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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. Look, the man cares dammit !!! He's a gott damned humanitiariun.
  2. As long as it's not being done in mid air of course....
  3. Yeah CR is not for somebody experiencing an unbelievable hardship like that. It has a way of breeding conflict.
  4. Gotta love a capitalist at heart....
  5. Being bold can also cause you to lose the battle .....into the valley of death rode the 600....
  6. I'd very much like to be wrong.
  7. She'll be dead before she reveals anyones names. I hate that I'm even typing that., but the powerful people on those tapes, and anyone else who frequented that place will be able to get to her somehow.
  8. I knew there was a fish smell joke in there somewhere.
  9. Onboard 2.0


    They don't need a reason to be paranoid. To be Russian is to be paranoid. It's part of their cultural psyche. Russia is simply a mafioso state, and anything we can do to hem them in is good.
  10. You can't separate race from WWII, especially when discussing Japan (or any other far eastern culture). I agree people were damned tired of war. That's why had we propagated a further war with Russia nukes would have been put on the table pretty quickly.
  11. So yer sayin' Dr. Faucci is getting lots on the side ?
  12. Thanks, Yep, I've always though that the massive soviet build up in 44-45 on the western front could potentially require a nuke to shut them down if we couldn't beat them with conventional arms, and there would be many who advocated saving lives by dropping nukes. Not sure about the trade route stuff, haven't thought that thru that much, but China would have been the next domino we'd have had to knock down. War could have gone on into the late 40's probably. They lost 22m people in the war, and their military and infrastructure was pretty F'ed up so not sure how much of a threat they'd have been with fighting men or material they could funnel to Russia Yes, eventually we'd have gotten there ? It consolidated resources as you pointed out (manpower especially) I know when it's crunch time I get some very good creative juices going.
  13. Silly man, can you ever have enough watches ??!!
  14. I don’t see the problem. Like they’d lie or something ??!
  15. Yep, have a close family friend who was as tank driver. He was stationed in S. Korea, and talked about strapping his mountain bike on the back and driving up close to the DMZ, and then biking along the ridges, and trails doing reconoitering duties.
  16. Is there an argument about that ? Having not seen it, but watching the trailer it seems pretty obvious which party is being poked at with a pointy stick. Funny is funny, so it doesn’t matter which party gets poked.
  17. You’ve been invaded, and didn’t get the memo ?
  18. My opinion would be a hard NO.
  19. Yeah it is. Strangelove is an all time classic. I haven’t seen this yet so I’m just voicing a realistic bit of skepticism.
  20. That last reference was from the Young Ones, it wasn’t meant to be serious at, and I’m sincerely sorry if it offended you. . You did your best to downplay Clinton’s sexual issues , and any kidding aside that is utter Bullshit. He’s a sexual predator plain and simple.
  21. I’m sorry, but I think you’d like to stick your tongue down the back of his trousers . Seriously dude the guy used his power to coerce women To have sex with him . Stop with the womanizer shit . The Paula Jone incident wasn’t some flirtatious affair. He groped Kathleen Wiley days after her husband had died . clinton is a POS shit no less than Trump it appears, and if he was going to Epstein’s island that seals his POS status he sexually assaulted women, there have been enough woman who’ve come forward with their stories about what they say he did or tried to do to them Jones, Willey are just 2 of the more prominent, and known incidents.
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