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Onboard 2.0

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Posts posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. Stephan Curry attended to Davidson, a small private school in NC. part of the A10 conference.  just imagine how much better he would have been had he gone the P5 route.

    Of course the big athlete from the small school is the outlier, but that has a lot more to do with most sought after athletes obviously opt for P5 programs. If you're good you're gonna be seen by the pro scouts who are always looking out for those less known, less televised, but still skilled athletes.  

    How much better does a kid who goes to a P5 program, but sits on the bench get potentially better playing in a smaller conf. where they get lots of playing time, and the ability to hone their skills, and can be seen by scouts on a field or court instead of a sideline ?

  2. 39 minutes ago, Macklemore said:

    The worst thing about the Becks was the albino looking one wearing his bolo tie with the collar not buttoned to the top hanging like a necklace. He gets called out for it too but it still annoyed the fuck out of me.

    He plays a good villain though.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, shadow_operative said:

    so you're saying this kid is ready for the NFL today? he doesn't need anymore development. good to know. 👌🏼 

    Thats why he's going to be under the tutelage (that means Deion will be his coach) of Coach Sanders, one of the best CB's in NFL history. His choice to got there isn't necessarily a 4 year decision. You seem to forget kids can transfer whenever they want now.

  4. 59 minutes ago, tbone_ said:

    This whole mentality is 100% the fault of the media.

    If for the last 20 years the media had been pounding the message of the 100 person chart above and how great things are we would have a completely different narrative.

    But instead we’ve had a megaphone to our ear relentlessly blasting messages of what a disaster everything is.

    People - use your own brains and your own two eyes.

    Good news does not sell you silly, silly man...  24 hour news cycle out front should have told ya. : )

    Our daughter was doing her graduation weekend commencements (2014), and one of the speakers was a former Hillary Clinton aid.  He talked about how the world was a much better place than it had ever been.  He went down a long laundry list (similar to the 100 person chart).  He had a very positive outlook on where we were, and where we were going.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, HoustonHorn said:
    2 hours ago, GlenFromTheMailRoom said:
    "The thieves made out with 7-8 watches worth over $1mm."
    One would think that those types of watches at that price point would be pretty easy to track down on secondary markets.  Good luck offloading them.

    There's an entire underworld of watches. The watches have completely different values because they are known to be hot and the buyer knows that they can't sell it on the gray market. Eventually, down the line, someone usually sells it because they can't resist the big money.

    Watch mafia ??!

  6. 27 minutes ago, RPM said:

    I know John said Teeter could move back in the bunkhouse, but what's the troublemaker doing back? Did I miss something?

    Yeah, that was some major plot fuck up IMO.  If branded though what choice other than a train ride or separate bunk house do they have ?

  7. Our family has 2 talent genes. One is being very artistic the other being very musically inclined.  I have several family members who can play musical instruments at a high skill level with very little formal training. I also have several relatives who can paint, draw, and design very well.  My grandfather was an architect, and fine artist.

    Our 10-11 yr old (at the time) son would sit down to a piano, and just start banging out notes, and suddenly he would string together little melodies.  It was weird you'd hear him plinking away, and all of a sudden there would be strings of musical notes like some kind of jazz riff.  He taught himself guitar, but doesn't really play much anymore. I think there are people that just get music like it's a language they speak from just hearing it day to day.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. 14 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Yep, that's one of the other perks of going by middle name.  Plus the majority of people butcher the pronunciation of our last name.  So a scam call is easy to spot.  

    Of course, the downside is I give it at a food counter for some to-go, I give 'em the name for the order, and then I get some $9/hour barely literate millennial who invariably asks, "Is that your real name?" 

    "Yes, my parents wrote it on my birth certificate and sent it off to the government when I was born, they did it again when I was baptized with the same name weeks later.  Your nametag says, 'Sparkles'...and you're gonna ask me about the legitimacy of my name?"


    I used to operate my company under the name XXXXX  XXXXXX Design.  I used to get spam calls all the time asking for Mr. Design.

    • Haha 3
  9. 5 hours ago, shadow_operative said:

    you come into the "point and laugh at shaka smart thread" and make some whiny post about people pointing and laughing at shaka smart. you're an idiot.

    Whiny ?  Dude your entire history on shaggy, and here has been nothing but whiny post after whiny post.


    EDIT: Flip me off all you want. Your threads, and post always end up as whiny rants.

    • Fuck You 2
  10. 22 minutes ago, Axle Hongsnort said:

    A little off topic, but doing a remodel and will be out of the house for several months. thinking of renting in Colorado for the summer. Any recs on best towns/areas to make the most of summer mountain activities?

    A little off topic ?

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