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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. A red voting guide, by an actual proctor in the voting room ? Meaning a voting guide for republican candidates or did they mis hear the proctor who said something about do you want a voting guide that walks you thru the voting process step by step ? Or did she get handed a republican voting guide outside the voting precinct building. which happens with both parties at all precincts.
  2. Yeah 99.9% of old people still have SS numbers unless they were born before the new deal. I'm not trying to disenfranchise anyone. I'm sure there's a way to verify who you are for the sake of being able to get a voter ID card. This claim it disenfranchises anyone is now way past its prime. I opened one several months back for an estate account for my late father. There are ways to verify peoples identity. We need a voter card to help make elections look and perform openly and fairly. It protects everyones vote when everyone has to verify their identity.
  3. OK so a statically minute number may not have a BC, how many people don't have ss numbers today ? Cause if you don't you're gonna have a hard time getting all kinds of gov't services, bank accounts, etc. But hey pick a point that's easily dealt with in any number of other ways, to achieve the same end result verification of who you are.
  4. Yeah she's eating 'em all. The each separate order thing is just a red herring.
  5. I believe every American citizen 18 and older should have the right to vote who can produce an ID that verifies they are who they say they are, and we should have voting numbers/ cards assigned at birth just like we have SS numbers/ cards.
  6. They obviously don't know the Svengali like wisdom of DD...HE READS DAMMIT !!!!
  7. Yes to 1 Sure 24 hours, but that kinda negates the need for a national holiday, as you have 24 hours to vote. Yes, free ID's w/ verification. Everyone has a birth certificate, ss number, drivers license, bank card, etc. This notion that you shouldn't have to verify who you are before voting is BS. today everyone is on the grid now (within a statistically minute margin of error) If you're not that's by choice probably, and you (self )forfeit some rights you shouldn't be if you wanna vote.
  8. Oh lord. I read a book on flying an airplane, didn't give me the credentials to fly one.. same shit with you. I read... that's rich....
  9. Voting rights. All citizens 18 an older should have equal access to voting. Beyond that who do you want to broaden it to ?
  10. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.... HA !! Yeah that's what they're doing all right. Dave Dennison all knowing purveyor of facts and thought process' in the minds of minorities everywhere. Why he's a gott damned modern day Nostril-domus ! I wonder, how do you come by your unique insight into what drives anyone to do anything, especially a minority as you have neither the skin color, heritage or life experiences of said minority.... I mean since you've been able to ride that inequity filled, white gravy train your entire life. Just how would you know ?
  11. Of course white people benefitted from it, it's part racism (systemic for sure), and part white people made up 80-90% of the population so they're naturally going to have advantages, and you do have a hard on for America, based on your past posting history.
  12. Nope not at all, but Dennison has this idea we're somehow unique in the racism that's been in our country since forever.
  13. They do cross for damn sure, but it's not unique to the US ,and is a damn bit less virulent, and solidified than in other countries.
  14. And those are not the taxes democrats go on about lowering. In fact democrats are on a tear about raising gas taxes (which they should be based on current cafe stands for fuel efficiency). Goal post moving a time honored CR tradition by some.
  15. I acknowledge that there's racism everywhere on the planet, and some people use it to hold others down. The caste system we have is much more economically driven today than race.
  16. A racial Caste system ? No more than in any other country on the planet. You seem to think racism is the sole enclave of white Americans, sad really.
  17. Yep, the evangelicals are so blinded by religious issues they don't get the whole separation of church and state, and that others don't share their views and must be compromised with.
  18. Disingenuous ? Really on what topics ma'am ? I mean you know me so well. EDIT Crickets chirping......... not a response at all other than your little finger .. Yes you have a faaaaaabulous command of debate... EDIT: Still waiting on that list of disingenuous topics Pen Ol girl... c'mon, give it to me....
  19. Telling anyone they don't have a say in their Childs education is a fucked up thing to proclaim. EDIT: Wow, so I guess you don't have children. My Childrens education was of paramount importance to me and my wife, and anyone telling us we didn't have a say in what they were learning is fucked up beyond belief, and so are you if you think parents shouldn't have a say in their Childs education. Are you really that ignorant or just having another temper tantrum ?
  20. Fuck you Penelope, get a life, and get off my leg. Oh noes somebody doesn't think like I do.. Thank god for that... I love it. I've seen a few of these posts from Pen lately.... "you used to be a good poster, but then you started disagreeing with me, and well that makes you an asshole".... You really are a petulant little child aren't you. Do you stamp your feet, and hold your breath too ?
  21. Stop it sister, you're still playing the aggrieved party thing, and its not a good look. My point was lowering taxes on people who don't pay income taxes now is kind of redundant. Do you really have this poor of a grasp on the tax policy of our nation ?
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