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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. Well… his avatar definitely didn’t check out I guess Horrible reality about his daughter that has to be a factor.
  2. The Patton call to continue east has always been a fascinating what if scenario. The Russians had massive amounts of troops, and material poised on the German border by '45 I believe. What would the outcome be of a true east vs. west war ? Do we give them a knock out punch with allied combined, conventional arms or does another nuke or the threat of a nuke drop occur ? What would the world be like in a post WWII era with only 1 super power, and no Cold War, and subsequent arms race ? Do we have a post WWII country with an expensive military, and military industrial complex ? Do we get to the moon if we don't have the Russians pushing us to that technology ?
  3. She never did it for me at all. Mousy, whiny voice, questionable looks, no curves, and not a very good actress. The classic example of casting couch success IMO. No thanks.
  4. You're not getting on a sex slave island bound, Epstein owned jet if you aren't going for the sex slaves (underage or not)..... d'uuuuuuuuh.
  5. I’d disagree with that concept unless he secretly wants to be a woman. That type of behavior is what a narcissistic, self centered, man might project onto his sons in my opinion. And I agree his comments about her are creepy AF, but they don’t make me think he molested her. I still cringe at the reactions I see from the girls, and women Mr. Biden has been filmed putting hands on, and have no idea if he is a pervert/pedophile or just a guy who doesn’t have any idea what personal space is. As far as creating the Barbie doll I agree he’d do that cause it does reflect on him as a father (in his ducked up self centered mind) to have that beautiful daughter as sort of a status symbol in some way.
  6. Ewwww. I had not seen any of the links posted by others, and his comments make my head spin more than a bit. Still begs the question why she’d hang around now unless she is completely damaged goods (mentally) now.
  7. Just how narrow of a scope regarding sex crimes would it have too be to exclude sex tapes ? That would be something that someone would have to know exists so they preemptively excluded that type of evidence I'd think ??
  8. Yeah I've seen a lot of these kinds of posts. It's such a seriously fucked up thing to do to your own flesh, and blood on so many countless levels (and pretty much no better to any non relative minor). Is there some verified proof (which is always a double edged sword of what to believe) or just the typical trump hatred thing ? I've seen the pics of her on his lap, and they didn't look good, but no less cringeworthy than the reactions young girls, and women seem to have to Mr. Bidens hair sniffing, and grabbing from behind. The whole completely fucked up incest issue aside, I'm pretty prudish about appropriate ages between a man, and a woman. Having a 30 year old daughter sets a bar above 30, I wouldn't go below no matter how hot a woman is. I mean she stuck around him into adulthood. Unless she's a freak, and digs that kind of thing, or so mentally damaged by the whole thing, I'd think she would have split years ago ? Nothing surprises me today, and my comments are in no way meant to defend him at all.
  9. Thread drift, but I've always had a thing for Amy Winehouse, before she became that skeleton looking thing eaten up by drugs, and alcohol abuse
  10. If by "liquidity event" you mean we'll all piss our pants one day yeah, spot on....
  11. Is this a trick question ? All of them god dammit. After pouring molten lead down their dick holes first though.
  12. This is called the plausible deniability defense or more commonly referred to as a "Whoopsie daisy". The Epstein sex slave island incident is about the most grotesque thing I've ever read about this side of genocide. It would appear that it goes all the way to monarchies, heads of state, and untold numbers of captains of industry. How a man who knows full well he's violating a minor could ever do such a thing is utterly beyond my comprehension. I bet many of these fuckers have daughters.
  13. Why you wanna be slummin' and hanging with the worst sorts ?
  14. So she has heart trouble I just bet, or trouble with her balance.... or dies in a freak kiln explosion.....
  15. And NPR doing what it does best, falling on its weird, nerdy face with comments like that. That reporter had to look up what N-F-L stands for probably.
  16. NM snow is always a big crap shoot.
  17. Onboard 2.0


    THIS ^^^^ The central crux, and lynchpin of a Russians psyche. This thread has been a great read. My knowledge of Russia has come from college history courses, a few books, TV productions, and a general day to day news feed. Their history is one of conquest, and invasion from east, west, and internally. They're neither western nor eastern hemisphere. They've always been something in between. It's always fueled their distrust of everyone. Coupled with the fact there's never really been a true middle class. The serf - master relationship has never really been overcome. Tsars have ruled with an iron fist with only glimpses of progressive movement (and you really have to go back to Catherine for any of that progressive thought). I'd say your comments on the souring of emotions towards the west during the post Cold War NATO expansion would be spot on for the average Russian, but is just another chapter in the us against everybody mindset they've always seemed to have. I'd say we maybe missed a chance to help foster a more democratic path for the Russians. I'd also say the rocket surgeons (love that description BTW) probably knew a lot more than we or the average Russian did about who was moving to take power in the post Soviet world, and who that cast of players would be. How would anyone not think ex KGB would be the ones who moved to that end ? They had the training, apparatus, and all the other tricks needed to drive Russia right back to it's current mafioso state. Of course I could be way off, but I don't think it's a great leap of faith to think that was going to happen. Russians have had zero experience with democracy, voting or self governance ever in the entire history of their country. That they were going to succeed in that 180 degree transformation would have been a bit of a miracle.
  18. She doesn't crack the top 10 IMO. Cute, and perky, but not wet dream fantasy material.
  19. The box they found was not the one they thought they were looking for apparently. The 1887 time capsule was said to contain 60 objects relating to the civil war, and Lee. They've now found a box that was located near the area is was said to be when it was entombed in the base. It'll be opened later this week hopefully.
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