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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. Ooh…. I’ll take 2 of everything
  2. True dat, but think about the stuff that dumb asses let go the way of the dinosaurs...
  3. Great analogy. A lot of classic stuff was lost in that program, and I'm speaking purely from the perspective of what we lost, not any political angle.
  4. That used to be the typical $1,000 pick up truck you could buy just about anywhere. Then the cash for clunkers program, and lots of old vehicles were crushed..... gone forever.
  5. Not based on the incident rate I'm seeing reported.
  6. All I can say about this is I'm damned glad we have no children in school anymore, that and we have a dysfunctional society.
  7. Yeah no more like saying you didn’t have sex with the town skank who had herpes and VD
  8. Go for it. I wouldn't eat that shit if it was free. It's a point off pride I've never set foot back in one of those shit holes.
  9. Never eaten at a Taco Bell never will... Well, that's mostly true. In HS me, and a couple buds went in a Taco Bell, and I ordered a burrito. The guy behind the counter stated ladling out this greenish brown goop into a wrap. I asked what that was, he said it's your burrito chief. I said No bueno, and walked out... Never been back.
  10. On Saturday, Sunday sure, but the rest of the week, once you're up on the hill lift lines aren't that bad (historically at least).
  11. Ya know farm equipment will take up a lane, and will pull over to allow vehicles to pass... Bikers say fuck you I'm just gonna hold your ass up so I can live my lifestyle. THAT is the gripe. Bikes slow normal traffic to a crawl in too many cases and it causes potentially dangerous situation for oncoming traffic as vehicles have too swing wide left to pass them.
  12. Your lifestyle shouldn’t impact my life and and vice versa of course. I don’t Lump all bike riders in with the same crowd there are plenty of bikers the follow the rules Of the road are I used to ride a bike a lot, stayed out the way didn’t get in peoples way followed the rules of the road. surly is all about exaggeration hyperbole pushing people‘s buttons at times so I’m not lumping every biker in with the assholes just like I’m not lumping every bad driver in with good drivers
  13. Yeah Big Macs, obesity, and bikes don't really correlate here. I don;t rage on a guy on a bike because it reminds me I need to get more fitness. I'm not envious of you sport, neither are 99.99% of the rest of us.. 2 Bikes Taking up half a lane and causing traffic to back up behind them is my main gripe. That, and bikes blowing thru intersections, and where I work that's almost a daily occurrence . The lengths you guys will go to to justify your hobby is funny.
  14. I know it is, and I think it's a bad law. There are some curvy, narrow roads, around here that bikers like to ride, and the 2 abreast thing is dangerous for everyone involved.
  15. It's basically these kinds of things right here. The 2 abreast thing is really bad on roads with heavy 2 way traffic.
  16. I been around here long enough to know that's some mean, nasty insultin' you're Throwing his way.
  17. Yeeeeeeeeeah..... no, sorry things I love doing don't make me a douche to the rest of the world (I may be a douche, but it isn't because my lifes passions make me do shit that would annoy or inconvenience the rest of the world). I try not to cause other folks issues because of my choices whenever possible. Riding or walking on any well traveled road way now makes you kind of Darwinian. (SEE: cell phones).
  18. Maybe you should stop shopping in the ladies unmentionables department.
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