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Onboard 2.0

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Posts posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. 3 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

    He wants to know why he should go hump his mom's leg. Then he wants to know if your pointy or not.


    Unorganized cabal rage   UCR. It happens a lot around here.
    the meme was funny because it was funny. AC claiming he didn’t pull the trigger made him fair game.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    The posts and threads you selectively chose to respond to aren't. 

    Selectively Respond to ?  Ive been posting in this thread and following it for a while.  You’re the one selectively posting a comment about my response, which you do often out of the blue so piss off.

  3. 44 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    It would only bore me and waste your time to explain it a second time. Have a nice night.

    Dude, there is no explanation.  It was a meme about AB that was funny because he opened his mouth, and made a dumb ass statement. It doesn't matter if it was posted in the CR or movies and TV thread. Your misplaced anger is bizarre.

  4. 6 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Don't think you read my whole post, my friend. It's the context of this whole thing being on the political board that makes this particular usage very political. I said I would likely laugh at it in other contexts. It does have wit.

    I read it, but that meme is not political and regardless of where it was posted it’s relevant and funny because he made that comment and he should have kept his mouth shut.


    now explain how that meme is political please. 

  5. Seriously, it's in bad taste, and hence has the funny. This board is all about pushing the envelope on good, and bad taste, and laughing at stuff we probably shouldn't be, and that meme (not a fan of them ) is spot on, has a kernel of truth in it, and is thus funny, and fair game here.

    There's nothing political about that meme.  There's nothing left or right in that meme. AB said he didn't pull the trigger (a really stupid thing to have said for this very reason).

    Sorry Roma V. you're anger is misplaced.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. On 12/10/2021 at 1:19 AM, atomheartbevo said:

    If we could get the rest of Europe to bite the bullet and hit Russia economically, that would be a much better avenue.  The people that back Putin wouldn't be happy to start losing money/wealth, and hitting their economy is a good way to get the people in the streets (which would tie up Russian military assets).

    Yes, this should be the avenue the West chooses.  Pressure on Putin from within his little, festering, rats nest would be fun to see.

  7. 2 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    This is completely out of sync with how NFL scouts work.  They pore over HOURS of film.  There’s never been a 5* recruit go to FCS, so there is no comparison. But scouts will care more about his competition at the most recent level than his ranking. 

    That said, the idea that NFL scouts will care about his high school star ranking is laughable. And there are going to be plenty of DBs with good film and similar combine figures in his class. Any GM will go for the kid with good film against quality competition. 

    Lots of 5* get drafted, but that’s because most 5* go to good schools and play well. It has nothing to do with their ranking. I think this kid had a good shot to get drafted, but I also think he will easily cost himself half a round in draft positioning just by going FCS. And that’s money. The first contract is vital. 

    And again, he will probably transfer to a P5 school when it's time to get his draft status jacked up.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Speaking of phones.  WTF with gmail on my laptop?  Every time I log in now, the 2-step verification requires that I open my gmail app on my phone and click "Yes" to the other device request (my laptop) to access my email on my laptop which is where I like to do it.  I've clicked "Don't ask me this again" a dozen times this week to no avail.  What the cuss Doug? 

    You're obviously a shady, and suspect person.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  9. 36 minutes ago, PilotsError said:

    You people are trying to apply the wisdom and experience of grown ass men to an 18 year old.  He saw the one point five million, saw the bling that Deion always brings with him, and signed.  If FSU had matched or beaten it he's probably a Seminole.  

    You could be right, and you could be completely wrong, and this kid has thought about what he thinks is the best way to get to the NFL.  Not all kids are just non thinking idiots, like most of us here on Surly probably were, and still are. 

  10. 5 hours ago, shadow_operative said:

    Greg Davis was a terrible play caller, but he was objectively a very good QBs coach. That's not up for debate. Vince Young, the guy who most of us consider to be the best college QB ever, if not the best *player* ever, improved tremendously under GD's tutelage, and he has said so himself many, many times. are you gonna sit here and tell me that VY becomes VY if he goes to Jackson State? seriously? y'all are all seriously going to sit here and take the stance that coaching and competition has zero effect on the growth of a high school kid. wow. just wow. pat yourselves on the fucking back. congrats. you all believe the same completely asinine idea. don't confuse being stupid and illogical in large numbers with being correct.

    You can’t help but contradict your own points.

    If Greg Davis was such a great QB coach VY would have benefitted by being coached by him regardlesss of the school Davis coached at.The competition is less valuable than the quality of the coaching at a certain point .  

    You still keep ignoring that fact that he can transfer whenever he wants to play against that top notch competition.   

    kurt Warner has stated much of his later success in the NFL came from playing in arena league ball where he had to make split second decisions about when to throw. He wasn’t  playing against the best competition in that league. He was acquiring a mental skill set that benefitted him when he went to the NFL

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 23 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:

    Jeans and Scotchgard should be good for you.  And you don't need a helmet, just wear your cowboy hat.

    Don't forget the gators, and mirrored lens, white Vuarnets....

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