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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. More betterer.
  2. And on who's watch wouldn't it be leveled under, and why ? Please show your crib sheets....
  3. Texas could be different, but you typically don't get unemployment for resigning. You get unemployment for being laid off or fired.
  4. And I held you in such...... high esteem.. Kale... Just saying it makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit... I will have a heapin' slice of quiche, very clever dinner. Appetizing food fit neatly into round pie.....
  5. And I held you in such...... high esteem.. Kale... Just saying it makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit... I will have a heaping slice of quiche, very clever dinner, appetizing food fit neatly into round pie.....
  6. Ahhhhhh.... so many choices... so many choices..... happy peppy, thoughtful, and sleepy ?? Going with happy peppy .... for now, it pairs nicely with coffee.
  7. Thanks, Yeah, he's going to push this as far as he thinks he can get away with I believe. How badly is he willing to deplete his forces to sustain a prolonged invasion ? And what are his plans for escalation of the weapons he has at hand, conventional, bio, chemical, nuke ?
  8. Diggin' the Speedie, but I don't like a leather strap in Summer, the sweat destroys them quickly IMO.. I like a rubber or metal bracelet in hot months, and a leather strap in the cool months. Of course your results may vary.
  9. Thanks for the clarification. I'm not even advocating that tactic. Nor am I saying we'd definitively move into a nuclear conflict if battlefield/ tactical nukes were used by Russia. Any overt offensive move by the west would be an invitation to the escalation of the war. How far is Putin willing to go in this fucked up Soviet era, glory days, seeking mission of his ? That's the $64,000 question.
  10. Heheheheh, I prefer to see what's going on. The deployment of tactical nukes anywhere is a gambit that pushes the world clock to about 10 seconds before midnight.
  11. I prefer to see what's goin g on. And I
  12. I'm sorry, you're cavalierly talking about the use of nukes, and I have my head up my ass ?
  13. The speed has nothing to do with it in my opinion. It's the act. It threatens the survival of Russia as Putin, and his generals might rightly see it, and that's when nukes become the next weapon used. The use nukes tactical or not is an escalation that I would not want to have to address. I am assuming you're talking about striking those forces only in Ukraine, which does pose a conundrum for Putin. Not an attack on the Motherland, but that all depends on how he sees it. It would be a bold gambit, surpassing Cuban missiles crisis proportions, and actions. Doesn't answer the question of does he or does he not use them. That level of Russian roulette has not been seen since the Cuban missile crisis, and would actually be surpassing it's level of danger
  14. The speed has nothing to do with it in my opinion. It's the act. It threatens the survival of Russia as Putin, and his generals might rightly see it, and that's when nukes become the next weapon used. The use nukes tactical or not is an escalation that I would not want to have to address. I am assuming you're talking about striking those forces only in Ukraine, which does pose a conundrum for Putin. Not an attack on the Motherland, but that all depends on how he sees it. It would be a bold gambit, surpassing Cuban missiles crisis proportions, and actions.
  15. WWIII probably says hello
  16. So you're only going after what's in The Ukraine, and negating the fact Putin controls a nuclear arsenal ? Knocking out those Ukrainian forces doesn;'t restrict any other moves he might consider.
  17. Cluck cluck... errrr... I mean ka-ching ka-ching...
  18. Holy fuck This is a website where people make jokes, and sarcastic remarks about everything from food to people dying, and you get your granny panties in a wad about a casual, throw away remark about NY, and go off on this little diatribe ? You know jack about what I do or where I’ve been, or how many times I’ve been there (which I think of as one of the top 2 major capitols of the world). Which has been many times over the years for business, and pleasure. Even if I’d never been there it’s just a fucking joke on a site that does nothing but see jokes made in good, and bad taste continually. Your MO is to go around serial neg repping anyone who says anything that bothers you. Like I said grow up, get a sense of humor or some of that famous NY thick skin you’ve evidently failed to acquire as your post demonstrates. Now it’s back to another late night at the studio.
  19. Grow up, get a sense of humor or get thicker skin. Any of those would be an improvement on your personality, and quality of life... cue the fuck you emoji in 12-50 subsequent posts I make everywhere on the site....
  20. My heart soars like the hawk seeing such images.
  21. I didn't think I'd like the country music series, cause I'm just not that into country music. It's turned out to be one of my favorites, cause while it is about the music, it's also about America as both it, and country music grew, and changed. Burns telling of the story that is country music, while weaving the subject matter into the fabric of the nation was so well done. Jazz was very similar, but more tied to the history of black folks in America.
  22. Planning on Ireland in November, and Germany for Christmas market in December. I hope this idiotic mask, and COVID testing shit is finally put to bed.
  23. Interesting take.
  24. There are always self flagellators out there
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