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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. Good God, think about the Volcano that guy has after a burrito truck run....
  2. You had a huge, steeply sided, bay that held the water, but it sloshed the sides like a bitch.
  3. Yeah... I have. Went for a day trip with the family from the northern end of the beaches down to a southern barrier island called Ocracoke. Saw 3 folks who'd been hit by cars on that hour and a half stretch of 2 lane road. It's go lots of traffic from folks who aren't from there, and are looking at dunes, and water instead of paying attention the the road. It was pretty damned weird to see. So, yeah I have. I'm not one to make shit up.
  4. Been following this story for years.... it's a slippery slope.
  5. He's going to fight for his right to get run over by a soccer mom playing with her cell phone. But he'll be right! Yep, right proper fucked.
  6. Anyone walking on the side of a road or riding a bike on said road is automatically entered in the Darwin awards program… fast tracked actually. I’ve seen 3 bikes, and their riders hit in the course of a single day on the outer banks of NC. You’re all friggin idiots, wish a death wish. cars headlights are like a dolls eye….. lifeless, Dead, I’ll never wear a life vest again …. Or something like that
  7. There are no minimum speeds. What you are really saying is: that person operating legally at a lower speed is inconveniencing me and I don't want to be inconvenienced by following the law and yielding to someone legally operating a vehicle. Damn skippy.
  8. You can condemn the driver, and still call out some of the doucheist people on our roadways........... bicyclists.
  9. Yeah, the hammock puts him above the water nicely. It's the best way to camp. Rain just isn't an issue in a hammock as long as you have a fly. He doesn't have to be a survivalist to make it in the woods if he has supplies and can be disciplined about rationing it. At some point however he'll fuck up, and need to re surface.
  10. I'd say now is a good time to go long on Altria stock. When legal weed goes nationwide it's gonna be a bumper crop of tobacco stock dividends...
  11. Weed.... the confiscated gift that keeps on giving...
  12. Dick in a vice punishment.....IMO for that fucker.
  13. ROFL….. lookin’ for a little strange …
  14. I strongly object to the use of the term onboarding .. sounds negative to me .
  15. Hey who doesn’t love a Dire wolf ? They're 600 pounds of sin grinning at your window. They're gonna collect their due.
  16. If they were south of the line then in all probability they had a pretty good source of food (depending on when they crossed thru/inhabited that area) as many game species were probably pushed further south by the glacial advances.
  17. To me what's fascinating about this discovery is, did those early people eventually become what we now know as the native American tribes ? Did these these early people eventually die out as the glacial period was advancing, and they were maybe unsuited for life in that brutal climate ? Or die off as the result of any number of other factors.
  18. Well yeah... that goes without sayin'...
  19. Yep, but NO doesn't have a big city feel like Chicago. I was always surprised at the open, and pretty friendly attitude of most people I encountered. As long as you don't say you're a White Sox or Packers fan it's all good.
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