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Onboard 2.0

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Posts posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. 8 minutes ago, The Ace of Aces said:

    Did they ever have a Christmas episode? I can’t recall one which seems a little odd. 

    Oh yeah Ben Weaver makes Andy arrest Sam for bootlegging, so they move Christmas to the courthouse. Ben finally gets himself arrested so he can get a Xmas blow job from Ellie the female druggist, and local meth dealer.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    Farther away? We’re one election away from renouncing NATO and entering into a formal alliance with him.

    Lord have mercy, a week in Christmas land you're already ledge sitting ?  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 1 hour ago, JCHIL said:

    Ski Portillo is definitely family friendly- think of a cruise ship on the snow ...I took my fam in August of 2014 ( kids were 11 and 14 at the time).  Flew into Santiago and shuttled 2 hours north to Portillo- The resort is a stunning yellow hotel on the shores of Inca lake surrounded by the Andes. -it doesn’t get anymore scenic than this setting. This resort is a destination resort meaning that they mostly book week long packages - I don’t think they allow any day skiers or very few people drove up there to ski for the day so only week guests are present - no crowds due to set amount of weekly bookings.    They have a very good ski school for kids and some nice blue runs and an abandoned train tunnel you can ski thru in the kiddie slopes.  The hotel reminded me of the 50’s style of European elegance that  was slightly worn but well kept with an historic feel . It has an amazing dining room overlooking Inca Lake.  The packages include all meals- breakfast , lunch, apres afternoon tea and snacks, and dinner.  You are assigned a table for the week and after a few days you get to know everyone around you-the kids easily met other kids to hang out with. The Chef prepared food was excellent and service is excellent -  I think there is one staff member for every guest....  There are guests from all over the world.... Aussies, Brazilians, Argentinians, and Americans seemed to be the majority.  The rooms are euro spartan with no TV’s and we enjoyed that.  It has ski weeks featuring Nightly  Chilean wine tastings (we did this one) and other weekly themes.  The hotel has bars, a full sized gym with climbing wall, pool tables, ping pong, and daily scheduled indoor activities for kids - even baking classes in the kitchen with the chef.   The coolest feature is the outdoor heated pool and hot tubs that overlook Lake Inca - stunning views while having a drink in hot tub.  There is some steep terrain and can satisfy the most advanced skier with probably  less for the beginner but the Overall experience is amazing.  Our family thoroughly enjoyed the trip - I will reveal that we are a passionate ski family with the kids getting many ski days yearly and they grew up skiing at our place in Taos since they were 3 yrs old so our kids are advanced skiers which makes for fun times when traveling to areas that have challenging terrain.  Also , the Poma    lifts at Portillo to the more challenging terrain were  insane!  Think water  skiing on skis going about 20 mph uphill at a 45 degree angle .  Highly recommend Portillo.FD1A77DB-5FDA-41D3-8AC9-6592DFAAEF4E.thumb.jpeg.a327482ca0e94f867371db0bb173d6ab.jpeg0AF1408E-4363-4256-8317-D0B8C5771760.thumb.jpeg.44eb7707dac4cff9ec7da3d05f9114af.jpeg3F5967E3-F2D2-4EBB-8E65-D142FE9F578A.thumb.jpeg.c8e97561af7b84dc094c00df0ea87c07.jpeg

    Great review

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 20 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Also, Germany going it alone directly with Russia, with new Chancellor Scholz pulling a "Merkel" and running foreign policy direct from the Chancellry, bypassing the Foreign Ministry, thus cutting out previously-mentioned new Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, who has had a hell of a few weeks pissing off half of Europe, most noticably the French:


    Counterpoint 1: Baerbock is sexy, and would like to make sexy time with me.

    Counterpoint 2: the anti-nuke stance isn’t just her position, or the Greens’ position, it’s Germany’s. They are stridently anti-nuke. I don’t agree with it, but it’s not a secret.

    3: I ain’t gots no idear what the ultimate play by Putin is here.

    * got's

  5. 3 minutes ago, millhouse said:

    I wanted to be an astronaut. My dad said that isn't a major, you should be an engineer. I told him I didn't want to drive a train.

    Started at UT thinking I'd do something medical and realized I hated biology and chemistry.  Switched to engineering and turns out my dad was was right. I love what I do, and though i have remained terrestrial, it has still taken me all over the world and allowed me to build a pretty good life thus far.

    The son finally figured out he needed to really apply himself in school when he announced he was gonna be an astronaut, and applied to the AF academy. He's a computer engineer now, and getting ready too make some serious coin after 6 years in the Air Force.

  6. 2 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    Internet is telling me it’s not a good hill for little ones though…

    Yeah can’t speak to that.   Skiing there is big hill stuff cause the Andes are pretty big, and steep with lots of big open bowl skiing apparently.

  7. 44 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    anybody know anything about Chile? looking for a family friendly hill...

    Well you won’t find any hills till June or July but Portillo is the best resort there according to several friends who’ve made that summer trip.  It’s all above the tree line.  Very euro resort feel.

  8. On 12/21/2021 at 8:37 AM, GlenFromTheMailRoom said:

    IWC Moon and Tide.  Just a really fucking beautiful watch.


    I'm a sucker for rose gold.  So much richer, and warmer than yellow or white gold especially when paired with black or navy blue.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Shady Ray said:

    I have been thinking about this, as well, and I am not sure that he takes or occupies anything, as Russians have zero appetite for absorbing Donbas, as opposed to their overwhelming support of the annexation of Crimea. Hell, taking Crimea was so popular internally that even Navalny said he wouldn't return it. But bodybags coming home from a worthless area of fuckin' Ukraine would quickly erode his position. But I do think that he is fully prepared to fuck Ukraine's shit up something fierce and leave it a condition where it essentially breaks the country sending it into full-blown intra-Ukrainian meltdown, which I believe it would. People look at the strength and structural reslillience in Ukraine through rose-colored lenses in the West. It is not in good shape by any metric and it would not take much to send it from its current awful state to complete collapse and chaos internally. The country is not particularly cohesive and does suffer from decades and decades of corruption and ethnic strife. Putin knows this and I would not be surprised if his secondary objective if he doesn't gain concessions from the US as to European security structure is just to say, "fuck it...destroy it then and let Europe deal with the fallout". To me, that makes much more sense than the risk/expenditure of political capital required to invade and annex. At the end, he knows that a failed Ukrainian state has no chance of entering the EU or NATO anytime soon and he would have at least bought himself years before dealing with the issue again. Not married to this idea, but its as good as my spitballing can get at the moment.


    As to whether the EU will defend Ukraine...not a snowball's chance. IMO, most EU nationals - at least in Western Europe would support shit going hot with Russia if Russia touched a NATO member, because they value the idea of NATO...but they would not for Ukraine. Basically, Berlin and Paris would risk an attack by Moscow on behalf of defending Warsaw...they won't for Kiev, and every politician knows that stepping in militarily against Russia may very easily result in a situation where they have to address their electorate from a smoldering pile of rubble and defend their entry into what is seen by many - rightly or wrongly - as an intra-slavic historical conflict having nothing to do with us. 


    And while it may be unpopular to state in public or in diplomatic statements, but this position against military interventiion in France and Germany is not just about Russia…it is also about a general indifference (and for many here, a distaste - even within the urban, professional pro-EU/Atlanticist class) for the current Ukrainian state itself. Ukraine is portrayed in the US media as a promising democracy full of democratic politicians with some semblance of the structural elements required to efficiently integrate into the “European fold” with just a little TLC from Brussels…as though it is analogous to Czechia or Poland or Slovenia at the time of their respective entries into the EU/NATO. Unfortunately, that is a very naive and oversimplified portrayal. In my opinion, Ukraine makes the pre-accession conditions of Romania and Bulgaria, which were (and remain) very difficult for the EU for years, look like integrating Luxembourg by comparison to what we would face with Ukraine.


    "Ukraine-Fatigue" is a very real-thing here in Germany (and in France), where the country is seen essentially as a borderline-failed state with all of the same problems that Russia has, only with volatile internal politics which produce puppets/corrupted/incompetent heads of state instead of a fixed autocrat like Putin. It is completely dysfunctional even outside of its issues with Russia, burdened with xenophobic attitudes by some powerful people on all respective sides(which are endlessly exploited and exagerrated by Putin, but neverthless seen and reported on as a real concern here). It is thoroughly corrupted by shady oligarchs, chronically insolvent despite billions of EU direct-cash infusions, and completely mismanaged with infrastructure decrepitness that rivals even their eternal-basketcase neighbor, Moldova. It is filled with less-than desirable elements in positions of influence - and that goes for both sides of the Dnieper. And as I mentioned on a previous post in this thread, the desire of German Industry/Politicians to move ahead with NS2 is not only about securing a steady and affordable fuel supply (which it is, of course), it is also about reducing the endless headaches that come along with dealing with Ukraine as a transit state. Decrepit pipeline infrastructure and unreliable supply through Ukraine have been a long-held irritation by German Industry and no amount of contributed funds (even when specifically earmarked for such purposes year after year) or pressure has helped to resolve this. Ukraine is a black-hole with respect to EU direct aid and even the EU technocrats are tired of the games over there. In short, Ukraine is the child that only Uncle Sam loves. It's support elsewhere in Europe is directly proportionate to the self-interests of a given nation at a given time.


    So, while pure economic interests should not necessarily determine Europe's willingness to defend Ukraine militarily, the truth of the matter is that they do, and I just can't see the average Western European government backing sending troops to defend it given the baggage that it has. Any military defense would immediately open the door to nationalist politicians making political hay over what would be an ugly, ugly situation. Macron couldn't afford it given his upcoming election next year, which is already proving to be an election fought on the right, and the declining AfD would immediately start to tick back up again here in Germany. So I just don't see it happening. Way too much downside defending a place that isn't particularly sympathetic behind closed boardroom and residential doors.

    So …….  yer saying there’s a chance ??

  10. On 12/20/2021 at 2:27 PM, Chewbacca said:

    Same one as a lot of people.  Patek Nautilus 5711.  



    I'm also a big fan of the Lange 1



    That Lange sohne is sex on a strap. It makes the Patek look like a Casio knock off  

    Not a fan of a rounded off square 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    Does the OP realize that’s not Pink Floyd playing in the video?   I mean, if Nick Mason were there, we would happily award partial credit.  But that’s not Pink Floyd.  

    when Robert Plant sings “Black Dog” With Alison Krause, we don’t say “watch Led Zeppelin play their iconic song “

    It’s David fucking Gilmore that’s pink god dammit !!

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