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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. OK counselor, you do some deep ass thinking out on that ledge. A lot of it is depressing emotional BS, but it's entertaining. Your hands have got to be chapped from all the hand wringing you engaged in the entire thread. For the record, I thought they were going to be found guilty, but only because they had the video.
  2. I said you made the comment numerous times that only one juror would be needed to get them acquittal. Your posts made the strong implication you did believe that would very very possibly be the outcome. but hey circle up the wagons boys.
  3. Go have a bowl of oatmeal. Maybe your mom will sprinkle some raisins on it. You tried to act like brisket wasn’t doing exactly what brothahorn said he was doing the entire thread. don’t burn yer tongue, get mom to blow on it first.
  4. Wow thanks for making my point.
  5. And I haven’t acted like that yet you still were a Dick. I’ve called for those losers to be convicted since day one. And had there been no video there wouldn’t have been a conviction which sucks . And brisket continually beat the drum of one juror gets the an acquittal. It’s all part of his ledge life angst. Carry on sir knight.
  6. He’s talked the whole thread about one juror sets em free , Will they get convicted ? one juror sets em free, one juror sets em free. He doesn’t need white knighting by you. The trial turned out the way it should have, thank Ullr for video evidence or it probably wouldn’t have.
  7. A good day for that blind justice chick......
  8. Yeah for better, and worse the architect has to be the traffic cop, marriage counselor, cheerleader, and voice of reason. Think about it, you got guys like @Deadshank, and @ROFLBOX running around job sites....
  9. I hear you, and certainly didn't mean anything racist by the use of the term brothers, I used brothers, I could have said the black guys I guess. This issue is very racially connected so my response was using that as the basis for who I'd say would be pretty motivated to mete out some justice . You know prison rape is an oft repeated sentiment in many posts in response to horrid crimes we see in threads. I think those fuckers deserve any prison yard punishment they get. They robbed a man of his life because of the color of his skin, and his family lost a family member, brother, sister, etc. Yeah, I doubt most guys here would have any issue with other posters sitting at a bar. We talk about sometimes controversial shit here we wouldn't talk to folks about.
  10. There are numerous examples of it.
  11. No it’s not racist it might be racial cause the black guys are probably gonna tear them up and with good reason as their crime was racially motivated. And if you think it’s weird go Back and point that out to every other poster here whose wished that on POS like those guys for literally years. That you single me out is what’s weird.
  12. ...................on all the brothers in cell block wing D veeeeeeeeeeery soon, f there's any justice in the world.
  13. Bold move going for the this little piggy defense.
  14. This is surly, if you're gonna serve em up in the middle of the plate they're gonna get hit.
  15. So..... yer saying you don't mind a dildo being used on you ? Multiple times ??
  16. Yeah the whole episode was just kind of a catch your breath episode before the next wave of shit starts. The filler action horse scenes were a big part of that. Beth is damaged goods, so yeah she's a twisted bitch. She's the rock drs. break themselves against is a perfect self descriptor. Yeah, knew Jamies dad was gonna be part of that whole thing when it was revealed he was an ex con. Everybody who tries to get next to the Duttons either wants money or the farm.
  17. Love that shit. The son turned me on to it on a visit to San Antonio a couple years back.
  18. I'd bet it's a German thing.
  19. Takes one to knowone ?
  20. Really bubbly tonic water. That may not really qualify as trivial though.
  21. Not a cannoli in sight.
  22. That was more of a Charles In Charge kind of thing I believe.
  23. Yeah and flying monkeys are gonna be coming from my arse in 3…….2…….. I’m going long on Altria stock. the big boys will control it.
  24. Well...... we just see things thru a different lens around here I guess.
  25. I routinely go through homes under construction that’s my business and I’m just curious and I love the smell of framing lumber
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