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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. Well quit being a dead beat and contribute... those new coaches aren't gonna pay for themselves
  2. The best big city friendliness I've found on several occasions was Chicago. Midwest folks have a nice streak it seems more than a lot of other regions, the south included.
  3. I haven't been to NYC for a few years. The last few times were for business, and a little pleasure. It's good to hear people are nicer, but human nature informs me that most folks will return to being just what they were pre covid regardless of where they live.
  4. Good post if he’s alive he’s growing a beard and long hair and heading south if he’s smart
  5. Let's slow it down a smidge there. Eden was smoke, but this chick gets my vote for hottest of all time (the possibility of hot prison sex trumps manicurist sex)..... and lest we forget her green alien role on Star Trek !! I think Andy hit on or fucked 'em all from what I've read.
  6. Timezone.com is also a great watch enthusiasts site with extremely knowledgeable folks, and for sale pages with lots of watches high end, and low range cost pieces. You're buying the seller as much if not more than the watch.
  7. Love it, CNN is complaining about the abundant news coverage the blonde, white girls get, and minorities don't. PRO TIP: You're (allegedly) a news company, why don't you report these stories, and make them more main stream ? That's a rhetorical question, we already know why they don't. .... and 12.... and 1, and 2, and 3, and 4, and 5, and 6, and 7, and 8, and 9, and 10, and ad infinitum.......to infinity, and beyond...
  8. Never had a warranty on any of the 2 dozen or so watches I've had over the years, and only had mfgr issues with 2 which were taken care of by the mfgr for free (they were still in mfgr warranty periods).
  9. She was in the Blackboard Jungle w/ William Holden, and yeah smokin' hot. Dig my graaaaave with a silver spaaaaaaaade... tell my wiiiiife........ ta' marry uuuuu-giiiin.
  10. So yer Nowthis sock ?
  11. Social media is the death knell of our civilization... why just look at this cesspool........
  12. FUCK NYC. Fun place to visit, expensive, exciting, beautiful architecture, would live there for a year, and then get the hell out. I hate listening to the accents that make so many of 'em seem like gigantic, way too much in a hurry douche bags. Maybe if they weren't so close to Jersey...
  13. There we go, they finally took a bath this week...
  14. With her OCD, their van looked nothing like that. That's a contributing factor to motive, trust me.....
  15. A shot of penicillin will clear that right up I'm told.
  16. Coyote will be the McCullough soon enough.
  17. Yep Capetown is a friggin blast. I prefer smaller cities, so Nice gets my vote as one of the best cities in the world. Everything just slips away when you're there. The world outside the Med ceases to exist.
  18. You almost can't have one without the other.
  19. Not if you plan on making a profit doing it.
  20. The answer is pig farms..... or so I've been told by friends.
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