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Onboard 2.0

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Posts posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. 4 minutes ago, blacklab said:

    •Kicked out of Florida International University after fighting a security guard

    •⁠"Don't touch me. I'm the franchise"

    • ⁠His second year in the league he took a personal stretch limo to a charity event, had them open every single expensive bottle of wine, rejected it. Refused to pay for it (charity, remember), then left.

    • ⁠Threw fits over not getting enough targets

    • ⁠Drove 100 down McKnight Road in Pittsburgh, which has a 45 MPH speed limit

    • ⁠Trashed a condo and threw furniture out a window 14th floor window, which almost hit some people, notably a child

    • ⁠Killed a home aquarium full of piranhas and refused to pay the man who installed the tank

    • ⁠Refused to play week 17 for the Steelers

    • ⁠Dyed his mustache blonde

    • ⁠Refused to pay a chef because he thought he threatened him by placing a fish head in the freezer (the fish head was saved to make a soup)

    • ⁠Farted on a doctor

    • ⁠Demanded a trade from the Steelers

    • ⁠Became "Mr. Big Chest"

    • ⁠Threw a fit over Juju winning team MVP and trashed him on social media

    • ⁠(Allegedly) nixed a trade that would've sent him to the Bills

    • ⁠Showed up to Raiders training camp in a hot air balloon

    • ⁠Held out and refused to show up to training camp because the NFL would not approve his helmet because it was too old for their safety standards

    • ⁠Froze his feet

    • ⁠Tried to paint over his old helmet, hoping no one would notice I guess

    • ⁠Acquired a newer version of the same model of helmet, which the NFL refused to let him use

    • ⁠Picked out a new helmet and finally showed up to the Raiders

    • ⁠Got fined by the Raiders for not attending camp

    • ⁠Tweeted the fines

    • ⁠Tried to fight Mike Mayock, called him a cracker, had to be held back by Vontaze Burfict, then punted a football down the practice field and said "fine me for that"

    • ⁠Got fined for that

    • ⁠Released a video where he used audio of Jon Gruden, who didn't know he was being recorded, which is illegal in California (full disclosure, Gruden has said he gave permission, but the generally accepted theory is that he said that in the hope that it would help get him to show up to the facility and not alienate him)

    • ⁠Demanded a release from the Raiders

    • ⁠Was released


    • ⁠Made a lot of crazy tweets saying stuff like 'Devil is a lie', a proverb about burning down a village... he made a lot of crazy tweets around this time is the point here

    • ⁠Liked a tweet about Mayock getting raped in the ass

    • ⁠Signed with the Patriots

    • ⁠Moved in with Tom Brady

    • ⁠The sexual assault allegations came out (the one where he's getting sued)

    • ⁠The sexual harassment allegations came out (the one where he's not getting sued)

    • ⁠Threatened the woman not suing him in a group text that included his lawyer and had a picture of her kids in the text

    • ⁠Got released by the Patriots after one week

    • ⁠Went off on a tweet storm and said a lot of crazy **** about a lot of people, and was supportive of people sending threats to the writer of the article detailing the sexual harassment allegations

    • ⁠Said he was done with the NFL

    • ⁠Went back to college via online classes

    • ⁠Tried to outsource his homework to Twitter

    • ⁠Wants to come back to the NFL

    • ⁠Filed several grievances to try and get more than $40 million from the Raider's and Patriots

    • ⁠Was ordered to show up for a deposition regarding trashing the condo

    • ⁠Was accused of "reprehensible behavior" during the deposition Note: I cut the specifics about the deposition so I could fit this as a single comment. You can read more about it here if you're interested, because it, like everything else, is nuts

    • ⁠Said that the Patriots have to pay him anyway, so they might as well let him play

    • ⁠Tweeted a couple of bizarre tweets about the Raiders using him for HBO ratings and the Patriots trying to steal his stuff and kept using this weird chicken based metaphor

    • ⁠Tried out for the Saints and brought an entourage and film crew to shoot a music video with him when specifically told not to do that

    • ⁠Called out Robert Kraft for his rub and tug massage session in Florida

    • ⁠Starting training for a boxing match with Logan Paul

    • ⁠Tweeted "No more white woman 2020"

    • ⁠The attorney representing him in the suit involving the condo quit

    • ⁠Used a bunch of slurs and profane language towards cops in an Instagram video he posted

    • ⁠A police youth football league cut ties with him and returned a donation after the release of the video saying there was a "irreparable rift" between the department and AB

    • ⁠Threw a bag of gummy candy dicks at the cops in a video he posted

    • ⁠Got dropped by his agent

    • ⁠Was involved in a disputed with movers at his home where he allegedly threw rocks at the movers and moving vans. He is currently being investigated for battery by the police.

    • ⁠His trainer was arrested and he is still a suspect in the battery case.

    • ⁠Warrant issued for the arrest of AB.

    • ⁠AB turns himself in to Broward Country Jail wearing this suit

    • ⁠Rumors spread about AB signing with Tampa or Seattle

    • ⁠AB announces his retirement (for what I believe is the third time, it's hard to find a good record of the rest of them)

    • ⁠Two days later AB wants to play again and is asking for the league to wrap up it's investigation

    • ⁠The NFL announces an eight game suspension for AB

    • ⁠AB signs with the Buccaneers on a one-year deal

    • ⁠Before he signed with the Buccaneers AB was accused of destroying a surveillance camera at a Florida gated community, throwing bike at a security-guard shack, and is not charged because HOA president "feared" retaliation, per police report

    • ⁠AB is under investigation by the NFL for the bike throwing incident

    • ⁠Allegedly acquired fake covid-19 card

    • confirmed to have acquired a fake covid-19 card and subsequently suspended for three games

    • Removed jersey and pads and threw them in the stands before exiting the games verse the Jets.

    What's your point ??!

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  2. 21 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Can’t imagine losing my daughter. Just texted her to make sure she’s ok. 

    And I don’t think posting on the political board here would help process that unimaginable grief, quite the opposite in my opinion. 

    Yeah CR is not for somebody experiencing an unbelievable hardship like that. It has a way of breeding conflict.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 1 hour ago, JimmyJames said:

    Well if it makes you feel any better I just got out of a 5 day stint in surly jail for allegedly personally attacking the sack.  No doubt due to a report by immortal. 

    Even though I disagreed with it, I’ve learned my lesson. I can honestly say I’m a changed man. I’m no longer a danger to surly society. That’s the gods honest truth. No doubt about it. 



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  4. 28 minutes ago, Armybrat said:

    When we lived in Taipei 1957-59 while Dad was part of the MAAG that was “advising” the Nationalist Army, he related the cynical story about how during WW2 the Generalissimo demanded $100 million in gold upfront to build the gravel runways in China that were to be used by our B-29s to bomb the Japanese. 

    Gotta love a capitalist at heart....

  5. 10 hours ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    This new fucking crypto commercial being pitched by Matt Damon.


    while I techically know the Romans used the translation of "Fortune favors the Brave", the fact is, the standard accepted version of the translation is "Fortune favors the Bold" 

    because in a military context being bold and making bold moves helps you win the fucking battle.   

    Being brave can also win the battle... it can also mean you get killed because you are bravely running at the front of the fight and the first to die. 

    The Romans meant it as an ideal,  not a rallying cry.


    so yeah... that makes me surly when he keeps saying fortune favors the brave.  


    Being bold can also cause you to lose the battle .....into the valley of death rode the 600....

  6. 3 minutes ago, Poolflood said:

    Don't see her getting killed.  Paid off maybe.  Fuck it.  You're probably right.  The centralized power - monied and political- is too great.

    I'd very much like to be wrong.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Poolflood said:

    Hope she spills on everybody.  Should be a literal bloodbath.

    She'll be dead before she reveals anyones names.  I hate that I'm even typing that., but the powerful people on those tapes, and anyone else who frequented that place will be able to get to her somehow.

    • Rage+1 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Russia reconquering multiple Eastern European nations would be bad for everybody, worse than Ukraine.

    While the NATO expansion ramped up Russian paranoia, it also kept Russia in check for the past 20 years.

    They don't need a reason to be paranoid.  To be Russian is to be paranoid. It's part of their cultural psyche. 

    Russia is simply a mafioso state, and anything we can do to hem them in is good.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    I think at that point we were tired of war.  An intervention with Russia would not be good in the public eye.  I don't want to being race into it but I have to.  If it were against an Asian country no doubt we would have fought.  Against mother Russia not so much

    You can't separate race from WWII, especially when discussing Japan (or any other far eastern culture).  I agree people were damned tired of war.  That's why had we propagated a further war with Russia nukes would have been put on the table pretty quickly.

  10. 42 minutes ago, TurkeyChew said:

    Also how career academics and STEM experts are mostly nerdy, antisocial weirdos with a cavalcade of personality disorders that require pharmaceutical therapies…but once they taste the sweet nectar of popularity and being desired (sexually, culturally, financially etc.) and get the taste of being the quarterback of the football team, all the morality is out the door.

    So yer sayin' Dr. Faucci is getting lots on the side ?

  11. Thanks,


    Yep, I've always though that the massive soviet build up in 44-45 on the western front could potentially require a nuke to shut them down if we couldn't beat them with conventional arms, and there would be many who advocated saving lives by dropping nukes.


    Not sure about the trade route stuff, haven't thought that thru that much, but China would have been the next domino we'd have had to knock down.  War could have gone on into the late 40's probably.  They lost 22m people in the war, and their military and infrastructure was pretty F'ed up so not sure how much of a threat they'd have been with fighting men or material they could funnel to Russia


    Yes, eventually we'd have gotten there ?  It consolidated resources as you pointed out (manpower especially)  I know when it's crunch time I get some very good creative juices going.

  12. Just now, BabaYaga said:

    Tanks are fricking cool.  My best friend was an Abrams driver.  Said those things were flipping amazing.  If you can see it, you call kill it.  That's basically how bad ass that 120mm main gun is.  He used to talk about all the stories stationed in KY and at Hood of the dumb shit the tankers would do.  But when it was cold, the infantry loved them.  That giant turbine engine was like a massive space heater for guys to huddle behind when it was cold.

    Group buy for an weekend at the Ox ranch?

    Yep, have a close family friend who was as tank driver. He was stationed  in S. Korea, and talked about strapping his mountain bike on the back and driving up close to the DMZ, and then biking along the ridges, and trails doing reconoitering duties.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, heso said:


    This is my first go at anything more substantial than cutting boards and construction lumber garage shelves.

    Simple storage for tools / miscellanea for the basement.

    The top 4 drawers have the dividers and all of the pieces are friction fit so that they can be pulled out to make different sized sections.

    Well played.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 1 hour ago, 52-80 said:

    You idiots manage to shred a satire movie into an insufferable argument about which political party it satirizes

    Is there an argument about that ?

    Having not seen it, but watching the trailer it seems pretty obvious which party is being poked at with a pointy stick.

    Funny is funny, so it doesn’t matter which party gets poked. 

  15. 37 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    Took the dogs, the daughter, and mom to the ranch yesterday.  When we pull in mom says we need a new Texas flag that one is all faded.  So we go into town to eat dinner and after I go to Wal-mart to get a new flag.    The Wal-mart in Columbus, Texas only has two types of flags, U.S and Tennessee.  WTF?

    You’ve been invaded, and didn’t get the memo ?

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  16. 12 minutes ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    there are a lot of quality takes i want to comment on, quote, etc. in this thread but i don't think it's possible for me to do so without going CR

    can we get a ruling on permissibility of cloaking up this thread?

    My opinion would be a hard NO.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  17. On 12/25/2021 at 6:25 PM, GhostOfTomJoad said:

    It was phenomenal. Terrifyingly funny at points. Leo's performance is Oscar worthy.

    Dr. Strangelove for the 21st century.

    That's a bold claim sir.

  18. 1 minute ago, RomaVicta said:

    This is your own sad inability to let go of what made you a staunch GOP believing your were on the side of good versus evil. You didn't even bother to refute my points. You fail to even understand my points about Clinton.

    I didn't call the Jones incident a flirtatious affair. I didn't condone the Willinsky incident. Perhaps he did grope Kathleen Wiley, but she spent a lot of time with him and it's a he said/she said claim made at a time when you could make a lot of money being the she said.

    When you go back to your copies of American Spectator, the sticky pages are probably your favorites. 

    And fuck you for the phrasing of my tongue and Clinton's pants. Try not to let your unbalanced logical sensibilities lead you to grotesque phrasing that would get your nuts kicked up around your neck if you did it in person.

    That last reference was from the Young Ones,  it wasn’t meant to be serious at, and I’m sincerely sorry if it offended you. 

    . You did your best to downplay Clinton’s sexual issues , and any kidding aside that is utter Bullshit. He’s a sexual predator plain and simple.

  19. 6 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Negged for lying and willful distortion.

    Frankly, I'm not sure either abused power for sex. Clinton didn't come on to Lewinski, she came on to him with great fervor. You can fault him for the inappropriateness and his lying about it, but I don't think he abused power. I don't know when you think Trump abused power for sex.

    "Accused of rape, several checks for each"

    An army of women have detailed gross sexual assault from Trump who is on tape bragging of "grabbing them by the pussy." His ex-wife accused him of rape as did another private citizen with nothing to gain by doing so.

    Clinton is a womanizer, no doubt. I believe Paula Jones story about going to a room where he exposed himself anticipating sex with her that, I think, he believed would be consensual. Gross misinterpretation of the situation and undoubted sexual harrassment. The rape claims are very political leading me to doubt their veracity. They came amid the frenzy of right wing propaganda that was accusing Hillary of murdering her male lover while simultaneously being a lesbian.

    I don't think Clinton gets a power thrill out of affairs. I don't think Trump gets any other thrill out of his affairs and assaults.

    You falsely equate the actions of two different men hoping that the relative egregiousness will go unnoticed. It hasn't.

    You're now  free to return to reading old issues of American Spectator and jacking off.

    I’m sorry, but I think you’d like to stick your tongue down the back of his trousers .  Seriously dude the guy used his power to coerce women To have sex with him .  Stop with the womanizer shit . The Paula Jone incident wasn’t some flirtatious affair. He groped Kathleen Wiley days after her husband had died .


    clinton is a POS shit no less than Trump it appears, and if he was going to Epstein’s island that seals his POS status 

    he sexually assaulted women, there have been enough woman who’ve come forward with their stories about what they say he did or tried to do to them Jones, Willey are just 2 of the more prominent, and known incidents.

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