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Onboard 2.0

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Posts posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. 4 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    Stephen Hawking is closer to the Jason Bourne literary character than Tom Cruise is to the Jack Reacher one.  The fact that something makes a lot of money doesn't make it good.  UT football is a case in point.

    Mini vans made a shit load of money for Chrysler, and they for damn sure ain't good. The Bee Gees, and disco....

    Cruise bought the rights to the Reacher series I thought ?  But maybe that's not correct if there's a Reacher series coming out now.

  2. 34 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

    Mouth cancer, bro.  You ever seen somebody who has had part of their jaw and tongue removed?

    Also, back in the day, I’ve smoked everything from a Swisher Sweet to a Montecristo #2.  They all taste like a bum took an ashy shit in your mouth the next morning.

    Yeah I’m aware, but moderation is your friend with cigars.

  3. 1 minute ago, henrygandorf said:

    because sinbad and stephen hawking are the same as tom cruise.  same same.

    i'm aware of the criticism of the casting, and similar complaining happens to most books/book series.  the more beloved the books/characters, the more bitching.

    what i feel completely comfortable making fun of are the large swaths of people who shit on the (first) movie because of casting, while most who had not read the books found it enjoyable, myself included.

    but let's use real world examples, shall we?  the first reacher movie made what, $250mm?  another $150mm for part 2?  and now an amazon prime series comes out with seemingly spot-on casting, and most people here think it looks terrible.

    so are the book fans happy?  would they rather see accurate physical casting and a shitty product that nobody likes and doesn't get renewed?  or the tom cruise movie which had a 50% hit rate, and obviously won't become some big franchise because of the ultimate shittiness of part 2 (i admit, i did not see it)?

    i still am mystified by the fact that a bunch of 5'6" tom cruise sized dudes are repeatedly challenging this hulk to physical altercations.  worldstar!

    You just can’t separate the character from the physicality he possesses in the reacher movie, it’s central to the whole storyline

    cruise isn’t reacher he’s just some guy playing a  part named Reacher

  4. 14 minutes ago, rage-a-holic said:

    Quit acting like this is some deranged fan reaction. This shit happens whenever a popular, well defined literary character is horribly miscast. 

    We'd have the same threads if the next Hercule Poirot film starred Sinbad, or had Stephen Hawking as Jason Bourne.

    He's in the movie business apparently. Literary respect is a nasty term in that industry.  


  5. 10 minutes ago, TexasEd said:



    I have a friend who did this and from what I understand the typical I6 to V8 upgrade in a Mustang includes

    • swapping out the front suspension to support more weight
    • Swap spindles and hubs to 5 lug, new brakes (Go disc)
    • Swapping out the rear hubs to 5 lug and brakes at a minimum.  Could include the axles and third member
    • depending on the engine it could include cooling upgrades and new accessories
    • Make sure your torque boxes are good.  Some cars only had them on one side so people add the second one
    • Depending on power you could need to upgrade transmission, reinforce/brace the subframe or install engine bay stiffening like export brace and monte carlo bar.  I went with a stiffer anti-sway bar and roller spring perches.


    Yep,  While it's out of the bay do the required upgrades, and the other modifications (disc brakes for sure), it would be money well spent. If you can do a suspension upgrade with new Borgesson power steering unit, you're going to have such a better ride, and handling vehicle.

    I'd say the springs, and engine mounts could be different for the 6 to 8 swap, but the tie bars, and sway rods should all be the same ? Transmission is the other area to look at along with verifying the Axle ratio on the rear end.  

    I'd be looking at a new radiator with a new engine anyway so that's an easy swap, and upgrade to aluminum in my opinion.

  6. 14 minutes ago, RMac5 said:

    Mechanic sent pictures of the new motor going in the 65 mustang. Replacing the straight 6 with a 302 V8. Pretty much everything under the hood is being replaced. Cannot fucking wait to hear this motor start up. 


    Very similar look to my 289, same valve covers, and air cleaner, except I have Shelby Hi Po exhaust manifolds instead of headers.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 1 hour ago, F250 said:



    They are temporary so that temporary buildings could be built around ancient buildings that were disassembled with the temporary ones after the fair. This way the ancient buildings could be erased from history so that the elites could reset history.

    Now that they are gone nobody remembers that their were buildings in America that preceded Columbus and in these buildings there were all kinds of advanced technology that the elites don't want us to know about. That history has been erased.

    By removing the history of an advanced civilization the elites are replacing true history with CRT according to Tiger Droppings.


    Holy shit those are some dumb ass mofos.

  8. Yes, worlds fair pavilions, and buildings are meant to be temporary.  How does that factor into a reset of a new world order ?

    If you want to read a great read about the Chicago worlds fair, and the first documented serial killer in America read Devil in the White city by Eric Larson friggin amazing book, and a very detailed discussion of the whole Chicago Exposition history, and the temporary architecture that was created for it.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. All of his comments are just trying to create doubt, and an unclear series of events that occurred beyond his control.

    I’d really like to meet the person that swears that his finger was not inside the trigger guard.  For something that happened so quickly, they just happened to be looking at that specific point on the gun when he was doing the maneuver ??

    EDIT: In my opinion IF he's so unfamiliar with guns he wouldn't even know not to keep your finger off the trigger.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. Is there not a 2021/2022 ski season thread ?


    Trips booked in late January, and March to Breck.

    February RV ski safari in Co. route to be determined.

    April RV ski safari from Maine back down thru Vermonts corn snow season.

    Mondays in Snowshoe.

    The goal is a min of 45 days this season.  Need to get those days in while I can still get after it the way I want to.


  11. 3 minutes ago, Harrison Bergeron said:

    The fun really is going to be when we realize Ukraine and Taiwan is inter-connected. Best case, Putin agreed to a dry run for China to get a POV on the U.S. response. Worst (likely) case - Putin goes into Russia and China goes into Taiwan concurrently.

    That is a scenario that's been gamed out.

  12. 2 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Bob Dole might have been a nice guy on a personal level and we thank him for his service fighting the nazis.  However, many of his ideas were dogshit and harmful to society and the environment in general. IMO he was more part of the problem than the solution to our most important issues that continue to plague us today. He’s better than McConnell and Cruz but who isn’t?  RIP Bob. 

    Yeah he only helped create solvency for SS, thru bipartisan cooperation, and was the chief architect for the Americans with disabilities Act legislation.  One of the most far reaching pieces of legislation that actually benefited citizens of this country, actually achieved something.

    Yeah nothing much.  

  13. 19 minutes ago, formermav43 said:

    You can’t “obviously begin” a slide without sliding. 

    We’re never going to agree on this. What’s the point?

    I'm sorry, that's exactly what a fake slide would be by its very definition.  You initiate a slide and (dropping a knee to the ground in that play) then you pull up, and continue running. It's not rocket science.  The video from the defenders side of the ball is pretty clear.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 28 minutes ago, formermav43 said:

    How can you have “obviously begun” a slide if you don’t actually slide? Doesn’t seem terribly obvious.

    It ain't chicken or egg here. The video angle from the defenders view shows him clearly dropping a knee, and sliding his feet forward, THAT is the initiation of a slide, the play should have been whistled dead right then according to the rules. That he is a great athlete and can recover, and then keep going was impressive, and was still an attempt to slide.  

    The refs missed it, and in any review meeting that play was probably featured prominently.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, CooterBrown said:

    Keep on believing that there will be fair elections and equal voting opportunities after ‘24. Bless your heart.

    You hanging on the ledge with Brisket ?    There there little bear, it'll be all right.  The GOP will fuck it up just like the DNC does.  

  16. 12 minutes ago, CooterBrown said:

    Unfortunately the victors write history and once the GOP takes over for good in ‘24, due to the slap dick retardation of the Democratic Party, we are just two generations away from their version of the truth being all that is known about current events.

    Say wut ? take over for good in 24 ?  Theres always a back and forth of the power pendulum.  Finding common ground would be a great thing , but the party fringes can't have that.

  17. 5 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    If nukes fly, then everybody's economy is going in the shitter as all trading between the associated countries stops, and embargoes/blockades/etc. go into effect, not to mention the damage from the nukes themselves.

    So if it's going to economically nail everybody anyways, you don't have to go up to nukes - you just have to be willing to wage an instant economic war, and they have to know you are willing to do so.

    Russia is able to handle its energy needs, but it imports a lot of food.  China imports even more food.  Both rely heavily on exports as well for their financial stability, especially China, but Russia as well. It would not be hard to bring either country to their knees, but the West and its allies in Asia have to be willing to take a hit to their economies.

    Putin and Xi Jinping are not foolish.  Every action they order is based on them remaining in power.  Nukes flying means they've lost 100% control of the situation and puts their ability to remain in control of their countries in jeopardy (as nukes could damage the infrastructure and even kill off leadership needed for command control).

    The West and its allies severing financial ties with either Russia or China also means that Putin or Xi Jinping have lost complete control, and it also jeopardizes their ability to remain in power/control of their countries, as if the economy starts shutting down and food and paychecks become an issue, that means millions/tens of millions will be in the streets (or hundreds of millions in the case of China).  All of the sudden, they will need the full resources and attention of their conventional military to remain in power.

    Neither of those men have remained in power the way they have been without the ability to play a long game, and both are control freaks on some nature.  Nukes flying or total economic warfare takes their control away, and neither wants that.


    If an economic boycott can do it hell yeah, go for it.  

  18. 2 minutes ago, demos said:

    Maybe not so trivial, but if you’re walking in the middle of the street at dusk/night completely unaware of your surroundings, then please wear bright clothing or something reflective.

    Meth is a helluva drug.

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