Ukraine in NATO will be a staging ground for a NATO invasion of Russia? Or is Russia frantic that a Ukraine in NATO is no longer vulnerable to Russian aggression and manipulation?  The answer is patently obvious. 

    I'd wholeheartedly agree. Being a NATO member confers a great deal of security.  Russia probably knows it can't defeat an allied NATO front as the US is a central figure in that organization, and wears the big poo bah hat.

  8. 1 hour ago, DanTheHorn said:

    AB was probably just throwing a tantrum so I am just responding to the general statement of players.

    I contend that if you are out there in the arena you are not soft since at today's size and speeds you have to have some toughness to play the sport. Some players today legitimately don't go in as a career decision. Teams do not have the players best interest in mind. Remember David Ash miraculously being cleared of a concussion by team doctors since Mack had no QB. Larry Bird cut his career short due to building a drive way for his mom because he was taught to be "tough" and do things himself. We would all laugh at Larry today and say hey go the Tom Brady way and take care of yourself. I am OK in players getting a second opinion that could change their lives. I am not saying it is OK to buy a second opinion so that you can avoid meeting your contractual obligations. Yet that kind of stuff has nothing to do with being soft and everything to do with being dishonest.

    Sarcasm check...... sarcasm check on aisle 3..........

  9. 7 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    Ok, internet. You've made your passwords inconceivably annoying with Caps/Non-Caps/Numbers/Symbols required. I get it.

    But shouldn't the default be "show password", not "hide password"?

    No one is looking over my shoulder when I log into Netflix. 

    Oh you poor disillusioned fool.

  10. I've seen a lot of rock and roll acts over the years, I saw Tom 4x.  I'd say 3 of the 4 were the best shows I ever saw.  The man was a consummate showman who could put the crowd in the palm of his hand.


    Damn the Torpedoes got flat out worn out on my turntable.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, Willfully Horn said:

    I get what you’re saying , yet some find the blunt truth to be incredibly rude.

    OTOH, sayings, quotes, and words are quite powerful. In this thread, one of my favorite words is never far from mind.

    1. having well-shaped buttocks.

    Cali......... calipigi...... calipigian ?  can't we just say "man dat ass"  ??

    • Haha 1
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