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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. Onboard 2.0


    Russia’s vast size has always been their best defense
  2. Oh yeah Ben Weaver makes Andy arrest Sam for bootlegging, so they move Christmas to the courthouse. Ben finally gets himself arrested so he can get a Xmas blow job from Ellie the female druggist, and local meth dealer.
  3. Onboard 2.0


    Lord have mercy, a week in Christmas land you're already ledge sitting ?
  4. That Yaeger is a classic look unit
  5. Yeah it's Raquel in first place, and then Raquel in second place as well, then the chick from once upon a time in the west.
  6. The son finally figured out he needed to really apply himself in school when he announced he was gonna be an astronaut, and applied to the AF academy. He's a computer engineer now, and getting ready too make some serious coin after 6 years in the Air Force.
  7. Onboard 2.0


    Froliches weinachten
  8. Yeah can’t speak to that. Skiing there is big hill stuff cause the Andes are pretty big, and steep with lots of big open bowl skiing apparently.
  9. Well you won’t find any hills till June or July but Portillo is the best resort there according to several friends who’ve made that summer trip. It’s all above the tree line. Very euro resort feel.
  10. Cowboy (d’uhhhh what kid doesn’t want to be) helicopter pilot architect
  11. Dick headed move on that guys part
  12. Where the fuck is my fluflugler ? Oh well…. Merry Christmas.
  13. Yeah..... it's complicated though.....
  14. I'm a sucker for rose gold. So much richer, and warmer than yellow or white gold especially when paired with black or navy blue.
  15. Onboard 2.0


    So ……. yer saying there’s a chance ??
  16. That Lange sohne is sex on a strap. It makes the Patek look like a Casio knock off Not a fan of a rounded off square
  17. Onboard 2.0

    Pink Floyd

    It’s David fucking Gilmore that’s pink god dammit !!
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