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Onboard 2.0

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Posts posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. 15 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    I’ll grant you that he doesn’t have the best words like the last guy.

    Yeah, but he's got that whole cognitive dissonance thing going for him.  Seriously the guys' cheese is slipping off his cracker.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    You know what’s sad? A terrorist attack on the capital to stop the peaceful transfer of power. 

    Yeah it was despicable. Of course I was totally onboard with that (rolling eyes).  Trumps shit deosn't excuse a president whose clearly not all there.  And in raw wings .....  Kamalla.

    Quite the team ya got there.  I bet Mr. Biden couldn't even say build back better 5x...

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Rage+1 1
  3. 5 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

    The only sad thing about the Biden administration is that trump hasn’t been arrested yet and tried and hung for treason.  That is what’s sad. The rest is just fine. 

    I see you still have your head firmly up your ass.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 48 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    I see this thread is the one that are stupidist trolls have decided to focus on. 

    Hur hur. Joe is old.

    Hur hur. Joe is senile. 

    Me very clever and funny. 

    As the best humor has a kernel of truth in it yeah it is kind of funny and it’s also sad

  5. 5 minutes ago, Born to Run said:
    19 hours ago, Bravo said:
    2nd time in 2 weeks he has done this. Who is really running the country? That's the scary question. 

    The competent staff and cabinet he hired?

    That’s some funny shit you got going on there.

  6. It's been said (allegedly) Mozart could play the piano without formal lessons.  Some people are savant like with their skills.  Tadeo Ando is a world famous architect who never went to college.  Frank Loyd Wright never graduated college.

    Formal training is less important than innate talent, and potential genius in my opinion.

  7. On 12/7/2021 at 11:28 AM, DDD Dad said:

    CaNCEL cULTuRe!!!!!!

    Nah just a few assholes who think they’re the only posters opinions that count . And it is just opinion. The facts never quite match up with their group circle jerking.

     Long live the cabal !!

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. 13 hours ago, Bateshorn said:

    So this is the prefect example, and I’m not picking on @Loboin a pejorative way of how we end of idealizing individual freedom without considering societal cost.  Smoking has a huge societal cost because most peoples health problems tend to show up after they are on Medicare. Which means literally everyone with an above board job is paying for it. It’s among the top killers and health problems in society.  

    The best clean analogy I can come up with is drinking and driving, everybody hates that shit. It destroys families. Well smoking costs our collective society billions and billions of dollars, and we are all like: personal responsibility, man!

    And I say all of this as a former smoker and current heavy drinker.


    Very true about the late in life health affects of smoking.  Smoking is a nasty habit, yet I do smoke about a dozen cigars a year, and smoke weed (1-3 small hits each session) at least a couple days a week.

  9. 3 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    The boy was raving about the wurst at the market, so will definitely indulge. He also liked the gluewhein, so I’ll at least try it. But….they also have beer. Mmmmm…..beer.

    Crashed out last night, woke up at a reasonable hour, so I think we’re already on schedule.

    Will be visiting the boys school and his residence today, taking his friends out for Turkish grub at our favorite place for lunch. Then, we’re meeting up with my wife’s high school ex and his family (he works for one of the news channels here) to stroll a market and have dinner.

    Yeah glugwein is good, and takes the chill away as you move from vendor to vendor, but a cold beer beats it as the go to drink.

  10. 11 hours ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    Yes and now maybe our resident contrarians can settle down 

    Nah the rules committee is a bunch of pussies trying to destroy a once proud game, and turn it into flag football.


  11. 8 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    This level of outrage is bizarre to me. I mean dude attempted a pathetic hoax and everyone -- black and white -- is laughing at him now and his career is destroyed utterly. IDGAF if he does any time. He could be sentenced to a month and I wouldn't care. If he gets probation I don't care, either. 


    Staging false racist/racially motivated crimes is a fucked up thing to do so the outrage is well placed.  

    This wasn’t  a college fraternity prank.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 16 hours ago, CooterBrown said:

    Noodle dishes are easier to eat with chopsticks, IMO.

    One thing about chopsticks is that the disposable bamboo ones are far superior to and easier to use than the nicer reusable versions. The texture of the grain helps grab the food. The worst version was at a Korean place on Lamar that gave you stainless steel flat chopsticks to use. Your hand was cramping and crippled after about 10 minutes of futile effort.

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