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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. In this instance yeah, because there was already a record of safety issues on that set. So taking an extra few second, or an extra step seems a minimally intrusive, and responsible thing to do.
  2. Say wut ? Sex education really starts to get into a grey area as to what should be taught in publics, and at what age. We have friends who were strong public school advocates (like myself and my wife) who took their kids out of the system and reluctantly put them in private schools. I say reluctantly because our local system is among the best in the state, but has begun to swerve away from academic rigor, and is now focussing on more social issue related education.
  3. Yeah ? Didn't know that. So then I'd then say it sounds a bit like a classic circling of the Wagons scenario. We got a bunch of that from the pilot types in the Boeing Max thread.
  4. I get protocol. I've also read there were issues on that particular set directly related to protocol, and safety. So maybe, just maybe, and I'm just spitballin' here, they should have taken an extra 60 seconds to check weapons in front of everyone involved who would be handling a weapon (one more time) before having them pointed, and tiggers pulled. I know I know... that's just crazy talk.
  5. No , it's more than mask mandates, and pre dates covid. Schools are teaching more sex education at younger ages, and many parents don't like it. Parents should have a say in what schools teach regarding things beyond the 3R's. To say you should homeschool if you don't like the curriculum is an ignorant comment.
  6. Yeah cause reasonable safety just ceases to exist in that world when money is the key factor.
  7. Ahh a teacher ?? Well you're just all kinds of non responsible. Nice deflection brah....
  8. That's just can do attitude with upper management written all over it...
  9. Yeah and in my profession, I check behind other people to make sure they've done their job properly. It's called being responsible, ya might wanna get some.
  10. Job ? maybe not, responsible act by a guy getting ready to handle a gun ? Yeah probably.
  11. That is a very cool collection.
  12. Had a HS football coach who was one of the original groups of guys who formed the seals. You wanted to run thru walls for that guy. Tough as fucking nails, but veeeeery chill.
  13. Yeah fair points. Maybe I'd at least ask the armorer to show me the blanks. There's a whole protocol for making sure banks are indeed blanks.
  14. Pretty much common sense if one has any of course..... It is a bit of an intuitive thing in my opinion.
  15. 2:45 with way too much dialog, and needed to be edited down to 2:00. Not what I'd call a classic James Bond movie in any sense.
  16. Fake as shit. That guy has maybe half the number of layers required, and it comes off like a cheap production value.
  17. Sounds like we may have been in bed with them based on the items in the report.
  18. Yeah that's a swing, AND a miss on all 3, but hey you project all you'd like. Loaded weapons in a vehicle was a definite no always.
  19. Jesus your middle name should be Darwin Award in waiting. Grew up hunting, and handling firearms, and never was a loaded weapon allowed in a vehicle for any reason. Yeah that was a big safety issue whether you recognized it or not.
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